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Everyone : I have added another Concern - Number 9. Please post if you know the answer.
Monsters with the same ATK will be destroyed by Damage Calculation unless you activate Waboku to save your Cat's Ear Tribe, then only the opponents Monster will be destroyed.
Of course that is if they are both in Attack Position. If CET is in defense, it will be destroyed as its defense is only 100.
Best thing to do is use a Field Spell Card (opponents always forget about the increase...) that will boost it up above 200, and when your opponent attacks, only their monster will be destroyed since you only need a one point increase to survive.
well masterwoo0 handled the question of if cat ear tribe will be destroyed well enough. now for how the effect works, its just like the card says.
when your opponent attacks cat ear tribe, their monsters ORIGINAL attack becomes 200. any other modifiers such as equips, fields, etc. are applied to its new original attack. so if they had axe of despair equipped to their monster it's attack would be 1200. at the end of the damage step, their monster's original attack returns to normal (if its still alive)
The reason behind this is because the Dark Ruler can only negate effects of monsters that have been destroyed by battle, and that is determined by damage calculation itself. Sine Grand Mole's effect happens before damage calculation, the Dark Ruler holds no sway, similar to Reflect Bounder and a few other miscellaneous cards out there.
#11 - It's effect will activate even if it was set that same turn, as long as the card is set when destroyed (so Nobleman of Extermination will not make it's effect go off).
2.) Neither. Waboku does not reflect damage, nor does it stop your opponent from receiving damage. Your opponent will receive 800 damage (Giant Soldier of Stone's 2000 DEF minus Big Eye's 1200 ATK).
Cat's Ear Tribe
1.) No, only Cat's Ear Tribe is destroyed. The reason is that Cat's Ear Tribe only affects the Original Attack of the monster. Penguin Soldier has its original ATK reduced to 200, then Umi raises its ATK by another 200.