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Jesse wouldn't be able to charge the distance necessary to attack Cos while carrying Wildcat. Her charge normally would be 6, but is cut to 4 for carrying Wildcat.
Your right, sorry was taking the two off before I halved it. Editing it to just move and carry.
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
1) Jesse will charge Cosmic Boy, moving to C14 to make the attack. Attack is an 8 to a 14, needs a 6 or better. Roll: 4+5=9, hit. Cosmic Boy takes a click and Jesse gets an SA.
Legion of Super Heroes (home)
1) E Mon-El (Valor)*160 pts (8/8) w/ LO A11@
* Protected 8 pts
2) R Ultra Boy* 130 pts (8/8) w/ HO B10@
* Streak of Luck 5 pts
3) R Dream Girl 50 pts (5/5) E9@
4) R Cosmic Boy 45 pts (3/5) C13
Mon-El [1 SA]
Ultra Boy [1 SA]
Total - 398 pts
Justice Society of America (Current) (visitor)
1) U Superman (CR) 238 pts (10/10) I18
2) E Wildcat 66 pts (2/8) G19
3) R Mr. Terrific 58 pts (5/5) J18
4) LE Jesse Chambers 37 pts (4/5) C14@ SA[1]
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
PC Instructions: Dream Girl will PC either a successful attack on her by Jesse Chambers or a crit hit on Mon-El or Ultra Boy, if their Impervious is Outwit.
Protected: Mon-El will use it on a crit hit by Jesse Chambers if his Impervious is Outwit.
Legion of Super Heroes (home)
1) E Mon-El (Valor)*160 pts (8/8) w/ LO A11
* Protected 8 pts
2) R Ultra Boy* 130 pts (8/8) w/ HO B10
* Streak of Luck 5 pts
3) R Dream Girl 50 pts (5/5) E9
4) R Cosmic Boy 45 pts (3/5) A6@
Mon-El [1 SA]
Ultra Boy [1 SA]
Total - 398 pts
Justice Society of America (Current) (visitor)
1) U Superman (CR) 238 pts (10/10) I18
2) E Wildcat 66 pts (2/8) G19
3) R Mr. Terrific 58 pts (5/5) J18
4) LE Jesse Chambers 37 pts (4/5) C14@ SA[1]
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
(Free Action: Terrific will outwit Valor's Impervious)
2) Jesse will push to charge Valor, moving to B-11 to do so. Attack is an 8 to a 16, needs an 8 or better. Roll: 5+4=9, hit. So Valor takes 1 click and Jesse gets a SA and a click for pushing.
3) Wildcat will move to I19.
4) Superman will fly to D13, and carry Wildcat with him to E14.
Legion of Super Heroes (home)
1) E Mon-El (Valor)*160 pts (7/8) w/ LO A11
* Protected 8 pts
2) R Ultra Boy* 130 pts (8/8) w/ HO B10
* Streak of Luck 5 pts
3) R Dream Girl 50 pts (5/5) E9
4) R Cosmic Boy 45 pts (3/5) A6@
Mon-El [1 SA]
Ultra Boy [1 SA]
Total - 398 pts
Justice Society of America (Current) (visitor)
1) U Superman (CR) 238 pts (10/10) D13@
2) E Wildcat 66 pts (2/8) E14@
3) R Mr. Terrific 58 pts (5/5) C18@
4) LE Jesse Chambers 37 pts (3/5) B11@@ SA[2]
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
1) Ultra Boy charges to F4 vs. Mr. T, 10 vs. 16
First roll: 1,2, miss
Second roll: Snake eyes.
2) Breakaway for CB TKing Ultra Boy
Roll is: 5
Ultra Boy is moved 5 spaces to C2. DFD for Cos.
3) Mon-El to B2
4) Dream Girl to R5
Jo Nah swung wildly at the image of Mr. Terrific, which was actually a T-sphere fooling the Legionnaire.
"What the sprock?"
"Jo, that's enough!" Cosmic Boy commanded, using his native-born powers to pull Ultra Boy from the fray. "I've told you we have to avoid a confrontation with Kal."
Legion of Super Heroes (home)
1) E Mon-El (Valor)*160 pts (7/8) w/ LO B2@
* Protected 8 pts
2) R Ultra Boy* 130 pts {injured} (7/8) C2@
* Streak of Luck 5 pts
3) R Dream Girl 50 pts (5/5) R5@
4) R Cosmic Boy 45 pts (2/5) D2@
Mon-El [2 SA][1 KO]
Ultra Boy [1 SA]
Cosmic Boy [1 DFD]
Total - 398 pts
Justice Society of America (Current) (visitor)
1) U Superman (CR) 238 pts (10/10) J5@
2) E Wildcat 66 pts (1/8) E14
3) R Mr. Terrific 58 pts (5/5) I5@ AST[1]
4) LE Jesse Chambers 37 pts (0/5) KO! SA[2]
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
2) Superman will push to charge Cosmic Boy using his LO, moving to E-3 to do so. Attack is a 12 to a 13, needs a 3 or better. Roll: 1+6=7, hit. Cosmic Boy takes a 6 clix and is KOed while Superman gets a SA, KO, and a click for pushing.
Legion of Super Heroes (home)
1) E Mon-El (Valor)*160 pts (7/8) w/ LO B2@
* Protected 8 pts
2) R Ultra Boy* 130 pts {injured} (7/8) C2@
* Streak of Luck 5 pts
3) R Dream Girl 50 pts (5/5) R5@
4) R Cosmic Boy 45 pts (0/5) KO!
Mon-El [2 SA][1 KO]
Ultra Boy [1 SA]
Cosmic Boy [1 DFD]
Total - 398 pts
Justice Society of America (Current) (visitor)
1) U Superman (CR) 238 pts (9/10) E3@@ SA[1], KO[1]
2) E Wildcat 66 pts (1/8) E14@
3) R Mr. Terrific 58 pts (5/5) I5 AST[1]
4) LE Jesse Chambers 37 pts (0/5) KO! SA[2]
When Telekinesis is used to move a character or object 6 or more squares, the character using Telekinesis is dealt 1 unavoidable damage after the movement is resolved.