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Tamahome: hmmm how much do you Value your TP1 Kwagar Hercules ??? :p :p anyway , i dont have any of your want .... actually i do have DDWL but it's only for BLS or other good tp holos ;) .... do you want anything else from my list ?????? lmk thankz
Falcore4 : what can i get for your 1/e Creator ?????????????? how about Makyura + Sorl ( super ) for it ??? lmk thankz or would you like to make the offer ??? thankz ... hmm give me a second , i'll tell you who got a magical thorn , :cool:
Hey man I really need Your Captain and Rota Here is my list not alot but I work with it
Judgment of Anubis RDS
Defusion Wave Motion RDS x3
Imperial Order
Archfeind of Gilfer
Mystic Swordsman lv 6
Mystic Swordsman lv 4 x2 (Both Pending one is ult 1/e)
Greed 1/e (ULT)
Covering Fire 1/e (ULT)
Guardain Grarl
Perfect Machine King 1/e
Charcoal Impachi 1/e (ULT)
The Feind Megacyber
Jinzo DB1
Kaiser Seahorse
Mystical Space Typhoon Db1
Wild Natures Release
B. Skull Dragon DB1
Twin-Headed Bemoth 1/e
Thestslos the Fire Monarch 1/e
Triangle Ecstacy Spark 1/e
Invader of the Throne
Fire Princess
x2 Drop Off
x3 Necrovalley
Backup Soldier
Graceful Charity
D.D. Designator
Black Pendant
Mask of the Accursed
Gryhpon Wing
Statue of the Wicked
Dedication through Light and Darkness
HotProspect : so ROTA + Vlord ( rds) for your Archfiend og gilfer ????? do you have any of book of moons or Pririt reaper or pyrumid turtles to throw in ???? lmk thankz
Falcore4 : hmmmm do you have ROyal decree or stuff like that from my Want list ???? lmk thankz;)