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1) Banner moves to N18 and Perplexes Iron Man's defense
2) Aleta Barriers at M18-L19-K20-J21. 1 DFD.
Others clear
Spidey copying Defenders
Kruger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts M21 [Def +1]
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI 50 pts M22
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) L21 @
4) V Winter Soldier 70 pts E21 w/ HO (Stealthed)
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts N18 @
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts H-1
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts M-5,N-5
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts B-8@
4) V Dagger (5/5) 69 pts G-14@
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts G-2@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts M-8 (stealth)@
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts D-2
* Contingency Plan 12 #
HO: Winter Soldier
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
it would not be a re-roll situation because of the miss and the targets do not change if both had been 18 and it became a miss would you want me to re-roll?? if the attack had been illegal and I had to target a different character then yes I would re-roll but in this case I did hit Iron man regardless of the Defenders change ( I guess banner should get a AST??)
Yes, Banner would get a DFD as would Spider-Man (I think)
it would not be a re-roll situation because of the miss and the targets do not change if both had been 18 and it became a miss would you want me to re-roll?? if the attack had been illegal and I had to target a different character then yes I would re-roll but in this case I did hit Iron man regardless of the Defenders change
We're way past that. My turn has been posted. I made no fuss about it.
Add one to Dagger's movement via CP
dagger uses Spider-man TA to Copy Avengers Initiative
1) Push Dagger (+1 movement) RS to E-17 targets Winter Solider 9 vs 17 (Spider-man TA to Copy Avengers Initiative) rolls an 8 hits for 3 penetrating WS drops object
2) Ghost rider moves to E-11, D-11
3) Scourge moves to E-8
add one to CP token
Kruger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts M21 [Def +1]
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI 50 pts M22
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) L21 @
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts E21 w/ HO (Stealthed)
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts N18 @
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts H-1
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts E-11,D-11@
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts B-8@
4) V Dagger (4/5) 69 pts G-14@@
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts G-2@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts M-8 (stealth)@
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts E-8@
* Contingency Plan 12 #
HO: Winter Soldier
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
1) Winter Soldier vs Dagger, 11 vs 16. 5, 5 = 10. Dagger takes 2 (Super Senses rolls a 4) and knock back to E15
Clear others and Perplex on Iron Man's defense
Spider-Man copying Defenders
Kruger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts M21 [Def +1]
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI 50 pts M22
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) L21
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts E21 @
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
1 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts N18 @
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts H-1
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts E-11,D-11@
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts B-8@
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts E-16@@
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts G-2@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts M-8 (stealth)@
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts E-8@
* Contingency Plan 12 #
HO: Winter Soldier
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
4a) Sorry I forgot to clear mandroid , hawkeye , moonknight (SHAME ON ME)
leadership fail
1) Mandroid to D-9
2) Iron fist to D-8
3) Hawkeye L/C to E-13
add one to cp
Kruger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts M21 [Def +1]
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI 50 pts M22
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) L21
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts E21 @
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
1 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts N18
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts D-8@
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts E-11,D-11
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts E-13@
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts E-16
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts M-8 (stealth)
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts E-8
* Contingency Plan 12 ##
HO: Winter Soldier
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
1) WS vs Dagger, 11 vs 15. 2, 6 = 8, evaded by a SS roll of 5. No push due to Willpower
2) Aleta TK's WS to M22. 1 DFD
3) Bruce to O16
Avengers free) Iron Man flies to P17 dropping Aleta in O17
Free) Perplex on Aleta's defense
Spider-Man copying Defenders
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts P17 @
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI 50 pts P16 @
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) O17 @
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts M22 @@
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
1 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts O16 @
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts D-8@
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts E-11,D-11
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts E-13@
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts E-16
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts M-8 (stealth)
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts E-8
* Contingency Plan 12 ##
HO: Winter Soldier
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
free) leadership fail
free) add 2 Cp tokens to ghost Riders attack making it a 12
1) Ghost Rider will use the Transporter/Move & attack to N-19 and shoot at Iron Man 12-2 vs 16 rolls the 5 and misses he will end his movement in M-18, L-17
2) Dagger limps to A-9
3) moon Knight to K-11
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts P17 @
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI 50 pts P16 @
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) O17 @
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts M22 @@
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
1 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts O16 @
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts D-8
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts M-18, L-17@
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts E-13
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts A-9@
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts K-11@
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts E-8
* Contingency Plan 12 #
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
1) Spider-Man Lunges to N17 to Flurry Ghost Rider. 1st Flurry, 10 vs 16, damage +1 w/ Perplex. 2, 3 = 5 misses. 2nd Flurry, 10 vs 16, damage +1. Critical Miss. Takes 2 clicks. I give up...
Spider copying Defenders
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts P17
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI (4/6) 50 pts N17 @@
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (6/6) O17
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts M22
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
1 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts O16
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts D-8
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (7/7) 85 pts M-18, L-17@
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts E-13
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts A-9@
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts K-11@
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 pts E-8
* Contingency Plan 12 #
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
6a) the roll said k22,k22 it was meant to say k-21 k22 obviously I could not shoot from there or have both parts of the peanut base there
leadership Success +1 action
1) Scourge moves to k-12
2) Mandroid will TK Iron Fist to L-16
3) Iron Fist will L/C to M-17
4) Ghost Rider push to RS to K-21,K-22 targets Aleta 10 vs 17 (via Defenders) psy blast rolls a 9 hits for 3 penetrating
Add Cp token
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts P17
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI (4/6) 50 pts N17 @@
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (3/6) O17
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts M22
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
1 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts O16
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (7/7) 70 pts M-17@
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (6/7) 85 pts K-21,k-22@@
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts E-13
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts A-9
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts K-11
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 ptsK-12@
* Contingency Plan 12 #
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
I guess the point is moot but I realize I forgot to say add Cp token in turn 5a so would not have had it available to be technical. I doesn't change my turn any but I just wanted to be fair and I will edit the turn to reflect those changes
Season 1 SuperHero Bowl Champion of the Heroclix Fantasy League
1) WS vs Iron Fist, 11 vs 17. 2, 6 = 8. Super Senses: 2. Iron Fist takes 2.
1 SA Winter Soldier
2) Aleta vs Ghost Rider, 7 vs 16. 3, 4 = 7 misses
3) Iron Man flies to O15, dropping Aleta in P14
Free) Perplex on Spider-Man's defense
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts O15 @
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI (4/6) 50 pts N17 [Def +1]
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (3/6) P14 @
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts M22 @
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
2 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts O16
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (5/7) 70 pts M-17@
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (6/7) 85 pts K-21,k-22@@
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts E-13
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts A-9
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9@
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts K-11
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 ptsK-12@
* Contingency Plan 12 #
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.
1) Hawkeye to D-10
2) Moon Knight to N-12
free) add one to Iron Fist attack 10 +1 via CP
3) Iron Fist will Flurry on Spider-man 10+1 vs 17+1 attack 1 is a 6 miss attack 2 is a 7 hit supersense is a 6 dodge no push due to Willpower
add one cp token
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) Iron Man (SN) (5/8) 160 pts O15 @
w/ Stunning Blow 10 pts
2) E Spider-Man SI (4/6) 50 pts N17 [Def +1]
w/ Lunge 5 pts
3) R Aleta 51 pts (3/6) P14 @
4) V Winter Soldier (4/7) 70 pts M22 @
w/ Inside Information 4 pts
2 SA
5) AE Bruce Banner 50 pts O16
Total 400 pts
Stepper79's Heroes for Hire
1) V Iron Fist (SI) (5/7) 70 pts M-17@@
2) E Ghost Rider (FF) (6/7) 85 pts K-21,k-22
3) R Hawkeye (AVM) (6/6) 65pts D-10@
4) V Dagger (2/5) 69 pts A-9
5) E Mandroid Armor (4/4) 32 pts D-9
6) R Silver Sable (5/5) 33 pts * N-3 (stealth)
7) R Moon Knight (5/5) 18 pts N-12@
8) R Scourge (3/3) 14 ptsK-12
* Contingency Plan 12 #
LO: E21
BFC Malfunction
Before the beginning of the first turn, starting with the player who played this battlefield condition, each player can remove one object from the game.