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Just asking, but is "mxyzptlk" the true way to spell it? I know about the character from the old Superman show (70's) and the new one (90's). I never read the issues he was from though. So, can someone give me the comic origin rundown. And what powers would he have (clix-wise)?
And it's been spelled Mxyzptlk for a long time. The voice actors on the old Super-Friends just couldn't say that or "kil-it-IP-six-im".
Another good day at work. All the computers up and running. All employees happy and ready for tomorrow. All customers satisfied. All pigs fed and ready to fly."
Gotta admit I have no idea with most of these, but I'm 99% sure ThePope got mxyzptlk right - miks-yeez-pit'l-ik - because I remember Superman actually explaining to someone how to pronounce it one time in an issue of Man of Steel I think. For some reason i spent a good deal of time memorising that pronunciation. I truly had too much time on my hands.
Incidentally I'm pretty sure Darkseid is indeed darkside, but I can't stop myself from saying it Darkseed. So I've given up trying.
according to the ultimate guide to superman, it's mix-yez-pittle-ick. or... ki-littip-zey-ksim. that;s just what i heard. but, i still think sabretooth is said sa-bray-tooth.
"I'm Mercury, dammit!"- Jay Garrick, regarding his hat.
Into thine hands, Bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the Beast of the sea.
Superheros in training
Skull & Crossbones
Megaman.EXE of the C.C.
i agree with ThePope on all but Rahne. since I'm watching X Men evolution as I type this, it's said like Ron. she was just addressed, told not to run in the halls.
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