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Sorry for the delays, I've just been trying to give this game the attention it needs instead of squeezing it in when I can't think properly. And now, when I'm sitting down for this one, the map tool isn't working for me. From when it was, though, Johnny's knockback looked kinda wonky to me. I refreshed myself on the specifics of knockback in the FF rulebook and I /think/ it's technically legal (if nonsensical). I don't want to make a big deal about it, especially since I think it's probably correct, but while I'm unable to take my turn would you double-check yourself and see if you come to the same conclusion again? I guess this sounds like an odd request since I'm not disputing you, just asking if you'll give it a second look on your own.
Actually I was a little unsure myself, so I carefully poured over the knockback section in the FF rules when I made the move too
Here's the relevant text (page 9 of the FF rules):
"... A knocked back character is moved back one square for each 1 damage taken. Move the character in a straight line away from the attacking character—called the knock back path—even if that path is on a
If multiple characters take damage from a game effect that causes
knock back, resolve the knock back starting with the character farthest
from the attacker. If a game effect knocks back a target that is not along
a straight line from the attacker, the target is knocked back beginning
in the square occupied by the target in a straight vertical, horizontal, or
diagonal line chosen by the attacker away from the attacker (so that the
target ends up farther away from the attacker)."
Doom did not have a straight line to Johnny so he gets to chose the path and Johnny certainly ended up further away from Doom than he started, so everything seems to be in accordance with the rules.
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!
Oh, and just to be absolutely certain, I also checked the Players Guide but there's nothing about Knockback there which, I guess, means that the rules are as they are written in the FF Rulebook.
And Peers' Tool seems to be working fine now
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (3/5) 48 B-12
2) E CT Human Torch* (3/6) 59 D-12
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (2/5) 37 C-11 @
4) E SI She-Thing* (7/7) 50 D-5 @
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 E-9 w/HO
6) R FF Lockjaw (6/6) 24 F-4/E-5 @
7) R IC Black Panther (1/5) 27 D-11 @
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
free) "You think yourself a match for Doom, grotesque one?" Doom shakes his head in mock sadness, "How very delusional!" The mere proximity of Doom seems to draw the cosmic radiation right out of Sharon's massive body, draining her strength at an alarming rate. Doom perplexes Sharon's damage down to 2.
free) "Dogs and crude mockeries of your already crude and brutish friend? Is this what you hope to best Doom with Richards?" Doom laughs coldly. Doom rolls for Lord of Latveria, trying to outwit Lockjaw's toughness. Roll is: 4 and he gets it again! Toughness is outwitted.
Lockjaw whines in fear and confusion as he feels, but fails to understand the tangible aura of power and dread surrounding the Lord of Latveria!
1) "Bad dog, away with you!" The Scientist Supreme shouts, as he hits Lockjaw on the snout with his rifle. 7 atk. vs 14 def. Needs a 7. Roll is: (3,6) for a 9 and a hit! Lockjaw takes 1! 1 SA for the Scientist and 1 AST for Doom.
free) Doom draws upon the reserve power of his nearby Doombot, linked to him through the Hub, to sap even more of Sharon's vast strength. Doom and his bot both copy Superman Enemy granting Doom Outwit. He'll use it to counter She-Thing's Super Strength.
Doom and the Hub will both clear and Doom will not bother with Protected unless Sharon manages to nail him with a critical hit!
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 D4 (outwitting She-Thing's SS)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (5/5) (CT) - 27 C3
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 D2
4. R Scientist Supreme (4/4) - 14 E4 @
Doom: [2 SA, 1 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [1 SA]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (3/5) 48 B-12
2) E CT Human Torch* (3/6) 59 D-12
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (2/5) 37 C-11 @
4) E SI She-Thing* (7/7) 50 D-5 @ (damage perplexed down, SS outwitted)
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 E-9 w/HO
6) R FF Lockjaw (5/6) 24 F-4/E-5 @
7) R IC Black Panther (1/5) 27 D-11 @
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
1) Sharon pushes to hit the Scientist Supreme. 9 to a 14. 1 + 2, miss. 1 push damage to Sharon.
2) Reed moves to D-9.
3) Spidey swings to B-3.
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 D4 (outwitting She-Thing's SS)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (5/5) (CT) - 27 C3
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 D2
4. R Scientist Supreme (4/4) - 14 E4 @
Doom: [2 SA, 1 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [1 SA]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (3/5) 48 D-9 @
2) E CT Human Torch* (3/6) 59 D-12
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (2/5) 37 C-11
4) E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 D-5 @@
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3 w/HO @
6) R FF Lockjaw (5/6) 24 F-4/E-5
7) R IC Black Panther (1/5) 27 D-11
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
free) "Pathetic! Is this truly the best replacement for your neanderthal friend you could find Richards?" Doom turns a modified version of the Hate-Mongerers H-ray on the She-Thing, turning her briefly against her friends and allies. Doom uses Lord of Latveria and Dissent to Outwit Sharon's FF TA.
free) "She is, however, ultimately of no concern. This is, and has always been, a personal matter between us, and us alone!" Doom super-charges his gauntlet blasters, perplexing his damage up to 4
1) "A personal matter which Doom now intends to settle, once and for all!" Doom contemptously throws She-Thing and Lockjaw aside, picking up his underling as he flies towards Richards, gauntlets blazing! Doom makes a running shot to B6 (breaking away automatically thanks to his special movement power) carrying the Scientist along to A6. From there he opens fire on Reed and the Panther! 11 (+1 from Hydra) atk. vs 14 (+1 from hindering terrain) and 11 (+1 from terrain) def. Needs a 3 for both. Roll is: (2,5) for a 7 and a hit! Doom will give 3 to Reed and 1 to T'chala, KO'ing them both! 1 SA and 2 KO's for Doom!
This time, neither Reed's elastic body nor T'chala's Vibranium weave costume can stand up to the sheer power-output of Doom's advanced weaponry and in blinding flash of light and overwhelming backwash of heat both heroes collapse to the ground, as victims of Doom!
2) "Target identified... meta-human codenamed *Spider-man*... classification: Foe of the Master! Conclusion: Engage!" The Doombot announces in a mechanical stacatto voice, throwing an energised punch at Spider-Man! 8 atk. vs 17 def. Needs a 9. Roll is: (4,3) for a 7 and a miss as Spidey avoids the clumsy machine with laughable ease.
free) "Conclusion: Threat-profile outside accepted levels... solution: Activate Powe Compressor!" Realising that it's outmatched the Doombot instead interfaces with the Hub to access the Power Compressor technology, turning the ingenious device on Spider-Man who suddenly finds himself unable to hold on to the heavy statue he was carrying. Doombot copies Superman Enemy TA and gains outwit from the Hub. He uses this to outwit Spider-Man's Super Strength. The object drops beneath Spidey.
The Scientist composes himself, surprised that he's still in one piece and the Hub stands back awaiting orders. Doom will let his Invulnerability handle any damage he might sustain.
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 B6 @ (outwitting She-Thing's FF TA)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (5/5) (CT) - 27 C3 @ (Outwitting Spidey's Super Strength)
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 D2
4. R Scientist Supreme (4/4) - 14 A6
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) E CT Human Torch* (3/6) 59 D-12
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (2/5) 37 C-11
4) E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 D-5 @@ (FF Outwitted)
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3 @ (Super Strength Outwitted)
6) R FF Lockjaw (5/6) 24 F-4/E-5
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) E CT Human Torch* (3/6) 59 A-8 @
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (2/5) 37 B-7
4) E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-5
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3
6) R FF Lockjaw (5/6) 24 B-5/C-6 @
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
free) "You again? Did Doom not express himself clearly enough earlier? You are of no interest to Doom, grotesque one!" Doom rolls for Lord of Latveria, trying to outwit Sharon's FF TA with Dissent. Roll is: 6 and Doom strikes again!
free) "The wife of Richards is of some interest to Doom, remove her from this fight but do NOT cause her undue damage!" Doom orders perplexing the Scientist Supreme's damage up to 2
1) "As you command Lord Doom!" The Scientist replies, spraying a cloud of knock-out gas in the general direction of the Invisible Woman. Scientist Supreme punches Sue. 7 atk. vs 14 def. Needs a 7. Roll is: (5,3) for an 8 and a hit! Sue takes 2 and is KO'ed! 1 SA and 1 KO for the Scientist, 1 AST for Doom.
Still dazed from Doom's earlier attacks Sue simply isn't fast enough to contain the gas in a force-bubble before she breathes in too much of the sinister compound which knocks her out cold in a matter of seconds! Doom is pleased indeed!
2) "Current conflict of minor tactical importance... moving to support Master!" the Hub broadcasts, flying to B8 to engage the Torch!
Doom and his Doombot both clear and should Doom be damaged by the She-Thing he'll mastermind it along to the Scientist unless it's a critical hit in which case he'll use Protected instead (note, should Sharon for some reason decide to try a Quake instead and connect with a critical hit Doom will not use Protected but rather Mastermind it all along to the Scientist).
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 B6 (outwitting She-Thing's FF TA)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (5/5) (CT) - 27 C3
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8 @
4. R Scientist Supreme (4/4) - 14 A6 @
Doom: [3 SA, 2 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) E CT Human Torch* (3/6) 59 A-8 @
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-5
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3
6) R FF Lockjaw (5/6) 24 B-5/C-6 @
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
And just to make sure we're on the same page and to eliminate any risk of a potential delay, here's a link to a thread in the rules forum covering Dissent in conjuction with Lord of Latveria (I can't believe I keep hitting those rolls!)
1) Lockjaw pushes to try to bite the Scientist Supreme. 7 to a 14. 5 + 6, hit for 1 damage. 1 push damage to Lockjaw.
2) Sharon uses Quake. 9 to a 13 and 17. 6 + 1, hits the Scientist for 2 and knockback into Johnny at A-7.
3) Johnny pushes to punch the Scientist. 7 to a 10. 3 + 3, hit for 1 damage and the KO. 1 push damage to Johnny.
Unable to touch Doom, the team contented themselves with ganging up on one of his lackeys. Go heroes?
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 B6 (outwitting She-Thing's FF TA)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (5/5) (CT) - 27 C3
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8 @
4. R Scientist Supreme 14 KOed
Doom: [3 SA, 2 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) [1 SA, 1 KO] E CT Human Torch* (2/6) 59 A-8 @@
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) [1 SA] E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-5 @
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3
6) [1 SA] R FF Lockjaw (4/6) 24 B-5/C-6 @@
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
free) "If you believe that you can impede Doom by defeating mere underlings you are all sorely mistaken. And you, you are still not even worthy to be considered an enemy of Doom!" Doom turns his H-ray on Sharon once again, undermining her confidence and morale. Doom uses Lord of Latveria and Dissent to outwit Sharon's TA
free) Doom transfers yet more power to his gauntlet blasters in preparation for his next strike! Doom perplexes his own damage up to 4
1) "Stand aside serfs! Doom'd royal person will not be sullied by your touch!" Doom makes a running shot (breaking away automatically) to C10 gunning for Lockjaw and Johnny. 11 atk. vs 13 (+1 from terrain) and 12 (+2 from deflection) def. Needs a 3 for both. Roll is: (6,4) for a 10 and a solid hit! Doom will give 2 to Johnny, KO'ing him and 2 to Lockjaw. 1 SA and 1 KO for Doom!
The sheer concussive blast of Doom's attack blows out Johnny's flame and throws him to the ground with violent force knocking him out like a snuffed candle while Lockjaw howls in pain, clearly not comprehending what's happening to him.
2) "Resistance is futile...the Master will triumph!" The Doombot broadcasts as it swings at Spider-Man yet again. 8 atk. vs 17 def. Needs a 9. Roll is: (3,4) for a 7 and a miss!
Yet again, the Amazing Spider-Man easily avoids the clumsy attacks of the automaton who clearly is not made in Doom's exact image!
The Processing Hub clears
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 C10 @ (outwitting She-Thing's FF TA)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (5/5) (CT) - 27 C3 @
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8
4. R Scientist Supreme 14 KOed
Doom: [4 SA, 3 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) [1 SA, 1 KO] E CT Human Torch* (0/6) 59 KO'ed!
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) [1 SA] E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-5 @
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3
6) [1 SA] R FF Lockjaw (2/6) 24 B-5/C-6 @@
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
1) Spidey swings at the Doombot. 9 to a 15. 2 + 6, hit for 2 damage.
And with that, by Golly, I'm calling it a Pyrrhic victory. Johnny needed 1 KO to upgrade, and Spidey needed 1 SA. Sheesh Doom is a menace, especially with that crazy double-Outwit... I was very worried about my chances of even getting that for awhile there.
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 C10 @ (outwitting She-Thing's FF TA)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (3/5) (CT) - 27 C3 @
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8
4. R Scientist Supreme 14 KOed
Doom: [4 SA, 3 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) [1 SA, 1 KO] E CT Human Torch* (0/6) 59 KO'ed!
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) [1 SA] E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-5
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) [1 SA] R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3 @
6) [1 SA] R FF Lockjaw (2/6) 24 B-5/C-6
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
Yeah, this is the first time I actually try out the F4 Doom, and all I can say is DAMN! Almost makes me regret I didn't bring him out earlier
Latveria: Turn 8
free) "Doom grows weary of dealing with mindless animals. Dispose of the creature!" Doom commands, and his mechanical servants obey! Doom perplexes the Hub's damage up to 2
1) "The Master commands....we obey!" The Hub echoes, blasting away at Lockjaw. 8 atk. vs 12 (+1 from terrain) def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (3,1) for a 4 and a miss! Clearly, if Doom has to have anything done here he has to do it himself!
free) With a heartfelt *sigh* Doom turns his H-ray on Lockjaw, driving the terrified dog into a frenzied rage. Doom Outwits Lockjaw's Carry ability
Doom and his bot both clear
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 C10 (outwitting Lockjaw's Carry ability)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (3/5) (CT) - 27 C3
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8 @
4. R Scientist Supreme 14 KOed
Doom: [4 SA, 3 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) [1 SA, 1 KO] E CT Human Torch* (0/6) 59 KO'ed!
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) [1 SA] E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-5
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) [1 SA] R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3 @
6) [1 SA] R FF Lockjaw (2/6) 24 B-5/C-6 (Carry ability outwitted)
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 C10 (outwitting Lockjaw's Carry ability)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (3/5) (CT) - 27 C3
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8 @
4. R Scientist Supreme 14 KOed
Doom: [4 SA, 3 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) [1 SA, 1 KO] E CT Human Torch* (0/6) 59 KO'ed!
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) [1 SA] E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-7@
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) [1 SA] R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3
6) [1 SA] R FF Lockjaw (2/6) 24 A-8/B-7 @
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.
free) "Surely the cosmic rays must have twisted your brain as badly as your body if you still think you could possibly pose a challenge for Doom!" Doom scowls at Sharon. Doom rolls for Lord of Latveria yet again, trying to outwit Sharon's toughness. Roll is: 1 (well, it was bound to happen sooner or later!)
Sharon finally manages to throw the sinister influence of Doom's devices off, clinging on to her super-human resilience and strength through sheer willpower!
1) "New orders received...disengage from immediate conflict!" The Doombot suddenly proclaims as it tries to jet away from Spider-Man. Doombot rolls to break, roll is: 5 and he gets it! The Doombot flies to D7
free) "Your struggle is futile, there is no hope to prevail against Doom!" Doom activates his targeting programs, downloading a firing solution from his computers. Doom perplexes his own attack up to 12
2) "Continue this folly at your own risk, Doom will not be held responsible for the consequences!" Doom flies to E6 for a running shot at Spider-Man and Lockjaw! 12 atk. vs 17 (+1 from terrain) and 12 (+1 from terrain) def. Needs a 6 for both and a 3 for Lockjaw alone. Roll is: (6,3) for a 9 and a hit! Super-senses for Spidey is: 5 he avoids the attack, unfortunately for Lockjaw! Lockjaw takes 3 and is KO'ed! 1 SA and 1 KO to Doom!
Thanks to his incredible agility and amazing Spider-sense, Peter is able to avoid even Doom's computer-guided barrage of gauntlet blasts, but poor Lockjaw has neither and his struck by the full brunt of Doom's left gauntlet! With a final mournful howl of agony and torment the beaten dog vanishes in a flash of light, teleporting home to the Blue Area of the Moon to get away from the pain!
free) "Your speed is impressive, but of little relevance. You cannot dodge forever!" Doom draws upon the computing power of his robot underlings, supressing Spider-Man's proportional strength yet again. Doom and his bot both copy Superman Enemy from the hub giving Doom Outwit. He uses this to Outwit Spidey's Super-strength.
The Hub clears and should Doom be struck by a critical hit from Spider-Man he will Mastermind it to his bot rather than burning Protected.
1. U Dr. Doom (8/8) (F4)*, ** - 200 E6 @ (outwitting Spidey's Super Strength)
* w/ Dissent (18)
** w/ Protected (8)
2. R Doombot (3/5) (CT) - 27 D7 @
3. R Processing Hub (4/4) - 27 B8
4. R Scientist Supreme 14 KOed
Doom: [5 SA, 4 KO's, 2 AST]
Scientist Supreme: [2 SA, 1 KO]
Fantastic Four
1) R CT Mr Fantastic* (0/5) 48 KO'ed!
2) [1 SA, 1 KO] E CT Human Torch* (0/6) 59 KO'ed!
3) R CT Invisible Girl* (0/5) 37 KO'ed!
4) [1 SA] E SI She-Thing* (6/7) 50 A-7@
* w/ Fantastic Four ATA 0 pts
5) [1 SA] R SN Spider-Man (6/6) 51 B-3 (Super Strength Outwitted)
6) [1 SA] R FF Lockjaw (0/6) 24 KO'ed!
7) R IC Black Panther (0/5) 27 KO'ed!
Each member will use the highest defense available through either the FF ATA or Sue's Defend.
296 pts
HO's: I3, P3, B3
LO's: O21, C17, E-14
BFC: Internal Strife Characters get +1 to their attack values whenever they make close or ranged combat attacks against opposing characters with which they share the same team symbol.