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Paraphrasing until I get an actual quote:
"I have a tee off time with Spider-man. Don't want to keep a big star waiting." -- Duck Dodgers/Green Lantoon
23: Has there ever been a marvel/dc crossover comic?
There have been many official cross overs. There have been the Amalgam series in which certain characters and concepts were added to each other and there have been several unofficial crossovers, like the Squadron Supreme/ Sinister which were Marvel's answer, originally, to the JLA.
Superman and Spider-man for one Large oversized comic (They might have even done two). Lex Luthor and I think Doctor Octopus were in it too.
Spidey and Supes even fought against each other in it.
Paraphrasing until I get an actual quote:
"I have a tee off time with Spider-man. Don't want to keep a big star waiting." -- Duck Dodgers/Green Lantoon
During the eighties or is it the late 70's, there were a number of crossovers. Like what ramplate said, the oversized Superman vs Spiderman was the best of the bunch. Others were Batman/Hulk and X-men/Teen Titans. The last and biggest crossover was the Marvel vs DC series pitting each universe's hero against each other in a slugfest of champions. The upcoming JLA/Avengers crossover will be the most anticipated. I can't wait for that one.
Did Marvel and D.C. cross over no one has staed the obvious. (AT least if they did I missed it.) Not only did they cross over for an entire month in a dozen titles the amaglamted for a month or two combing heros like Wolvirne and Batman Superman and Captian America so yes they have crossed over.
Silver Suffer could take every hero who lives on Marvel's planet earth and D.C.'s for that matter!
11: What the !"%$ killed Colossus? - Colussus came back to the X men beofre he died. Beast had made a cure for the dreaded legacy virus, but the only way for it to work would be for a mutant to take it and sacrifice himself so that a true cure could be made. because his sister illyana had contracted the legacy virus colussus sacrificed himself to save everyone else.
12: Who is Quasar? -- quasar has the nega bands from the old capt. marvel giving him all kinds of neat cosmic powers.
13: Why did Colossus become a villain? -he finally decided xaviers dream of peace wouldn't be fulfilled by his means, so he joined mags.
14: I know that some Marvel characters are in Capcoms video games, but are Capcom characters in Marvel comics? - I dont know for sure, but I do not belive so.
15: What'S this story of Thanos destroying like half of the universe? -read the infinity gauntlet trade paperback, u can get it at any comic store. he killed off half of the universe to try to get into deaths pants. (side note: he didn't score)
16: Ok Thor is the most powerfull hero... then there must be a vilain with fairly equal powers huh? Who could that be? - I don't know much DC, but in marvel, cosmic type guys like thanos and terrax could put a good whuppin on him, on pure strength levels Juggernauts pretty much the strongest villain in my opinion.
17: Are the evil zodiacs in the comics or just in the Avengers tv show? - in marvel comics theres been tons of Zodiac teams, they did usually fight the avengers, but they usually sucked.
18: Is Vision really a robot like in the tv show? -yes vision is an android created by ultron to destroy the avengers. he used the late wonder mans brain waves to give him intelligence and the vision eventually decided to join the avengers and whup on ultron.
19: What makes Dr.Doom so strong? I tought he was just a poor kid that had a hard childhood. -doom grew up a wandering gypsy in latervia, his mother was killed when he was a small child for being a witch and his father was killed for failing to heal a local lords wife of illness when he was about 12 or so. he then got a scholership to college in america where his face was scarred in a lab accident while trying to contact his mother in the netherworld.hes the smartest man on the planet period, and using his intelligence, he created his armor to give him strength and to hide his scarred face from the world. he then used his armor and his magical abilites inherited from his momma to go back to latervia and take over the country making it into the single best utopia in the world, thats why doom wants to rule the world, because he truly belives he can make it better. and hes probably right. this is just a nutshell on doom, check out these doom tradepaperbacks for more on the best comic villain of all time : dr. doom/dr. strange triumph and torment, the villainy of dr. doom, and emperor doom. but what makes him so strong, put it this way, take mr. fantastics intellect, iron mans aromor, dr. stranges magic and give him unlimited resources of a country, not to mention diplomatic immunity, and thats why dooms so strong.
20: Is venom good or evil? -both. it really depends on th comic youre reading, he was originally a villain, but fans loved him so much marvel tried to make him a vigilante hero in the mid 90's.
21: Who is Blaastar? I got one and he sure is ugly. He looks like a ewok wrestler.
hes just a fantastic four villain from the negative zone. like most ff villains (cept for doom) he sucks.
22: I don't know if it's marvel related... but has any hero ever fought against Alien/Predator?
mainly batman, theres a few trades out there the batman predator series is pretty good.
23: Has there ever been a marvel/dc crossover comic?
yes. there was a huge crossover back in the mid-90s, resluting in some cool fights. supes vs. hulk, batman vs. captain america, wolvie vs. lobo storm vs. woner woman, and so on.
24: Has Galactus ever been in a war? Did he beat the snot ot of the opposition?
hes not really a warrior, he just go around sucking the life from planets
25: Speaking of galactus, is he the most powerfull being in the universe?
he's up there, him the beyonder, the living tribunal, the celstials, those ginat cosmic guys just cant be mesured for power.
26: Who is Scarlet Spidey? Everyone here seems to hate him.
s.s. is probably one of the worst comic ideas ever. marvel decided to tell everyone that the wallcrawler they've loved for decades was actually a clone. scarlet spiderman was our spiderman with a new costume. the whole clone saga killed off a lot of comic fans.
27: Is there a comic about a huge monster? (like Godzilla)
28: Who's stronger, Wolverine(booh!) or Sabertooth(yeah!)?
depends on the fight. tooth is stronger and has more experience, but wolvies got the admantium. course, tooth has had admatium at different times.
29: I have come to like the Avengers clix, but are they also a powerfull organisation in the comics?
they're definately the premier marvel team. they've whupped pretty much every bad guy in comics from time to time.
30: Not comic related, but game related... anyone ever tryed a solonavi or draconum in a HC game?
Well, I'll have to get back to you with the rest of the questions, but as to who is the most powerful in the marvel universe, I would make the case for Galactus. There are other very powerful characters, but Galactus eats planets, and I don't think Thor could do this. This, ofcourse comes mostly from me seriously reading comics from 1964-1982. I realy don't know much about other characters that have come up since that time.
I do know that Galactus died, but a nearly as I can remeber, the Siver Surfer turned Galactu's syphoning machines on Galactus, so, you could make the case that the only thing strong enough to kill Galactus was, in fact, Galactus himself.
Superman has dealt with Aliens twice that I know of. They make it very difficult for him to keep his oath not to kill anything.
Batman's dealt with them at least once. The current Batman/Aliens miniseries had the Joker being impregnated by a facehugger... and becoming a dead-white Alien with a hideous red-lipped grin.
Batman has dealt with Predators at least twice. The first one had art by the Kuberts, and was quite good, in addition to making the case for an Alfred LE with an attack of 14 and zero damage, but five clicks of Medic...
The Skrulls were one of Marvel's first consistent alien races, making several appearances to annoy the Fantastic Four. They rule much of the Andromeda galaxy (or did, before Galactus ate their throneworld). They had a similar setup to Earth in their prehistory, with three branches of the species -- the Eternals, the regular Skrulls, and the Deviants -- but on their planet, the Deviant Skrulls exterminated the other two branches, and achieved dominance over the planet before they developed space travel. All Skrulls are natural shapeshifters, although they can't change their mass, only their shape. The entire species lost this power at one point, but got it back again, from what I understand. Historically, they were apparently fairly peaceful at one point, but became expansionistic and warlike after getting kicked in the teeth by the Kree Empire a few times, thus launching the Kree-Skrull War, which went on for quite some time until it spilled over into Earth's solar system, which got Captain Mar-Vell and the Avengers involved... and led to their current uneasy truce.
There were two Superman/Spiderman crossovers in the seventies. The second involved Dr. Doom and the Parasite, and established that Superman ain't necessarily stronger than the Green Hulk. There was also a rather odd Batman/Hulk crossover which threw the Shaper of Worlds and the Joker together... and a rather neat X-Men/Teen Titans crossover with art by Walt Simonson!
Galactus has been attacked on several occasions. He almost always annihilates his attackers utterly, within seconds. He WAS beaten rather badly when he tried (in desperation) to consume Earth after going too long without sustenance... and the Avengers, Dr. Strange, and the Fantastic Four beat the doodles out of him... and then saved his life... whereupon he suddenly ran off and ate the Skrull Throneworld, which got at least two major alien empires mad at us...
Blastaar is a conquering mongol type from the Negative Zone who likes to beat the pffft out of people. He's ruled and lost several empires there, simply due to the fact that he is wildly powerful, not too bright, and a very unpleasant person to deal with, even when he's on your side. His power involves shooting explosive power-blasts from his hands, in addition to super toughness and super strength. Has fought the FF several times.
The Spider-Clone saga made everyone mad because it invalidated many years of Spider-Man's history... because it said "Spider-Man is in fact one of the clones that the Jackal created back in the seventies. The REAL Spider-Man has been wandering around with amnesia since then under the name Ben Reilly." In short, it was one of those "it was all a dream" kind of stories. This may fly with the sort of people who watch "Dallas", but comics fans were VIOLENTLY p*ssed off about it, and said so, with their Emails and with their wallets. Kind of says something about the respective intelligence of comic freaks and soap fans, don't it?
The Infinity War: Thanos, the mad Titan, schemed to slaughter half the universe to impress the incarnation of Death. To do so, he gathered the six Infinity Gems, which grant total godlike power and omniscience when one person holds them all. Then, by snapping his fingers, he exterminated half of all life in creation. Naturally, Earth's superheroes had to do something about this. They did. The situation got fixed. Not the greatest storytelling around, but nice George Perez art, and recommended for HeroClix fans.
Mutants: when the Celestials began screwing around with Homo Erectus' gene structure, they divided the species into three basic subtypes: Eternals, Humans, and Deviants. The Eternals were hyperevolved and had cosmic energy manipulation powers. Humans were given a genetic "x-factor" that wouldn't manifest until they'd evolved past a certain point. Deviants were given a randomly variable genetic code that would wildly screw up their genetics for eons to come. To make a long story short, the "x-factor" was a latent ability to produce beneficial mutations. Some humans would "mutate" in such a way as to produce superpowers (as opposed to, say, cancer). The Inhumans came later, when the Kree showed up and began playing ghod with some of the local cavemen, inventing the Terrigen Mist and subjecting them to it in an attempt to genetically engineer a better variety of slave. They shooda known better. Oh, and there's two varieties of Eternal -- the Earth variety, and the related colony on Titan, tenth moon of Saturn. Thanos was a Titanian Eternal. The Earthbound variety, due to their habit of tinkering with their genes, is more powerful and longer lived, possessing true immortality.
(looks around) Did I get everything...?
You got class, podnuh. What the hell you need with notoriety?
As to another comic about 'big monsters', there was also the pseudo-prehistoric run of 'Devil Dinosaur', which was kind of like a small-non-fire-breathing-Godzilla-and-buddy series for a bit, in the mid-late 70's (or at least that's when I ran across one).
Well you see, the thing is, explaining the alternate/parallel dimensions would be more confusing than just accepting them as they are.
I'll throw in what I have anyway on the realms thing.
Up in space, there is a citadel (accessible to by all of the dimensions) which is basically the bastion where the dimensions are kept-looked at-controlled.
Roma, the guardian of the multiverse (all those happy dimensions that exist) oversees that everything is kept in order over the dimensions (most especially so that they don't begin to merge, spreading a 'reality cancer' among the rest, otherwise she'd have to destroy them). She has a podium type deal in her room/viewing room that holds all of the dimensions in the forms of thin slivers of crystal. When she has to destroy a dimension, she destroys the crystal and its gone.
Roma is a godess, literally, so is her father Merlin a god. And that is basically the base info that you'll get on the different dimensions.
The earth(dimension) that most comics takes place on is Earth 616, however whenever you see characters popping in from other dimensions or realms, its always from a different 'earth/dimension'.
Collussus is dead...please let him rest in peace. Nightcrawler on the other hand I believe is having doubts about being a priest and I think it has something to do with a woman???