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Hmm...oh yeah huh? Well I believe this is the Monster Society's third sub..which I believe disqualifies them from the playoffs and IAM bowed I don't know how we'd handle that...take them out completely or have someone play them in the playoffs....we'll have to talk to Cur about that..
Turn 2b)
1. Katma will fly to K18.
2. DEO will push to run in place
(free) Tomar will perplex up his defense
(free) DEO will perplex up Ch'p's defense.
Monster Society of Evil (home)
1) E Black Adam* 123 pts (9/9) V12@
* Fortitude 25 pts
2) R Chief** 63 pts (5/5) W12
** Contingency Plan 12 pts@
3) U Mr. Mind 68 pts (4/4) U12 +1def
4) R Intergang Agent 18 pts (3/3) X12@
5) U Johnny Quick*** 77 pts (8/8) M9@
*** Maneuver 8
Total - 394 pts
Green Lantern Corp. (visitor)
1) E Tomar Re* 111 pts (7/7) K20
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
2) E Ch'p*, ** 82 pts (6/6) K19
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
** Force Field 10 pts
3) E Katma Tui*, ***, ****, ***** 89 pts (8/8) K18 @
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
*** Protected 8 pts
**** Armor Piercing 10 pts
***** Streak of Luck 5 pts
4) R G'nort 70 pts (6/6) I20
5) R DEO Agent 13 pts (3/4) J19 @@
Total - 398 pts
LO: M9, K12, K13
HO: L9, U10, K14
BFC: Great Arena
All successful hits with doubles are critical hits.
I think Ra1ser's only been gone 2 games. I subbed for him in Game 5, and then this game but I think that's it, unless there was one earlier.
oh that's right...I played him in Game 4 which was where all those injuries occurred....well I have a feeling he won't be back in time for the guess we'll see the new 3 strikes rule take into effect....
**crosses his fingers he plays the MSOE in the playoffs**
; )
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
Okay was wondering about that. Which Black Adam are you using?? ; )
Mid EDIT: Just realized I have the Rookie she can't perplex anything. So Black Adam only takes a click, not 2. Booo..that sucks. Ah well.
Turn 3b)
(free) Tomar will perplex up his attack to 11
1. G'Nort will pick up the DEO and fly to E15, dropping the DEO in F14
2. Tomar will RS to F15 and take a shot at Black Adam. AV 12 (+1 PD) vs DV 18. Roll is a 2, 4 for barely the hit. Imperv roll is a 2. That's a click after Imperv. 1 SA to Tomar, 1 AST to DEO.
3. Ch'p will TK Katma to S19
4. Katma will take a shot at Black Adam. He loses all his defense perplex since he took damage. AV 11 (+1 GLC) vs DV 14. Roll is a 6, 2 for the hit for a click due to Armor Piercing. Totally should've used EE! But would've missed Mr. Mind anyways since she doesn't get a +1 for him. 1 SA to Katma, 1 AST to Ch'p.
Monster Society of Evil (home)
1) E Black Adam* 123 pts (7/9) P12@ w/HO +2 defense
* Fortitude 25 pts
2) R Chief** 63 pts (5/5) W12
** Contingency Plan 12 pts@@
3) U Mr. Mind 68 pts (4/4) P11
4) R Intergang Agent 18 pts (3/3) X12
5) U Johnny Quick*** 77 pts (8/8) M8@
*** Maneuver 8
Total - 394 pts
Green Lantern Corp. (visitor)
1) E Tomar Re* 111 pts (7/7) F15 @ [1 SA]
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
2) E Ch'p*, ** 82 pts (6/6) K19 @ [1 AST]
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
** Force Field 10 pts
3) E Katma Tui*, ***, ****, ***** 89 pts (8/8) S19 @@
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
*** Protected 8 pts
**** Armor Piercing 10 pts
***** Streak of Luck 5 pts
4) R G'nort 70 pts (6/6) E15 @
5) R DEO Agent 13 pts (3/4) F14 [1 AST]
Total - 398 pts
LO: M9, K12, K13
HO: L9, Black Adam, K14
BFC: Great Arena
All successful hits with doubles are critical hits.
Alright..heading to tired...hopefully we can knock out some more turns tomorrow. Get another turn in so I can get one in in the morning before I head to work! ; )
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
Free) Leadership is successful. We'll turn that into a manipulate token.
Free) Chief perplexes up Mister Mind's attack to a 10.
"Your expertise is required doctor. Make it fast."
1) Black Adam flies to V13. Manipulate roll is a 6 so no push damage but Chief loses a manipulate token.
"Right right, great Adam. Luckily for you I'm totally trustworthy and have never been known to perform experiments on friends."
2) Chief sticks a huge needle into Black Adam. Needs a 5, surely not meriting CP or perplex. Gets a 4. Doh! Intergang will take a token and reroll that with the CSA ta. Gets a critial miss for 1 damage and an injury to Black Adam. Doh!
"Uh...its supposed to work like that. Just fly it off."
Free) Mister Mind will perplex his own attack up to an 11 and take a CP token to make it a 12.
"Foolish heroes. Beware the might of Mister Mind!"
3) Mr. Mind will try to mind control Katma Tui. 12 vs 17+1. Needs a 6, gets a 7.
Free) Katma turns and blasts Ch'p with a bunch of green acorns, needing a 6. Gets double 3s, dealing 4 damage, knocking him back to G19 and maybe injurying the poor squirrel alien. As long as I'm sabotaging both teams equally.
4) CP token to the Chief.
Monster Society of Evil (home)
1) E Black Adam* 123 pts (6/9) V13@@ w/HO (injured)
* Fortitude 25 pts
2) R Chief** 63 pts (5/5) W12@
** Contingency Plan 12 pts@@
3) U Mr. Mind 68 pts (4/4) P11@
4) R Intergang Agent 18 pts (3/3) X12@
5) U Johnny Quick*** 77 pts (8/8) M8
*** Maneuver 8
Total - 394 pts
Mister Mind [1 SA]
Green Lantern Corp. (visitor)
1) E Tomar Re* 111 pts (7/7) F15 @ [1 SA]
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
2) E Ch'p*, ** 82 pts (2/6) G19 @ [1 AST] (not injured)
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
** Force Field 10 pts
3) E Katma Tui*, ***, ****, ***** 89 pts (8/8) S19 @@
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
*** Protected 8 pts
**** Armor Piercing 10 pts
***** Streak of Luck 5 pts
4) R G'nort 70 pts (6/6) E15 @
5) R DEO Agent 13 pts (3/4) F14 [1 AST]
Total - 398 pts
LO: M9, K12, K13
HO: L9, Black Adam, K14
BFC: Great Arena
All successful hits with doubles are critical hits.
How can you do that to a poor little animal?? ; ) Oh and Ch'p has Force Field so he should've only taken 3 clicks after Toughness.
Turn 4b)
(free) Tomar will perplex up his attack to 11.
1. He'll push to take a shot at Mr. Mind. AV 12 (+1 PD) vs DV 20. Roll is a crit miss. I'll have G'Nort reroll that to a 6, 3 for the hit for 3 clicks to the bug. 1 SA to Tomar, 1 AST to G'Nort.
2. DEO will run in place.
Monster Society of Evil (home)
1) E Black Adam* 123 pts (6/9) V13@@ w/HO (injured)
* Fortitude 25 pts
2) R Chief** 63 pts (5/5) W12@
** Contingency Plan 12 pts@@
3) U Mr. Mind 68 pts (1/4) P11@
4) R Intergang Agent 18 pts (3/3) X12@
5) U Johnny Quick*** 77 pts (8/8) M8
*** Maneuver 8
Total - 394 pts
Mister Mind [1 SA]
Green Lantern Corp. (visitor)
1) E Tomar Re* 111 pts (6/7) F15 @@ [2 SA]
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
2) E Ch'p*, ** 82 pts (3/6) G19 [1 AST] (not injured)
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
** Force Field 10 pts
3) E Katma Tui*, ***, ****, ***** 89 pts (8/8) S19
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
*** Protected 8 pts
**** Armor Piercing 10 pts
***** Streak of Luck 5 pts
4) R G'nort 70 pts (6/6) E15 [1 AST]
5) R DEO Agent 13 pts (3/4) F14 @ [1 AST]
Total - 398 pts
LO: M9, K12, K13
HO: L9, Black Adam, K14
BFC: Great Arena
All successful hits with doubles are critical hits.
Free) Chief gets a 4 for leadership. Adds a manipulate token.
Free) Chief perplexes up Johnny's speed to an 11. Mister Mind perplexes up Johnny's attack to a 10. 2 CP tokens to up Johnny's attack to a 12.
1) Quick goes to G-15. He'll attack Tomar Re. Only needing a 5, he gets a 4. The Intergang Agent will take a token and Quick will pc that into double 3s. Critical hit for 4 damage to Tomar. Manipulate roll is a 1 so Agent takes a push click and Chief loses an M token. 1 SA to Johnny, 1 AST to Chief.
2) Mister Mind moves to N13. Manipulate roll is a 3 so no push damage.
3) CP Token
Free) I give the Chief a hug for being the best support figure ever.
Monster Society of Evil (home)
1) E Black Adam* 123 pts (6/9) V13 w/HO (injured)
* Fortitude 25 pts
2) R Chief** 63 pts (5/5) W12
** Contingency Plan 12 pts@
3) U Mr. Mind 68 pts (1/4) N13@@
4) R Intergang Agent 18 pts (2/3) X12@@
5) U Johnny Quick*** 77 pts (8/8) G15@
*** Maneuver 8
Total - 394 pts
Mister Mind [1 SA]
Chief [1 AST, 2 DFDs] Do you get defends for manipulate? I think you should.
Quick [1 SA]
Green Lantern Corp. (visitor)
1) E Tomar Re* 111 pts (2/7) F15 @@ [2 SA]
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
2) E Ch'p*, ** 82 pts (3/6) G19 [1 AST] (not injured)
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
** Force Field 10 pts
3) E Katma Tui*, ***, ****, ***** 89 pts (8/8) S19
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
*** Protected 8 pts
**** Armor Piercing 10 pts
***** Streak of Luck 5 pts
4) R G'nort 70 pts (6/6) E15 [1 AST]
5) R DEO Agent 13 pts (3/4) F14 @ [1 AST]
Hmm..I think I'll take my time now..... ; ) hehehe
Darn..Johnny has that much movement? Boo...darn chief! He's always a thorn in my side!!
Turn 5b)
1. Well the DEO will push to take a swing at Johnny. AV 7 vs DV 16. Roll is a 1, 3. Reroll from G'Nort is a 1, 5. Boo. ; ) She takes a push click.
2. Darn it..forgot G'Nort had charge. Greaaat..should've saved that PC. Oh well..gotta try. G'Nort will pick up the DEO and charge to F14, placing DEO in G14 so Johnny doesn't get the PC. AV 8 vs DV 16. Roll is 1, 2. Boo...woulda been cool. Stupid wasting the PC. *smacks forehead*
3. Ch'p flies to G12
4. Katma flies to X11
Katma will use Protected on any attack that does 2 or more damage.
Monster Society of Evil (home)
1) E Black Adam* 123 pts (6/9) V13 w/HO (injured)
* Fortitude 25 pts
2) R Chief** 63 pts (5/5) W12
** Contingency Plan 12 pts@
3) U Mr. Mind 68 pts (1/4) N13@@
4) R Intergang Agent 18 pts (2/3) X12@@
5) U Johnny Quick*** 77 pts (8/8) G15@
*** Maneuver 8
Total - 394 pts
Mister Mind [1 SA]
Chief [1 AST, 2 DFDs] Do you get defends for manipulate? I think you should.
Quick [1 SA]
Green Lantern Corp. (visitor)
1) E Tomar Re* 111 pts (2/7) F15 [2 SA]
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
2) E Ch'p*, ** 82 pts (3/6) G12 @ [1 AST] (not injured)
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
** Force Field 10 pts
3) E Katma Tui*, ***, ****, ***** 89 pts (8/8) X11 @
* Green Lantern Corp TA 0 pts
*** Protected 8 pts
**** Armor Piercing 10 pts
***** Streak of Luck 5 pts
4) R G'nort 70 pts (6/6) F14 @ [1 AST]
5) R DEO Agent 13 pts (2/4) G14 @@ [1 AST]