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other sites like boardgamegeek cover all the scale issues pretty well. If you want it from the source there is a FFG interview on Youtube from GenCon 2013. The actual developer is there and says the exact scale and why they had to take it down etc.
To get Star Destroyers at the rate at which they scaled the corvette down (I hope that made sense) it would still be something like 4ft. Far from proffitable for FFG.
Expanded Universe seems like the next logical step. I am supprised we dont have a rebel escort frigate yet. *maybe its just my personal experience but I feel like they were in EVERY level/stage of EVERY Star Wars space combat game I've played.
other sites like boardgamegeek cover all the scale issues pretty well. If you want it from the source there is a FFG interview on Youtube from GenCon 2013. The actual developer is there and says the exact scale and why they had to take it down etc.
To get Star Destroyers at the rate at which they scaled the corvette down (I hope that made sense) it would still be something like 4ft. Far from proffitable for FFG.
Expanded Universe seems like the next logical step. I am supprised we dont have a rebel escort frigate yet. *maybe its just my personal experience but I feel like they were in EVERY level/stage of EVERY Star Wars space combat game I've played.
Ha! I agree completely on the frigate part. It did seem like there was at least one per stage in the old X-wing and Tie Fighter computer games.
I think we might see a continual dusting of the expanded universe come in through a wave or two, but mainly in the form of repaints like they're doing with the tie interceptors (I'm really surprised Rogue Squadron hasn't already been announced in this fashion).
This along with the capital ships should be enough to carry them to the release of the next Star Wars movie and the ship designs from that.
Ha! I agree completely on the frigate part. It did seem like there was at least one per stage in the old X-wing and Tie Fighter computer games.
I think we might see a continual dusting of the expanded universe come in through a wave or two, but mainly in the form of repaints like they're doing with the tie interceptors (I'm really surprised Rogue Squadron hasn't already been announced in this fashion).
This along with the capital ships should be enough to carry them to the release of the next Star Wars movie and the ship designs from that.
The fact that I played those games so much and still love the hell out of them is the exact reason I had to get into this game.
And from what I've seen, the people at FFG love that era of games as well. In the LCG, they've used plenty of art of stuff seen in X-wing, so I expect them to mine that series as much as they can.
I'd like to see a remake of X-wing and Tie Fighter for the PC. Updated graphics and such. Hell I'd go out and buy a modern/nice joystick.
I'm guessing the lul, at least by FFG standards, in upcoming news is from most of the trilogy ships being represented already. The larger scale ships wont be part of Wave 4 (as stated by FFG). This could mean wave 4 will be almost entirely expanded universe. In theory Wave 4 would be released in second or third quarter 2014. If they kept up with their pace from previous years, this should give us a preview/hint soon. A 3rd quarter 2014 release of Wave 4 would also mean they could launch at GenCon.
At the moment, I'm not expecting any Wave 4 news until the Star Wars Weekend they will hold in May. Just like Wave 3.
They announced in May and released in August? Wow they keep stuff under lock and key pretty well. I got into the game in August of last year (Gencon) so I'm not terribly familiar with their announce >> release tendencies.
Yeah, they tend to keep things a bit tight lipped. The Capital ships were a bit off of their normal policy, though they tend to announced big stuff at Gencon. Sadly, delays can cause havoc on their release windows. Wave 2 was announced at Gencon for a Dec release, but delays hit them. Same with the Aces.
Granted, this dripping of info is a bit more frustrating for X-wing, due to relatively small number of releases. It's not quite as bad with the LCG's and their mainly monthly releases. And Descent. They've really upped the products for a boardgame.
After I thought about it a while, it doesnt look like FFG dropped the Corvette in scale very much at all. "Official" wookiepedia info has the Corvette @150m. Game size that is about 19 inches. I saw it at GenCon and its pretty close to that.
Well, the small number of releases is to my taste/liking. I prefer fewer release but quality each time. I'm okay with the amount of previews as well. For me, they do it right (for now)
Well, the small number of releases is to my taste/liking. I prefer fewer release but quality each time. I'm okay with the amount of previews as well. For me, they do it right (for now)
Same here. And their pushback dates are always announced far enough in advance where it's never really been an issue for me, especially when I've never had a single issue with any FFG purchase I've ever made (which even goes outside of X-wing). Makes it easier to believe they're doing it for quality instead of logistics bumbling.
I've never had a single issue with any FFG purchase I've ever made (which even goes outside of X-wing). Makes it easier to believe they're doing it for quality instead of logistics bumbling.
And they have a very reliable european distributor (Edge) with which i never had any problems either. He TRANSLATES the games (i play X-Wing in french) and he does it right. FFG rules !!!!
My only issue with FFG is their cardboard token obsession. They must own some stake in a cardboard company. X-wing actually isn't that bad. But some of their boardgames, dear god. It's why I keep all baggies I get in a FFG product.
And they have a very reliable european distributor (Edge) with which i never had any problems either. He TRANSLATES the games (i play X-Wing in french) and he does it right. FFG rules !!!!
My only issue with FFG is their cardboard token obsession. They must own some stake in a cardboard company. X-wing actually isn't that bad. But some of their boardgames, dear god. It's why I keep all baggies I get in a FFG product.
Ha! Yeah, cardboard is a thing with them for sure.
Immediately upon opening up Game of Thrones the board game (of thrones) I closed it back up and journeyed to the store to purchase a hundred pack of the small ziplock baggies.
Given how much FFG product I do buy the baggies are easily worth three times their price.
But for X-wing there's plenty of acrylic game pieces for purchase all over. It's an investment I've yet to make, but it's on "the list." X-wing as you said isn't that bad with the cardboard and I've never really had a problem other than the occasional possibly lost shield token scare (don't play in a house with cats and have everyone leave the table at once to all go get beers).
I would like to see them do better constructed movement dials. AW has them beat with those.