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Bart rolls 4 for Unpredictable Speedster, for perplex
*free* Bart perplexes up Dark Flashes defense +1
*free* Barry perplexes up Maxs attack +1
1) Max HSS to N-11 and punches Garth. 11 (10+1 from perplex) on 16, roll is 6,5 for a hit. Heightened Reflexes roll for Garth is 6, he evades. Max ends his movement in L-11. No pushing damage due to WP
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 @ [1 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts M10 @ [1 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts L10 @ [1 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts N4
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts N9 [1 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts N10 @@ [1 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O2
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
oh wait! you can't attack from N11, the GCD is there with Plasticity, so Max would stop right away and not be able to attack due to the new plasticity rules.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
2. Rond will RCE on Max. +1 dam/+1 att. AV 12 vs DV 16 (-1 PD). +1 dam Enhancement. Roll is a 4, 4 for the hit for 6 clicks and is knocked all the way back to F17. 1 SA to Rond, 1 AST to Jimmy, 1 AST to Polar Boy, 1 AST to Cos.
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 @@ [2 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts M10 [1 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts L5 [2 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts M6 @ [1 SA]
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts E16 @ [1 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts N10 [1 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O2 [1 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 @@ [2 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts M10 [1 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts L5 [2 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts M6 @ [1 SA]
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts E16 @ [1 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts N10 [1 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O2 [1 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
(free) Chameleon Girl chooses Poison/Incap, giant, and flight.
(free) Cham Girl poison's Max for a click and the KO. 1 KO to Cham Girl
(free) Leadership roll is a 5.
1. Jimmy walks to O6
(free) Jimmy perps up Garth's dam +1
2. GCD flies to L13
3. Polar Boy flies to J13
4. Garth RS to K13 and dual targets Dark Flash and Impulse. Dark Flash Shape change roll is a 2. AV 11 (+1 NSS) vs DV 16 (Dark Flash, -2 PD), 18 (Impulse, -2 PD). Roll is a 6, 2 for the hit on both. I'll do all 6 damage (+2 Enhancement) to Dark Flash for 5 clicks after Toughness. 1 SA to Garth, 1 AST to Jimmy, 1 AST to Polar Boy, 1 AST to GCD.
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 [2 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $$
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts K13 @ [2 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts J13 @ [3 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts M6 [1 SA]
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts E16 [1 KO, 1 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts L13 @ [2 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O6 @ [2 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 [2 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $$
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts K13 @ [2 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts J13 @ [3 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts M6 [1 SA] {outwit outwitted}
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts E16 [1 KO, 1 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts L13 @ [2 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O6 @ [2 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
(free) Chameleon Girl chooses sidestep/flurry, giant, and flight
(free) Rond sidestep breakaway roll is a 1
1. GCD flies to K6
2. Cos will TK Rond to K5.
3. Chameleon Girl will fly to N9
(free) Cos perps up Rond's dam +1
(free) Cham Girl perps up Rond's dam +1
(free) Jimmy perps up Rond's dam +1
(free) CP token to increase Rond's att +1
4. Rond will RCE on Barry. +2 att. AV 13 vs DV 16. Roll is a 2, 1 for barely the hit for 5 clicks after Toughness. 1 SA to Rond, 1 AST Cham Girl, 1 AST to Jimmy, 1 AST to Cos, 1 AST to GCD
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 @ [3 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $$
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts K13 [2 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts J13 [3 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts K5 @ [2 SA] {outwit outwitted}
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts N9 @ [1 KO, 2 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts K6 @@ [3 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O6 [3 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 @ [3 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $$
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts K13 [2 SA, 1 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts J13 [3 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts K5 @ [2 SA] {outwit outwitted}
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts N9 @ [1 KO, 2 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts K6 @@ [3 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O6 [3 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.
(free) Yera chooses sidestep flurry, giant, flight
(free) Polar boy sidesteps to L11
(free) Jimmy perps down Dark Flash's def -1
(free) Cos perps down Barry's def -1
(free) Yera perps down Barry's def -1
1. Polar Boy will dual incap Barry and Dark Flash. AV 10 vs DV 15s. Roll is a crit hit. Barry's super senses is a 4. Dark Flash super senses is a 6. Barry gets 2 tokens and a push click. Don't think he takes any crit damage since incap doesn't deal any damage. 1 SA to Polar Boy.
(free) CP token to increase Garth's att +1
(free) Yera sidesteps to P8
(free) Rond sidesteps to L7
(free) Rond outwits Super Senses on Dark Flash
2. Garth will RS to K10 and dual target Barry and Dark Flash. AV 11 vs DV 15s (-1 PD TA Barry, -1 PD TA, -1 perp Dark Flash). Roll is a 6, 4. I'm sure Barry will want to PC that. Reroll is a 4, 6 for the hit on both. I'll do 2 clicks to Dark Flash and a click to Barry for the two KOs. 1 SA, 2 KO, 1 AST to Rond
1) Cosmic Boy (SLOSH)* 70 pts K2 [3 AST]
* Contingency Plan 12 pts $$
2) Lightning Lad* 70 pts K10 @ [3 SA, 3 KO]
* Heightened Reflexes 10 pts, Not So Special 3 pts
3) Polar Boy 78 pts L11 @ [1 SA, 3 AST]
4) Rond Vidar* 80 pts K5 [2 SA, 1 AST]
* Green Crossbow Construct 10 pts
5) Chameleon Girl 115 pts P8 [1 KO, 2 AST]
6) Gotham City Detective 27 pts K6 [3 AST]
B) Jimmy Olsen 25 pts O6 [3 AST]
Theme reroll: 5/5
Objects: Kinetic Accelerator M10, HO J13, HO J14
Total - 500 pts
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player must roll a d6. On a result of 1, feats assigned to characters controlled by that player are ignored until the beginning of the next player's turn.