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1) Nova charges to L-15, auto breaking away due to The Human Rocket. Thrasher pulls a token from CP to bump Novas attack +1. 11 (10+1 from CP) on 17, +1 to damage from The Human Rocket. Roll is 6,3 for a hit. Thunderball takes 3 after toughness, and is knocked back to H-15. SA to Nova. Roll for Endurance is 1, he takes 2 unavoidable damage, and removes the token from Endurance
2) Justice TKs the HO at K-11 to H-11
*free* Silhouette perplexes up Rages attack +1
3) Rage Pounces to I-12, grabbing the HO at H-11 along the way, and tries to smack Zemo. 13 (10+1 from perplex, +1 from Pounce, +1 from NSS) on 18 (16+2 from CR) for 5 damage (2+1 from Pounce, +2 from HO) Roll is 2,6 for a hit. Zemo takes 5 and is KO'd. SA and KO to Rage, AST to Justice. Rage takes an unavoidable damage from Pounce.
add token to CP
Masters of Evil
1) Citizen V 58pts KO'd
2) Absorbing Man 95pts [1] K19
3) Klaw 127pts KO'd
SA [1]
4) Thunderball 75pts [5] K15 @@
5) Songbird 44pts [2] L23
AST [1]
Objects: HO Meteorite, LO Step Ladder, HO
Theme PC: 2/4
New Warriors
1) Night Thrasher 37 pts (1/6) C-5
+ Contingency Plan 12 pts##
2) Justice 64 pts (1/6) C-7@
3) Nova 100 pts (3/7) L-15@
+ Endurance 5 pts
+ Lucky Break 5 pts (used)
+ Opportunist 10 pts#
4) Rage 74 pts (3/6) I-12@
+ Pounce 15 pts
+ Not So Special 3 pts
5) Shadowcat 70 pts (1/5) H-11
+ Ambush 5 pts
1) Nova charges to I-15, auto breaking away with the Human Rocket, and getting +1 to damage. 10 on 16, roll is 2,1 for a miss.
*free* Silhouette perplexes up Rages movement +1
2) Rage charges to L-15, grabbing the Meteorite along the way, and tries to bash Creel. Thrasher pulls 2 tokens from CP to bump his attack +2. 13 (11+2 from CP) on 16. Roll is 1,3 for a hit. Meteorite roll is 3-2 for 1 additional damage. Creel takes 4 straight through. SA to Rage, AST to Sil and Thrasher
3) Justice flies to G-11
clear, add token to CP
Masters of Evil
1) Citizen V 58pts KO'd
2) Absorbing Man 95pts [5] K16
3) Klaw 127pts KO'd
SA [1]
4) Thunderball 75pts [5] K15
5) Songbird 44pts [4] P19 @@
AST [1]
Objects: LO Step Ladder, HO
Theme PC: 2/4
New Warriors
1) Night Thrasher 37 pts (1/6) C-5
+ Contingency Plan 12 pts##
2) Justice 64 pts (1/6) G-11@
3) Nova 100 pts (3/7) I-15@
+ Endurance 5 pts
+ Lucky Break 5 pts (used)
+ Opportunist 10 pts#
4) Rage 74 pts (3/6) L-15@
+ Pounce 15 pts
+ Not So Special 3 pts
5) Shadowcat 70 pts (5/5) H-11
+ Ambush 5 pts