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I did pull out some facts about the creator of her. She didn't like that. She also didn;t like that I said WW was made to be the token female character so women would be drawn into comics.
Word. I also hate all those Nu52 characters like Steve Trevor.
I did pull out some facts about the creator of her. She didn't like that. She also didn;t like that I said WW was made to be the token female character so women would be drawn into comics.
Wonder Woman was a comic book representation of her creator's bondage fantasies. Documented.
Longest-Reigning Drunken HeroClix Champion - anyone got a liver?
I've got an inkling that you're coming to us in search of help against the dreaded (and completely BS) "fake nerd girl."
If so, I'll say again-back off. It's not worth it, and you won't win anything by "teaching her a lesson."
I had a friend in high school that loved a certain band. They could play no wrong, and he had multiple copies of every single album, single, art book, etc. I didn't care for them, and kept trying to argue the point. Didn't matter. Didn't matter what I showed him as far as sales, charts, ratings, etc. the band could do no wrong.
If Wonder Woman is her girl, and nothing will sway her, then it's possible that nothing will change her mind. At all. No matter what.
In that case? Drop it. Not worth having the debate.
Quote : Originally Posted by eMouse
Is emailing really necessary? Hess is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by BudPalmer
Hesster is at least 4.3 times funnier than Haven anyway.
I can't believe all these comments advising him to "drop it"....... obviously this Wonder Woman fangirl is spoiling for a fight.
Give it to her i say.
How old is she? Can you appeal to any sort of objectiveness? Is there any chance she is doing this to get your attention and/or get on your nerves? Get her to explain herself? Ask probing questions like; Which costume does she prefer? Did she watch the Wonder Woman TV series with Linda Carter? Which season did she prefer? Who is her favorite Wonder Woman villain? Why? Ask her questions to exhaust her...... don't give your opinion because you don't appreciate the character instead get her talking.. try to find out why she admires the character so much? (Possible subliminal bondage fixation?)
A lot of options..... if you can get to the root of her fixation you might could work some of the truth in there........
My theory: she is spoiling for a fight and likes the competition of trying to change your mind. Don't give any opnions, answer questions with questions........ she'll leave you alone when you stop "fighting" with her.
Yes, but you're a surrealist! I'm a normal guy!
Gil Zoo Crew or bust!
So, she's been ranting and raving about how Wonder here can beat any character in the marvel universe, or anyone cept Superman in DC. I'm calling some exaggeration here. According to her Wonder Woman can move at light speed...... which I have never seen, nor heard. She can also apperently breath in space or underwater.
Your lady-friend is at correct, at least as far as the breathing in space thing. Wondy's earrings are (or were) able to allow her to breath in space and under water.
Concerning the "strong as or stronger than Supes", well, she's not wrong there either, though that one is open to interpretation, and how one chooses to understand the characters. For some reason I'm thinking that DC has the official position that Supes is stronger. Not necessarily because that's what the feats show, but because that's how they've chosen to portray him. Both are strong enough to move planets (shown in comics), and neither have been shown to have any upper strength limit.
They've also been shown to fight each other. In the afore-mentioned story where she killed Max Lord, he went all out trying to kill her, but she held back. This was stated in text, not just my opinion. She could have killed him very easily if she had chosen to (my opinion), but that's not a stretch, it's very reasonable given what we read and saw in the comic.
My opinion is that your friend's main assertion, that Wonder Woman can beat any character in the Marvel universe, is true. Unless you're talking Beyonder level stuff, of course, but there you're getting into very uncertain and undefined territory.
And I'm going to list the reasons below why I think that. It's also my opinion that she could beat any character in the DC universe, *IF* she wanted to. If she was out for blood, and was not holding back, it would take literally a matter of minutes, at most, for her to wipe out everyone who tried to stop her; Darkseid, Supes, you name them.
The reasons I say this is because (and I'm not going into detail here with each reason, for sake of time and brevity):
A) she has the will and resolve, more than anyone with the possible exception of Bats and maybe Supes and Captain Marvel.
B) she has the skills (fighting, etc) unmatched by any but possibly a very few.
C) she has the speed (probably up to and including light speed), strength, and stamina.
D) and (and this is what puts her over the top), she has that sword that cuts through anything.
Combine all of that, and who won't be cut to pieces in a snap? You'd have to have the Lantern Corps working together to slow her down, in order for anyone to have a chance. But would their constructs stand up against her sword + her strength + her speed? Not likely.
Yes, I'm a fanboy, but I only became one reluctantly, after considering all of what I've just laid out in a nutshell.
I'm not at all a feminist, nor am I a fan of the Greek pantheon, or the Amazons, but only of Diana. For the reasons, and others, that I just laid out.
Now, I countered that with Flashpoint and Kingdom Come showing that she couldn't, but she completely ignored that. Now she refuses to cite any source to back up her long list of stuff Wonder Woman here can do. Can anyone help me out here because those are two powers I've never seen her have. She also is mixing incarnations into one if that helps.
What I remember about Flashpoint was that it was a sort of alternate universe, where a bunch of alternate stuff spilled over into the real world. So the Atlantis vs. Themyscira stuff didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and seemed pretty silly. But that's neither here nor there, because according to what I remember, did it change Diana's basic skill set and abilities? Not that I remember. But of course, as usual, Diana would be short-changed and under-represented, according to her skills and abilities. They have to do that, or most everyone else would be put to shame.
Quote : Originally Posted by Vile
I did point out that Mera took her out in Blackest Night but she completely ignored it.
Mera did not beat Diana in Blackest Night. Diana obviously held back, and then her memories of Bruce Wayne snapped her out of it, before she would have destroyed Mera. Diana even told Mera, in a moment of self-control (while trying to will herself to overcome the Black Ring), to run and get away while she could. Had Diana not held back, it's likely Mera wouldn't have lasted long.
Yeah, I'm a fanboy (not just of WW, but of others too, even more so of Cap and Bats), but hey, that's part and parcel of being a comics fan.
OK, I wrote that pretty quickly because of lack of time, so I hope it all made sense.
Mera did not beat Diana in Blackest Night. Diana obviously held back, and then her memories of Bruce Wayne snapped her out of it, before she would have destroyed Mera. Diana even told Mera, in a moment of self-control (while trying to will herself to overcome the Black Ring), to run and get away while she could. Had Diana not held back, it's likely Mera wouldn't have lasted long.
Just would like to point out that this is the proper response to a post. If the lady friend made a post like this in response to your claim, I highly doubt this thread would exist.