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1) Psimon would only get 1DFD for outwitting Cap's charge if by doing that Cap wouldn't have a way of attacking any of Psimon's teammates. Since Sabbac is right near Cap, he doesn't need charge to attack him.
Also, if the only character that Captain America could have hit by using charge was Psimon, the DFD won't be granted neither, because a figure doesn't get DFDs or ASTs by defending or assisting itself.
2) Remember to include in the roll you make some description, when you're using charge, or running shot, or similar powers, to let your opponent know from where the shot is coming. This is important, because depending if you succeed or not, you might place the figure in a place or another. The idea is to make it as closer as real life games. The same rule is valid for perplex, outwit and stuff. You need to say you're using it before the dice come up. Since your post is only sent when every roll was made, the only place to do it is in the comments of the roll.
3) Last, it's good to have a way of recording the stats along the game. We usually take note of it immediately as they have been earned, by writing them near the characters, or compiling them at a list at the end of the post.
Don't worry about editing your last post to do it. I'll add the info to your recap in my next turn.
Ok, regarding point 1) of my last post, you did earn 1DFD with Psimon for outwitting Cap's charge, because you prevented Captain America from attacking Sabbac. I misplaced him before, they're not adjacent.
But you got it that if it was for preventing the charge to be on Psimon only, it wouldn't be a dfd, right?
Yeah, I understand about point #1. I understand #3 too. I think I'm a little confused about #2, though. Could you give me an example or something?
Turn coming soon.
Sure, here's an example with perplex.
Imagine you're attacking someone with 16 DV, and your attacker has 9 AV. You'd need a 7. You have a figure with perplex, and need to decide if you're going to add 1 to your attackers AV or to the DMG.
When you roll, you don't know if you'll need the extra point to the AV to be successful or not. But you have to declare it before rolling. Just like in real life games. You can't roll first, and then decide where you use the perplex.
The only way you can prove your opponent that you decided before rolling for it, is to include that decision when rolling. Both you and your opponent will get the roll by email, with the information regarding that perplex.
Now an example with positioning the character with charge.
Imagine that you have dmg enough to KO a figure, and you're attacking with charge. You decide to attack from a square, and you miss incredibly with a 3. Ouch, you've placed the figure in a square that would be good for your next move in case the figure was koed, but as it turns out, your enemy is still standing and now you're blocking the line of fire from another figure of yours, who could make the shot, if you had placed your charging figure in a different square. See, deciding which square you attacked from can mean different things after the roll is made. But you have to decide before rolling, so you need to show your opponent the decision you made before rolling.
The way of doing it is easy enough. You just need to say it on the comment when rolling, something like "Figure A charge on B from F-20". Or, "Figure A range attack figure B. 9AV vs 16DV, dmg pplx to 2 by Con Artist"
Hope that helped. It might look it makes things more complicated, but it really helps to keep the game fair and straight. I know we don't have reasons to doubt each other, but it's a lot better if we don't have to care about that. It's just like the rolls. I have no reason to doubt the results you'd say you rolled, but it's better to get them by email at the same time.
Yeah, details are how we avoid cheating. We'd never think that we'd do it, but basically it's to prevent things like:
On the roll, you put: 'Invincible HSS attack on Scarlet Witch'
'Ok, HSS on Scarlet Witch. Moving to A1 so that I have my PC available for the attack. Ok, rolled a hit..she PCs to...doubles! Hey, if I moved to B-1 instead, she'd be knocked off the roof and KOed...'
It's that kind of thing. So, for instance, a roll description is basically so that there's absolutely NO confusion involved in what happens.
So, for example, a roll with Dr. Strange I've done was:
'Dr. Strange dual targets Domino and Destiny with Energy Explosion. Attack perplexed +2. AV 10+2 on DV 16 (Domino) and DV 13 (Destiny) and 17(Pyro), 15 (Avalanche) and 16 (Mystique). Needs 5 for everyone, 4 for Mystique and Domino, 3 for everyone else. Gargoyle's PC in range.'
That way, there's absolutely no confusion after I've rolled the roll. Lately, I've taken the habit of just copy and pasting my turn into the roll description, which includes moves and everything.
2010, 2013 HCFL Champ, 2016 Colorado State Champion, 2nd Place Team Worlds
HCFL 2018 - United Atlantis
Ohhhh, okay I get it now. I didn't even think about that. Thanks! I'm glad I learned that before the real games started.
Fearsome Five Turn 3B
1) Jinx (I-16) will use Psychic Blast and attempt to attack Wonder Man from range. It's 9 to 16+1 (hindering), so the roll requires an 8. The roll is... 3,3=6, so Jinx will use PC to reroll the attack roll. The roll is... 3,3=6 yet again.
free) Psimon will Outwit Wonder Man's Charge. (Does this count as a DFD point since Wonder Man would have to take pushing damage to attack Jinx or Psimon. I'm going to count it, but you can tell me if it shouldn't count and I'll take it off.)
Sabbac and Psimon will clear.
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Jinx will PC any successful attack she can see.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (8/8) K-14@ w/LO
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 (1/5) O-12
3) E Human Torch 85 (2/7) P-13@
4) R Captain America 72 (6/6) P12
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) N-13 [1SA]
2) R Jinx 44 (5/5) I-16@ [1AST]
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17 (Outwitting Wonder Man's Charge)
*Camouflage 8 pts [2DFD,1SA]
Regarding DFDs, Psimon outwitting charge on WonderMan does not get him a DFD, because WonderMan can still attack throwing the object that he's carrying. If you had the chance to use the double outwit to cancel his superstrength as well, than you'd get the DFD
I still have trouble finding when a DFD is earned or not, but this is the rule I try to use: A DFD is earned by a figure when you use a power in a way that would prevent an enemy figure to hurt one of your teammates. Examples: outwitting charge in a character which only way of attacking next would be by using said charge.
free) Scarlet Witch tries to break away from Sabbac. Rolls 1, failing.
1) Human Torch pushes to fly to K16, taking Cap to J15.
Wonder Man clears
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Jinx will PC any successful attack she can see.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (8/8) K-14 w/LO
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 (1/5) O-12@
3) E Human Torch 85 (1/7) K-16@@
4) R Captain America 72 (6/6) J15
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) N-13
2) R Jinx 44 (5/5) I-16@
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17
*Camouflage 8 pts
Ohhhh, I forgot about that. Okay, thanks!
Fearsome Five Turn 4B
1) Sabbac (N-13) will attempt to finish off Scarlet Witch with a close-combat attack. It's 9 to 14, requiring a roll of just 5. And the roll is... 4,2=6 dealing 3 clicks of damage to Scarlet Witch KO'ing her. Sabbac gets 1 SA point and 1 KO point.
2) Psimon (K-17) will use a close-combat attack to attempt to KO Human Torch. It's 11 to 15, requiring a roll of 4. And the roll is... 4,6=10 dealing 2 clicks to Human Torch KO'ing him. Psimon gets 1 SA point and 1 KO point.
free) Psimon (K-17) Outwits Wonder Man's Charge.
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Jinx will PC any successful attack she can see.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (8/8) K-14 w/LO (Charge Outwitted by Psimon)
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 KOKOKOKO
3) E Human Torch 85 KOKOKOKO
4) R Captain America 72 (6/6) J15
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) N-13@ [2SA,1KO]
2) R Jinx 44 (5/5) I-16
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17@ (Outwitting Charge on Wonder Man)
*Camouflage 8 pts [1DFD,2SA,1KO]
1) Captain America close attacks Jinx. 9 vs 16. First roll is a 9, Jinx PCs it to a 10 (4,6). Jinx gets 2 dmg, 1dmg to Cap for Mystics. 1SA to Cap
2) Wonder Man wants to throws LO at Psimon. Psimon rolls 5 for shape change. Wonder Man thinks it over, and figures out that violence doesn't get you anywhere, so he approaches Psimon and Jinx to talk things out. Wonder Man moves to J16. The Light object is not lost, since the attack didn't happen.
Others clear. Hey, where are the others?
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (8/8) J16@ w/LO
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 KOKOKOKO
3) E Human Torch 85 KOKOKOKO
4) R Captain America 72 (5/6) J15@
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) N-13@
2) R Jinx 44 (3/5) I-16
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17@
*Camouflage 8 pts
1) Sabbac uses Charge and Flurry (Sabbac's special power requires him to attack two different clix when using flurry so he will be attacking Wonder Man and Captain America)together moving to K-15. The first target will be Wonder Man. It's 9 to 16 requiring a roll of a 7. The roll is... 6,4=10 which is enough for the hit. Sabbac deals 3 clicks of damage to Wonder Man and gets 1 SA point. Psimon gets 1 AST point. Sabbac (K-15) now uses his second close-combat attack to attack Captain America. (And I just realized I probably should have included some sort of comment about Wonder Man's invulnerability being outwitted in the last dice roll. Sorry!) It's 9 to 16 requiring a roll of a 7. And the roll is... 3,2=5, which is a miss.
2) Jinx (I-16) will make a close-combat attack attempting to attack Captain America. It's 8 to 16 requiring a roll of an 8. And the roll is... 4,1=5 which is a miss.
Psimon clears.
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (5/8) J16@ w/LO
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 KOKOKOKO
3) E Human Torch 85 KOKOKOKO
4) R Captain America 72 (5/6) J15@
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) K-15@@
2) R Jinx 44 (3/5) I-16@
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17
*Camouflage 8 pts
Wow, that Sabbac really is a powerhouse Nice addition to the team. He's a lot more useful than Shimmer and Mammoth, and less expensive than both of them.
WCA Turn 6A
All clear.
* Unless otherwise stated, Captain America's combat reflexes will be used to add +2 to his defense, but will not be used to knock him back
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (5/8) J16 w/LO
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 KOKOKOKO
3) E Human Torch 85 KOKOKOKO
4) R Captain America 72 (5/6) J15
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) K-15@@
2) R Jinx 44 (3/5) I-16@
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17
*Camouflage 8 pts
Ah, poo. I forgot about Wonder Man being on his 5th click meaning that he has Toughness and that he has 15 defense. It shouldn't affect the damage or my action of using Psimon to attack, so I just altered my numbers and changed Invulnerability to Toughness, but it will look different on your dice roll. The dice roll was more than enough and eluded to what I was doing, but I'll understand if you want me to reroll it.
Thanks! Yeah, his Mystics TA helps out a lot for all the Calculator TA's on the team, and all those damage reducers and steady damage values do a lot to wear down most opponents. He's a real brawler and quite a grind for people to take down. I'm going to try to upgrade him first and put Fortitude on him, so I can use that to keep his damage reducers against teams that have a lot of Outwit.
Also, I wasn't aware that R Captain America had Combat Reflexes. I thought he had Exploit Weakness. Also, I checked on his dial on the Units page and it says that he has toughness up until his defend clicks, so I guess that's a plus for him. I wonder why it didn't show up on the dial when you copied it over.
Fearsome Five Turn 6B
free) Psimon will use Outwit to counter Wonder Man's Toughness (This was Invulnerability originally until I realized it was Toughness, but it was before I submitted my post that I changed this).
1) Psimon (K-17) will make a close-combat attack against Wonder Man (with his Toughness (was Invulnerability) Outwitted by Psimon). It is 11 to 15 (was 16 in the dice roll) requiring a roll of a 4 (was a 5 in the dice roll). And the roll is... 4,5=9 which is good for the hit. Psimon deals 2 clicks of damage to Wonder Man, gaining 1 SA point.
Jinx and Sabbac will clear.
* Unless otherwise stated, Psimon and Jinx will always copy the Mystics team ability.
* Psimon will always use Shape Change.
West Coast Avengers
1) R Wonder Man 97 (3/8) J16 w/LO
2) R Scarlet Witch* 35 KOKOKOKO
3) E Human Torch 85 KOKOKOKO
4) R Captain America 72 (5/6) J15
Total: 289
Fearsome Five
1) R Sabbac 145 (9/9) K-15
2) R Jinx 44 (3/5) I-16
3) E Psimon 94* (6/6) K-17@
*Camouflage 8 pts
Not here just like in other sports (and well life in genreal) you cant assist yourslef. It has to be someone else you help. So if he Ow's it and say Jinx attacks that is an AST but not if he himself attacks
Quote : Originally Posted by ManOfCopper89
Also, would Psimon get an AST point for Outwitting Toughness on Wonder Man before successfully attacking him? I've been a little confused on this.
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