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"Let's see how you like the Blades?" Omega Red says as his tentacles whip at the Fixer. "You seem to not have the skin for it, no?"
10 on 16, for Blades. Roll is: (2,5) for a 7 and the hit. Blades Roll: (4).
"Ahh yes, Blood. Sweet Blood." Omega Red licks his pale lips.
4 Clix to Fixer and Shellhead is activated on the push.
"Hey, Egghead!" Shouts Black Tom. "I see you. Do you see me? Can't see the Forest through the Trees can you?" Tom on the Wizard. 9 on 17 (HT) needing 8. Roll is (5,6) for an 11. One click to Wizard after toughness then an extra click from Armor Wars.
A huge Branch comes out of the ground and wraps itself around the Wizard (outwit TK) and begins to squeeze the life out of him.
Horsemen Of Apocalypse (home)
1) E Omega Red*,** (6/8) 124 pts J-7 @@ (19 DV)
* Shellhead 10 pts
** w/ Armor Piercing 10 pts
2) V Black Tom Cassidy*** (5/5) 55 pts J-12 @
*** w/ Endurance 5 pts
3) R Polaris (5/5) 50 pts K-16
4) R Sunfire (6/6) 40 pts K-12
Omega Red SA [1]
Black Tom SA [1]
Frightful Four (visitor)
1) R Wingless Wizard (3/5) I-6 @ (TK Outwitted)
2) R Deadpool* (7/7) K-6 @
* w/ Automatic Regeneration 12 pts
3) V Electro (6/6) J-5
4) R Fixer (1/5) J-6
5) R Taskmaster (5/5) M-6 @
... uh... I changed my mind, I'll wait for LeeMac?
... dude, seriously, that turn was brutal. Especiallly since Omega Red heals himself a click for that close-combat attack to offset the push...
Turn 5A
Wizard: "Wade, cut this fool down! He's taking out half the brains of this operation!"
"Bah. I've got better things to do than fight Wolverine's leftovers! I'm nothing like Wolverine! I've got a healing factor, and I've got sharp knives and... and..." *pause* "I shoot things, dammit! Fixer, give me a lift up!"
As Fixer carries Wade away, the Merc with a Mouth chucks a web grenade at Omega Red. "Hey, Reddy, I got a fun fact for ya... Carbonadium? Conducts electricity."
Omega Red rips through the webbing, only to see... Electro charging up.
Electro: "Hey, Comrade. Dos..." *zot*
Taskmaster: "Vidanya." *throw*
Deadpool slips form Fixer's grasp and draws twin uzis as he lands on his feet in front of Sunfire and Black Tom. "And they think Fixer and Wizard are the brains of this operation..."
Free) Deadpool uses Perplex on Omega Red for -1 Def.
1) Fixer attempts breakaway. Roll is 6, success. Fixer grabs Deadpool, flies to J-10, puts 'pool in J-11.
2) Electro attempts RCE on Omega Red. 10v18 for 5-2Inv+1AW=4, roll is: 3,5=8, hit, Red takes four after all is said and done. Elector +1SA, Deadpool +1AST.
3) Tasky FTW! Or at least, FTKO. Push Tasky to toss a knife at Red. 11v17(14+2shell+1hinder) for 2/KO, roll is: *cross fingers* 3,6=9, hit, KO. Tasky +1SA, +1KO, push click.
Clear) Deadpool, Wizard
Horsemen Of Apocalypse (home)
1) E Omega Red*,** (KOed) 124 pts
* Shellhead 10 pts
** w/ Armor Piercing 10 pts
2) V Black Tom Cassidy*** (5/5) 55 pts J-12 @
*** w/ Endurance 5 pts
3) R Polaris (5/5) 50 pts K-16
4) R Sunfire (6/6) 40 pts K-12
Omega Red SA [1]
Black Tom SA [1]
Frightful Four (visitor)
1) R Wingless Wizard (3/5) I-6
2) R Deadpool* (7/7) J-11 AST[1]
* w/ Automatic Regeneration 12 pts
3) V Electro (6/6) J-5 SA[1] @
4) R Fixer (1/5) J-10 @
5) R Taskmaster (5/5) M-6 SA[1] KO[1] @@
Not that Tasky needed it to hit him, but Omega Red only had a 15 def against his attack. Electro zapped him all the way down to Combat Reflexes, and Shellhead has a pre-requisite of toughness, invulnerability or impervious.
Oh, and Deadpool is missing one SA too
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!
Uh...who was talking about Brutal Turns? Dang man. You hope that high numbers will hold out....
I'm gonna sit until tomorrow. If LeeMac hasn't made a move I'll go ahead and make another move for him. I think that is the rule for subs anyway. 1 move a day.
Uh...who was talking about Brutal Turns? Dang man. You hope that high numbers will hold out....
I'm gonna sit until tomorrow. If LeeMac hasn't made a move I'll go ahead and make another move for him. I think that is the rule for subs anyway. 1 move a day.
Actually, it's 2 turns a day, not one
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!
"I do not appreciate your mouth." Sunfire says. "It is disrespectful. It also reeks on arrogance...and funyons."
"Why don't we get you away from him then?" Says Polaris as she TK's Sunfire to E8.
"Arigato Lorna-Chan" He says and lines up a shot on Deadpool. 9 on 16 w/RCE for 4. Roll is (4,4) for an 8 and 4 clicks plus knockback to N11.
Black Tom sees Deadpool reaching for something...a slide pac or a Med Kit. "Oh No, Boyo." He says as the leaves rustle from the plant behind Deadpool destracting him. (OW Regen)
Horsemen Of Apocalypse (home)
1) E Omega Red*,** (KOed) 124 pts
* Shellhead 10 pts
** w/ Armor Piercing 10 pts
2) V Black Tom Cassidy*** (5/5) 55 pts J-12
*** w/ Endurance 5 pts
3) R Polaris (5/5) 50 pts K-16 @
4) R Sunfire (6/6) 40 pts E8 @
Omega Red SA [1]
Black Tom SA [1]
Polaris AST [1]
Sunfire SA [1]
Frightful Four (visitor)
1) R Wingless Wizard (3/5) I-6
2) R Deadpool* (3/7) J-11 AST[1] (Regen Outwitted)
* w/ Automatic Regeneration 12 pts
3) V Electro (6/6) J-5 SA[1] @
4) R Fixer (1/5) J-10 @
5) R Taskmaster (5/5) M-6 SA[1] KO[1] @@
Deadpool cries out in anguish. "No! My powers are useless under the light of a red sun! How could they know my weakness?"
"... Wade? That's not your weakness."
"... oh. Right."
"Okay, new plan. Let Wade worry about Wade. Electro, Taskmaster... Taser Combination on the freaky tree-man."
1) Wizard uses TK to move Electro to I-12.
2) Electro punches Black Tom. 10v16 for 3, roll is: 6,3=9, hit for 3. Electro +1SA and a push click, Wizard +1AST (which will go away once he upgrades anyway).
It's so tempting here to use my last action to have Deadpool regen... but I think I'll let Polaris try to get a stat off of him, and do this instead.
Free) Taskmaster wildcards Masters of Evil from Fixer.
3) Taskmaster pulls out a taser and fires at Black Tom. 9vs16(15+hinder) for 2/KO, roll is: 3,1=4, miss and another push click. Well, looks like Tasky may not be upgrading after this game after all.
Clear Fixer.
Horsemen Of Apocalypse (home)
1) E Omega Red*,** (KOed) 124 pts
* Shellhead 10 pts
** w/ Armor Piercing 10 pts
2) V Black Tom Cassidy*** (2/5) 55 pts J-12
*** w/ Endurance 5 pts
3) R Polaris (5/5) 50 pts K-16 @
4) R Sunfire (6/6) 40 pts E8 @
Omega Red SA [1]
Black Tom SA [1]
Polaris AST [1]
Sunfire SA [1]
Frightful Four (visitor)
1) R Wingless Wizard (3/5) I-6 AST[1] @
2) R Deadpool* (3/7) J-11 AST[1] (Regen Outwitted)
* w/ Automatic Regeneration 12 pts
3) V Electro (5/6) J-5 SA[2] @@
4) R Fixer (1/5) J-10
5) R Taskmaster (3/5) M-6 SA[1] KO[1] @@
Yeah, I was out of town, really wish I would've been able to play Bo, but the Big 12 Championship hurt waaayyyy more to have simmed. Just took care of business with LSU though.