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I wouldn't say Spiderman was a marketing tool. He was part of the Super-Hero team who survived Thanos wiping out of half the universes population. He went with them and fought, and had many good lines, and like everyone else, died. He gets as much time in the book as the other heroes, save for Warlock and the Silver Surfer, really.
"The End" is another world-shattering mini-series. An ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who disappeared out of history returns with phenominal power and takes over the planet for this "Celestial Order" that he works for. He blew up the X Mansion (with all of the X teams gathered there) and wiped out the Avengers and FF. Basically it is down to the standard crew of heros/villains to figure out how to stop it. People remaining include Doom, Thanos, Adam Warlock, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Spiderman and Daredevil (although by issue #2 Doom is working on his own and Spidey and Daredevil were pretty much cameos). Pretty standard stuff.
It occurs to me that you may have sen the trade for the infinity ABYSS not gauntlet. That story involves moondragon, warlock, captian marvel, and spiderman. He is actuall involved in that one. PLus the trade just came out so you are more likly to have seen that out on a shelf than the gauntlet trade.
I recomend reading them all. I sill have my orignal signed gountlet seires. it was the only thing I saved after I sold all my books.
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Thanos gathers all the infinity gems (see Thanos quest. great read!). Makes good on his promice to death and wipes out 1/2 of earth's population. Poof!
Correction: 1/2 of THE UNIVERSE's POPULATION got wiped out by Thanos which included 1/2 of Earth's.
Silver Surfer (#50) comes to earth to warn everyone about Thanos, but is too late. Dr. Strange and Adam Warlock gather a team to try to defeat Thanos.
Thanos makes tribute to death (private throne room in space). To demonstrate power, Thanos recreates his grand-daughter (name escapes me). She's a 1/2 dead corpse. Mephisto pops in to hang out.
Clarification: That would be Nebula though the books made it seem that she might just be making it up to add to her reputation as an intergalactic pirate & cutthroat. He also forces his brother Eros, AKA Starfox to watch his reign as ultimate deity but removes Starfox's mouth so Eros can't use his mental manipulation powers that were projected via his voice.
Team go to attack Thanos (Adam warlock, strange, & surfer stand off to the side). Thanos captures them as soon as they appear at his . Mephisto points out that death is not impressed with how easy Thanos defeated them, and points out that she would be better impressed if he turns off his "god" ability. Thanos agrees, and the fight ensues. Thanos whups everyone, and Cap America is left. Thanos goes to take a swing. Surfer bolts from Warlock's side, and tries to grab the glove holding the gems from Thanos' grasp. missed.
Turns back on god power. The cosmic beings (the second wave) try to take out Thanos. Great fight scenes!! Thanos wins! He gloats, and looses focus. Grand-daughter takes glove off of Thanos. She becoems god.
Captures surfer and dr. strange (warlock outside of realm). Contains thanos. She wishes everything was back as it was 24 hrs ago. The 1/2 that were "poofed" return to life. She returns to the 1/2 dead corpse that she was. Fixes this. Cosmic beings come in to attack her. captures them all.
Adam warlock reaches out and fuses himself with the soul gem. Moment of fighting between everyone. Glove is freed. Struggling for control of glove between everyone. Warlock gains control of glove.
Everything set back to normal. Adam splits glove up to Infinity Watch (see series). As "god," Warlock removes all emotion from him creating a "good" and "bad" side of him free onto the universe (see Infinity War and Infinity Crusade).
Also, at the end of this, Eternity decrees that the Infinity Gems will NOT work when brought together again to avoid someone else trying to copy Thanos' quest. Of course, this plot point gets revisited during the Infinity War mini-series.
There ya go!
Thanks for the corrections to my list. I was just going off of my memory.
But, then again... 1/2 of earth, 1/2 of universe...6 of one, 1/2 dozen of another.... point of it was - a lot of people died. He just asked for a quick sum up of the story, I didn't think that the little details were that important.
The fact that Thanos killed off 1/2 the freaking universe was an important point that he was willing to do ANYTHING, including widespread murder to get what he wanted: the favor of Mistress Death.
Well the Infinity Gauntlet in my opinion was the best of the 3 ( Gauntlet, War, Crusade ), I also think it was the best mini series ever its what made me a Thanos fan for life.
Was Spider Man a marketing tool? Naw like someone said he was along for the fight. I think the reason I loved this series was because the deaths were a part of the real time line of Marvel. Some of my favorite deaths were,
When Thanos turned Wolverines bones to sponge
Thanos turning Thor into glass and shattering him
Turning Nova into toy blocks
I liked how he didn't even mess around with Hulk and Drax and just sent them to another world. Watching Captain America standing toe to toe with Thanos was awesome as well.
The outcome was of course the best part of the story. I have always loved Adam Warlock and was glad he got the gaunlet.
whatever... I'm not going to debate it. All I wanted to do was emphasise that a lot of people died. If it was just on earth or the entire universe...whatever...who cares. The idea was brought across, and that's the main thing (right?).
My favorite death was how Thanos killed cyclops. Suffocation is the way to go!
PS: CCcenter_stage, it is a pretty big difference that Thanos killed half the universe and not just half the Earth. Galactus could destroy the whole earth by himself. Just admit u made a mistake, don't try to justify it.
"I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you."
thanks for all this... kinda excessive... clarification. i will now begin to look for the infinity stuff in my local comics shops. so, it's gauntlet, war, crusade, abyss, and "the end" in that order, right?
"I'm Mercury, dammit!"- Jay Garrick, regarding his hat.
Don't forget Thanos Quest! It comes before Gauntlet. And honestly, only get War and Crusade if you absolutely have to have them all... those two aren't really good reads... more or less just another excuse for massive cross-overs between all of Marvel's titles at the time.
Originally posted by Mr. Pilkington Thanos Quest and The Infinity Gauntlet are probably my favorite Thanos books. Infinity War and Crusade were very poor. Infinity Abyss was okay. And now The End is coming out. I don't know where it will go. But it is definitely worth your time to get the Thanos Quest and Gauntlet books.
The end issue #3 Best. Cover. Ever!
..Too bad the cover doesn't exaclty live up to what's inside.