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"Well, kind-of like a bunch of polecats to just hide in the weeds. While America doesn't like to strike first it looks like we're just going to have to take that chance here." Uncle Sam sighs with resignation as he rolls up his sleeves.
"Whatever happens, happens." Frankenstein mutters and braces to move forward.
1. Free - Uncle Sam rolls for Leadership just because he feels like it. His talk was obviously not inspiring - as seen by Frankie's reaction - as he rolls a 1.
2. Human Bomb moves to N6.
3. Frankenstein moves to M8.
4. Uncle Sam "Transporter Attack" moves 9 spaces to 08 and takes a swing at Cat-Man. -2 to his attack due to Transporter, +2 (cancelling out) from "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor". Needs an 8 to hit Cat-Man's Combat Reflexes. Rolls a 1, 4 for a whopping 5. (Yeah, I knew it was unlikely but one of us had to do something). Uses his remaining point of movement to step back to N7.
Freedom Fighters (home)
1) U Uncle Sam (9/9) 140 pts B9 @
2) V Frankenstein* (8/8) 98 pts G15 HO @
*Automatic Regeneration 12 pts
3) R Human Bomb (6/6) 45 pts B8 @
295 pts
Secret Six (visitors)
1) R Catman (7/7) 47 pts P9
2) E Scandal Savage (6/6) 60 pts Q8
3) R Knockout (6/6) 70 pts Q12 w/HO
4) R Deadshot (Dr. Light) (6/6) 57 pts R11
5) R Ragdool (Copperhead) (7/7) 60 pts Q9
HO: Knockout, G13, Frankenstein
LO: R12, Q16, H7
BFC: Low Gravity
Any standard character occupying clear terrain that is hit by an attack is knocked back equal to the damage taken.
I woulda done something if you didn't have an attack range greater than most of my team's speed values. Moving into Franky and Sam's range without putting you in any of mine save Deadshot's seemed like a bad idea.
Secret Six 6a
Free) Deadshot copies Superman Enemy and loads armor piercing bullets into his wrist guns. Knockout outwits invulnerability on Franky.
1) Deadshot shoots Frankenstein, needing an 8. Gets double 5s. 4 damage and knockback to I3.
2) Cat-Man does a flip over Sam and the Human Bomb, landing at J4.
"Oh terribley sorry. This is probably uncomfortable for you."
3) Ragdoll to O6. He raps himself around Sam and the Human Bomb.
Freedom Fighters (home)
1) U Uncle Sam (9/9) 140 pts B9 @
2) V Frankenstein* (4/8) 98 pts I3 @
*Automatic Regeneration 12 pts
3) R Human Bomb (6/6) 45 pts B8 @
295 pts
Secret Six (visitors)
1) R Catman (7/7) 47 pts J4@
2) E Scandal Savage (6/6) 60 pts Q8
3) R Knockout (6/6) 70 pts Q12 w/HO
4) R Deadshot (Dr. Light) (6/6) 57 pts R11@
5) R Ragdool (Copperhead) (7/7) 60 pts O6
Deadshot [1 SA]
Knockout [1 AST]
HO: Knockout, G13, G15
LO: R12, Q16, H7
BFC: Low Gravity
Any standard character occupying clear terrain that is hit by an attack is knocked back equal to the damage taken.
You take push damage after you make an action that gives you a second action token. For instance, if you attack Cat-Man with Franky, you have a 10 attack.
And no, I'm not getting your rolls. I normally don't even check them but now that you pointed it out, I've noticed they aren't in my inbox.