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2 quick things, I've been calling it Vault on Daredevil but it should be Lunge. I missed the attack using it this turn, so no biggie, just be advised, DD has LUNGE!
Also, make sure to take the click for Dream Girl that she pushed. I did it on the recap.
Turn 4B:
1) Spider-Man uses L/C to move to G10.
2) Iron Fist charges 4 to L9. Uses EW on Young Superman
- 9 AV vs. 18 DV. Need 9.
- Attack roll is.............4.
- Domino PCs that attack roll to...........10! (5,5)
- Damage is 3 straight through thanks to EW. No knockback due to Charge.
- Young Superman at (4/7).
3) Daredevil uses Lunge to move to M9. Daredevil will use CCE on Young Supes.
- 9 AV vs. 17 DV. Need 8.
- Attack roll is.........7. MISS (by that much!)
Domino and Punisher clear.
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts (6/6)w/HO [G10] @
3) R Punisher (5/5) [I3] @
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (6/6) [M9] @
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts (5/6) [L9] @
6) E Domino 46 pts (6/6) [H6]
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (4/7) 100 M10 @
2) Batman 64 (6/6) J16 w/LO
3) Dream Girl 50 (4/5) F10 @@
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (6/6) K12 @
Contingency Plan 12 (@@)
2 quick things, I've been calling it Vault on Daredevil but it should be Lunge. I missed the attack using it this turn, so no biggie, just be advised, DD has LUNGE!
Good to know
Also, make sure to take the click for Dream Girl that she pushed. I did it on the recap.
Ah yes, thanks.
Turn 5A:
Free: Batman outwiths Supersenses on Spiderman (special anti-spider senses gadget I guess)
Free: Batman perplexes his attack up to 10.
1) Batman charges in to hit Spidey. AV 10 on DV 17.
Roll: 6,3 ... Hit for 3. Spidey drops his object.
2) Cosmic Boy grabs the heavy object from under Spidey. Tries to wing it at him. Adds 2 from Contingency Plan.
SC: 1; Roll: 3,1 ... Hit for 3 from the HO and KO on Spiderman.
Forgot Leadership again. But that's okay. Superman and Dreamy clear, add on to CP.
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher (5/5) [I3] @
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (6/6) [M9] @
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts (5/6) [L9] @
6) E Domino 46 pts (6/6) [H6]
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (4/7) 100 M10
2) Batman 64 (6/6) F11 @
3) Dream Girl 50 (4/5) F10
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (6/6) K12 @@
Contingency Plan 12 (@)
1) Iron Fist will push to Exploit Weakness Superman.
-9AV vs. 17 DV. Need 8.
-First attack roll is..........9!
-Dream Girl PCs that attack roll into.......7.
-Domino PCs that attack roll into........8! (5,3) HIT
-Damage is 3 through the Toughness (EW). Supes at (1/7)
-Iron Fist takes push click (4/6)
2) Punisher moves (halved) to K6.
Clear Daredevil. (Was gonna push, but decided against it, we'll see how that goes)
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher (5/5) [K6] @
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (6/6) [M9]
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts (4/6) [L9] @@
6) E Domino 46 pts (6/6) [H6]
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (1/7) 100 M10
2) Batman 64 (6/6) F11 @
3) Dream Girl 50 (4/5) F10
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (6/6) K12 @@
Contingency Plan 12 (@)
Free: Batman outwits Supersenses on Iron Fist (wish I had used that better on exploit weakness ... but here we are).
1) Superman AV 8+1 from CP on DV 16. (4,4) hit on IF. He takes 2 damage, and is knocked back to J7.
2) Batman pushes. He fires at Iron Fist trying to finish him off. Perplex attack to 10. Glad I perplexed. (4,1) for a hit of 2 and IF falls.
3) Dream Girl moves to K7 to woo the Punisher.
Dreamy will PC the first attack she can see.
Why can I never remember leadership ...
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher (5/5) [K6] @
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (6/6) [M9]
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (6/6) [H6]
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (1/7) 100 M10 @
2) Batman 64 (5/6) F11 @@
3) Dream Girl 50 (4/5) F10 @
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (6/6) K12
Contingency Plan 12 ()
1) Domino shoots Dream Girl.
-9 AV vs. 16 DV. Need 7. Domino is in stealth.
-Attack Roll is...........11.
-Super Senses Roll is............2.
-2 damage to Dream Girl. (2/5).
2) Daredevil uses Lunge to auto breakaway and move two to K8. Will attack Dream Girl using CCE.
-9 AV vs. 15 DV. Need 6.
-Attack roll is.........6.
-Super Senses Roll is............2.
-Damage is 3 (1+2 CCE) and Dream Girl is KO.
3) Punisher takes a RCE shot at Batman.
-9 AV vs. 17 DV. Need 8.
-Attack Roll is.............6.
-Domino will PC that attack roll to a .........7. MISS (Lucky!) ;-)
-Punisher does not take push click due to Willpower.
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher (5/5) [K6] @@
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (6/6) [K8] @
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (6/6) [H6] @
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (1/7) 100 M10 @
2) Batman 64 (5/6) F11 @@
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (6/6) K12
Contingency Plan 12 ()
Well, Dream Girl did hit 1 earlier, so really she hit 1/3 which is right on par!
ALSO, if this were a real game, I'd probably make you keep your original action with Supes ESPECIALLY since it was a miss! Sneaky guy! As it is, it's pre-pre-season, so who cares.
Turn 8B:
1) Domino pushes to attack Cosmic Boy.
-9 AV vs. 17 DV. Need 8.
-Attack Roll is..........4.
-Domino PCs that roll into...........11! HIT
-Damage is 2 to Cosmic Boy (4/6).
-Domino takes Push Click. (5/6).
2) Daredevil pushes to Lunge (still has L/C which is other PreReq) to K9. Attack on Cosmic Boy.
-9AV vs. 16 DV. Need 7.
-Attack Roll is.............4. MISS
-Daredevil takes push click (5/6).
Clear Punisher
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher (5/5) [K6]
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (5/6) [K9] @@
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (5/6) [H6] @@
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (1/7) 100 M10
2) Batman 64 (5/6) F11
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (4/6) L10 @
Contingency Plan 12 (@)
Well, Dream Girl did hit 1 earlier, so really she hit 1/3 which is right on par!
I suppose this is true
ALSO, if this were a real game, I'd probably make you keep your original action with Supes ESPECIALLY since it was a miss! Sneaky guy! As it is, it's pre-pre-season, so who cares.
Good, this is what I thought you would say, thanks for that. You seemed like a pretty relaxed guy, so I chanced it. Glad to see I guessed right
In the same way I'm going to give you Domino's PC as a given as you didn't declare it this round (if it was to come up)
Turn 9A:
1) Batman Perplexes up his damage. He fires at Frank Castle from range. AV 9 on DV 14.
2) Cosmic Boy uses TK to move Superman to I12.
Free: Batman outwits Punisher's toughness.
3) Superman gets the CP token. AV 8+1 on 13. Domino to PC a hit.
(6,4) (4,5) for 2 and the KO on Punisher.
Damnit ... I forgot leadership again. Grrrr.
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher KOKOKO
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (5/6) [K9] @@
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (5/6) [H6] @@
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman (1/7) 100 I12 @
2) Batman 64 (5/6) F11 @
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (4/6) L10 @@
Contingency Plan 12 (@)
1) Domino shoots at Young Superman.
-9 AV vs 16 DV. Need 7.
-Attack Roll is........7.
-Damage is 2-1 Toughness for 1 click and the KO!
2) Daredevil attacks Cosmic Boy.
-9 AV vs. 16 DV. Need 7.
-Attack Roll is......3.
-Domino PCs that roll to.........8! (5,3) HIT!
-Damage is 2, taking Cosmic Boy to (2/6). Cosmic Boy loses Leadership, so tokens are removed from Contingency Plan.
Recap:Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher KOKOKO
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (5/6) [K9] @
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (5/6) [H6] @
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman 100 KOKOKOKO
2) Batman 64 (5/6) F11
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (2/6) L10
Contingency Plan 12
Free: Batman outwits Supersenses on Daredevil
Free: Batman perplexes damage
1) Batman AV 9 charges Daredevil DV 16 ending at K10. PC from Domino blocked by Daredevil. (3,4) hit for 3 points of damage.
2) Cosmic Boy AV 7 on Daredevil DV 14. Amazingly hits with a 3,6, but only for 1 so Daredevil is still there.
Recap:Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher KOKOKO
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* (1/6) [K9] @
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (5/6) [H6] @
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman 100 KOKOKOKO
2) Batman 64 (5/6) F11 @
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 (2/6) L10 @
Contingency Plan 12