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"Iron Fist, huh? Always wanted to try my luck against you...too bad I don't have time to play around." Thrasher pops the spring-loaded blade from his forearm housing and takes a tired swing at Iron Fist, only to find that he's definitely no match in his current condition.
Meanwhile, Nova speeds toward his original target and sets off another gravimetric pulse that puts the wall-crawler down for good.
New Wawrriors 4B
1) Nova RS to H-6 and shoots at Spidey, 9AV vs 16DV, Need 7, Rolls: 7 (1+6), Hit! Spidey takes 2 and is KOed, Nova takes 1 click of Mystics and gains [1 SA][1 KO].
2) Thrasher attacks Iron Fist with blades, 8AV vs 17DV, Need 9, Rolls: 4 (2+2), Miss!
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (8/8) I17 (19D)
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (7/7) Q9@
4) R Echo 25 pts (4/5) J9@@
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (5/5) E14
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) H16
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 1SA 1AST
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) H-6@
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (6/6) T-18
3) E Namorita 98 pts (8/8) J-5 [Holding HO]
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (5/6) J-8
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (1/6) P-8@
Total - 399 pts
Super-Nova [2 SA][1 KO]
Blocking Object H18, I18, N14
Heavy Object E21, Namorita, O13
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Namorita was tired of waiting around. Her Atlantean blood boiled and the sight of their leader going down was the last straw. She flew directly at Echo and buried her in debris before she knew what hit her.
"Thanks, Nita!" Speedball grinned, "Let's see if I can take care of this lovely ladyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeoooucchhhh!" Robbie's confidence (and body) were weakened quickly when he bounced into Clea's defensive spell.
While Iron Fist made sure Thrasher stayed down, he gets hit with a psychokinetic shove from behind.
New Warriors 5B
1) Namorita charges to K-8, attacks Echo w/HO, 9AV vs 15DV, Need 6, Rolls: 9 (5+4), Hit! Echo takes 5 and is KOed, Namorita gains [1 SA][1 KO].
2) Speedball charges to H-11 attacking Clea, 9AV vs 15DV, Need 6, Rolls: 2 (1+1), Crit Miss! Speedball takes a click and is injured next game!
3) Justice RS to W-15, shoots Iron Fist, 9AV vs 17DV, Need 8, Rolls: 8 (2+6), Hit! Iron Fist Super Senses: 4, Fail! Fist takes 2 clicks, Justice takes 1 for Mystics. Justice gains [1 SA].
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (8/8) I17@
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (5/7) Q9@@ (+1D)
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (5/5) H12@
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) H16 (using Dr Strange 18D)
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 1SA 1AST
Iron Fist 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) H-6
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (5/6) W-15@
3) E Namorita 98 pts (8/8) K-8@
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (4/6) H-11@ (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
hey I perplexed up IronFist D by 1 last turn so you needed a 9 to hit,... Justices' 8 is a miss he doesn't take one from Mystics and IronFist doesn't take two.
As Echo falls to the ground, the New Avengers a cold reminder of what happen last year when the New Warriors defeated them. Everyone frozen except for Clea concentrating she created a portal and pushed Speedball through it. "that was easy enough" Clea responded
New Avengers 6A
Free) Dr Strange perplexes down Speedball D roll is 3(-1) using BT kw Martial Artists to increase Clea av roll is 3 (+1) Ironfist D roll is 2 (+1)
1) Clea Pushes to BCF on Speedball 8on15 roll is 2,5 hits BCF roll is 5! SS roll is 4 (Clea 1SA, 1KO and 1AST Dr Strange)
everyone else clears
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (8/8) I17
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (7/7) Q9 (+1D)
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (4/5) H12@@
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) H16 (using Dr Strange 18D)
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 1SA 2AST 1DFD
Iron Fist 1SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) H-6
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (6/6) W-15@
3) E Namorita 98 pts (8/8) K-8@
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.[/quote]
(D'oh! Thanks! That's what I get for doing my turns at work. lol I'll remove the SA from Justice as well.)
Namorita caught a fleeting gimpse of the main source of her team's problems and rushed directly at it.
"'Nita! Wait!" Nova tried to intercept her but it was too late. Clea tried to bar his passage but provided only a momentary distraction as Nova unleashed a wave of energy at her.
New Warriors 6B
1) Namorita flies to J-16, takes push.
2) Nova flies to E-11, shoots Clea, 9AV vs 14DV, Need 5, Rolls: 7 (3+4), Hit! Clea takes 2 damage, Nova gains [1 SA].
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (8/8) I17
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (7/7) Q9 (+1D)
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (2/5) H12@@
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) H16 (using Dr Strange 18D)
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 1SA 2AST 1DFD
Iron Fist 1SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) E-11@
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (6/6) W-15
3) E Namorita 98 pts (7/8) J-16@@
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Total - 399 pts
Super-Nova [3 SA][1 KO]
Namorita [1 SA][1 KO]
Blocking Object H18, I18, N14
Heavy Object E21, O13
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Danny runs to help Dr Strange as he blasts Namorita,... "Get away" Dr Strange tries to tell Iron Fist. but as Danny approaches he starts to cough as both he and Dr Strange gag from Namorita's poison.
"I'll get Nova,..." Ronin tells the group as he pulls out his swords
New Avengers 7A
Free) Dr Strange perplexes down Namorita D roll is 5 (-2) triggering BT kw Avengers perplex up his own Damage roll is 2 (+1)
1) Dr Strange attacks Namorita 11on15 roll is 2,4 hits for 3 after toughness 1SA
2) Ironfist L/C his way to J17
3) Ronin moves to E12
*IronFist/Dr Strange will copy mystics,.... looking at Namorita Dial, maybe I shouldn't have perplexed up my damage I gave both IronFist and Dr Strange their clix of poison.
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (7/8) I17@
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (6/7) J17@
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (2/5) H12
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) E12@
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 2SA 2AST 1DFD
Iron Fist 1SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) E-11@
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (6/6) W-15
3) E Namorita 98 pts (4/8) J-16@@
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Total - 399 pts
Super-Nova [3 SA][1 KO]
Namorita [1 SA][1 KO]
Blocking Object H18, I18, N14
Heavy Object E21, O13
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.[/quote]
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Iron Fist lunges at Namorita but she was too much striking him blood gushing from his nose,... he quickly round house kicks her, dropping her guard allowing Dr Strange to teleport her away.
New Avengers 8A
Free) Dr Strange OW's Namorita SC
1) Iron Fist vs Namorita Flurry attack 10on17 roll is 1,1 IronFist takes one still has flurry second attack is 6,4 hits for 2 no push bc of will power 1SA, 1AST
well since he is going to take poison next turn anyways,...
2) Dr Strange pushes to attack 11on14 roll is 1,4 hits for the KO
IronFist / Dr Strange
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (6/8) I17@@
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (5/7) J17@@ Injured next game
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (2/5) H12
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) E12
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 3SA 3AST 1DFD 1KO
Iron Fist 2SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) E-11
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (6/6) Q-15@
3) E Namorita 98 pts (0/8) :knockedou
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Total - 399 pts
Super-Nova [3 SA][1 KO]
Namorita [1 SA][1 KO]
Blocking Object H18, I18, N14
Heavy Object E21, O13
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Nova's eyes widened as he saw Namorita actually hold her own against the Sorcerer Supreme and the world's greatest martial artist before finally disappearing. "Looks like it's just you and me, Super Tights."
Justice replied, "You might want to take out Strange's support, Rich."
With that, Nova left the oncoming Ronin in the dust to seek higher ground and finish off the recovering Clea.
New Warriors 8B
1) Nova attempts to breakaway to Running Shot, Need 4-6, Rolls: 4, success! RS to I-8, targets Clea, 9AV vs 13DV, Need 4, Rolls: 8 (3+5), Hit! Clea takes 2 clix and is KOed, Nova gains [1 SA][1 KO].
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (6/8) I17@@
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (5/7) J17@@ Injured next game
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (7/7) E12
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 3SA 3AST 1DFD 1KO
Iron Fist 2SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (5/7) I-8@
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (6/6) Q-15
3) E Namorita 98 pts (0/8) :knockedou
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Total - 399 pts
Super-Nova [4 SA][2 KO]
Namorita [1 SA][1 KO]
Blocking Object H18, I18, N14
Heavy Object E21, O13
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
"Well, if we're going down...we're going down fighting." Vance concetrated and let a teke shove loose against Ronin, the feedback causing his nose to start bleeding.
"Now you're talkin'," Nova added as he swiftly flew to ground level catching Ronin off-guard with a 1-2 assault.
New Warriors 9B
1) Justice RS to Q-12, targets RoninRags, 9AV vs 16DV, Need 7, Rolls: 7 (3+4), Hit! Rags takes 2, Justice takes 1 Mystics [1 SA].
2) Nova pushes to RS to L-4, targets RoninRags, 9AV vs 15DV, Need 6, Rolls: 6 (1+5), Hit! Rags takes 2, Nova takes push and Mystics. Gains [1 SA].
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (6/8) I17
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (5/7) J17 Injured next game
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (3/7) L13@
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 3SA 3AST 1DFD 1KO
Iron Fist 2SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (3/7) L-4@@
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (5/6) Q-12@
3) E Namorita 98 pts (0/8) :knockedou
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Vance knew he was in trouble, but he had to try. He felt like he was the only chance he and Rich had and concentrated as hard as he could. A psychokinetic burst fired out knocking Ronin to the floor...but the strain left Justice vulnerable.
New Warriors 10B
1) Justice pushes to hit RoninRags, 8AV vs 14DV, Need 6, Rolls: 8 (2+6), Hit! Ronin takes 2 and is KOed, Justice takes a click for the push and 1 for Mystics and gains [1 SA][1 KO].
New Avengers (home)
1) V Spider-Man* (SI) 50 pts (0/6) KOKOKO
* Damage Shield 10 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2) V Dr. Strange** (SI) 149 pts (6/8) L12@
** Brilliant Tactician 20 pts
3) V Iron Fist 70 pts (SI) (5/7) P12@ Injured next game
4) R Echo 25 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
5) R Tiger Lily/Clea 22 pts (0/5) KOKOKO
6) E Ragman/Ronin 47 pts (0/7) KOKOKO
Total - 398 pts
Echo 1SA
Dr Strange 3SA 3AST 1DFD 1KO
Iron Fist 2SA 1KO
Clea 1SA 1KO
New Warriors (visitor)
1) LE Super-Nova^ 91 pts (3/7) L-4
^ Drag 5 pts
2) E Justice 72 pts (3/6) Q-12@@
3) E Namorita 98 pts (0/8) :knockedou
4) E Speedball* 77 pts (0/6):knockedou (Injured next game.)
*Armor Piercing 10 pts
5) E Night Thrasher 46 pts (0/6) :knockedou
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.
Light objects are considered to be heavy objects, and heavy objects are considered to be immobile objects. If a character carries another character during an action, deal the character 1 damage after the action resolves.