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Why sink so low? There is no Strategic 300 card deck. So more than likely if you are smarter than a monkey, You are going to win the duel regardless. Rule sharking someone stupid enough to use a 300 card deck in a tournament is just lame.
How is it Rule Sharking if its in the Rules?? So tell me, if your opponent Stacks on you, would you turn them in, or only if you lose? The game has rules guys. You don't use them as a convenience when it benefits you, you use them as they were meant to be, to control the game in the spirit of fair play.
I guarantee you, if someone makes a 300 card Deck, they either have a reason for it, especially if they are paying 15-20 dollars to play it, or they have no idea what they are doing.
How is it Rule Sharking if its in the Rules?? So tell me, if your opponent Stacks on you, would you turn them in, or only if you lose? The game has rules guys. You don't use them as a convenience when it benefits you, you use them as they were meant to be, to control the game in the spirit of fair play.
I guarantee you, if someone makes a 300 card Deck, they either have a reason for it, especially if they are paying 15-20 dollars to play it, or they have no idea what they are doing.
Just play the damn game and stop #####ing. He chose to use 300 cards for a reason. It's not your place to judge him and decide he is not worthy enough to be dueling you since his deck has 260 more cards than you do.
I mean ... seriously. It won't take you any longer to stomp out a 300 card deck than it would for you to take down a 40 card deck.
And trying to use rules to disqualify him NOT BECAUSE HE IS A BAD PLAYER OR IS CHEATING but because you think it's not worth your time to duel a 300 card deck? Thats rule sharking and elitism.
See the way Italians play soccer? They play it very technically and down to every last rule and still remain one of the most hated teams despite their "fairness" simply because they over rule-#####.
And how is it "not benefitting" you by wasting a judges time and trying to eliminate competition, bagging a Win without actually dueling for it? You are citing rules for your own benefit at this point. Truth be told, the argument you make on a 300 card deck can be made on a 40 card. Shuffle it in parts, or just simply cut it. Either way ... it is idiotic to try and disqualify someone over the amount of cards in their deck, and that goes to show what a sorry sack of skin you are.
ALL rules should be enforced. UDE has already set a bad precedent, selectively enforcing rules. As a result, players cheat, because they know there are no consequences. UDE needs to correct this, by actually enforcing rules. I'm not suggesting that a little kid with a 300 card deck is trying to stall, but that doesn't change the fact that if his deck is causing him to spend too much time shuffling, he is breaking a rule.
ALL rules should be enforced. UDE has already set a bad precedent, selectively enforcing rules. As a result, players cheat, because they know there are no consequences. UDE needs to correct this, by actually enforcing rules. I'm not suggesting that a little kid with a 300 card deck is trying to stall, but that doesn't change the fact that if his deck is causing him to spend too much time shuffling, he is breaking a rule.
But its not. Masterwoo is simply implying shuffling would take too long for the deck to be randomized to his satisfaction. Who makes the rules as to when a deck is sufficiently randomized ? My contention is it wouldn't take long at all with a 300 card deck, just quickly cutting the deck a few times would cut him off completely from any combination he was hoping to draw.
I mean ... seriously. It won't take you any longer to stomp out a 300 card deck than it would for you to take down a 40 card deck.
And trying to use rules to disqualify him NOT BECAUSE HE IS A BAD PLAYER OR IS CHEATING but because you think it's not worth your time to duel a 300 card deck? Thats rule sharking and elitism.
I mean ... seriously. It won't take you any longer to stomp out a 300 card deck than it would for you to take down a 40 card deck.
Maybe no one has noticed, but I said rules are in place for a reason. I am a Judge, and if players are complaining that there is too much time being taken to properly randomize a 300 card Deck, that is NOT something that can be called Rule Sharking.
Now, instead of complaining about people who use the rules to their advantage, versus people who use the rules because they want to be able to play the game fairly and not lose time trying to shuffle cards, just tell me you'd rather play the game with the rules that make you happy, and toss the rest. That makes more sense than telling someone, "Just shut up and play the game because if you cant beat a 300 card Deck, you suck!!" That in itself is basically calling two people poor duelist. The Deck builder, and his opponent.
Maybe no one has noticed, but I said rules are in place for a reason. I am a Judge, and if players are complaining that there is too much time being taken to properly randomize a 300 card Deck, that is NOT something that can be called Rule Sharking.
Now, instead of complaining about people who use the rules to their advantage, versus people who use the rules because they want to be able to play the game fairly and not lose time trying to shuffle cards, just tell me you'd rather play the game with the rules that make you happy, and toss the rest. That makes more sense than telling someone, "Just shut up and play the game because if you cant beat a 300 card Deck, you suck!!" That in itself is basically calling two people poor duelist. The Deck builder, and his opponent.
Im sure the extra 1 min it will take to shuffle a 300 card deck is SOOOOOOO MUCH that you'd prolly have lost 1/2 the round time just shuffle-cutting.
it's your sad obsession with PERFECTLY RANDOM that will kill you. He is already using a 300 card deck. His odds of getting anything is 1/100, if he has 3 of it.
At best a cheater will only get a 1/25 stack ratio, and even that is far worse than any numbers a 40 card deck would put out.
Stop crying over an extra min shuffling and duel. Gosh ... you wanna disqualify someone because it takes too long to shuffle their deck? THAT is rule sharking, anyhow you cut it.
Just because the minimum and mathematically best deck is 40 cards does not mean you should catch all this heat for a 300 card deck. Thats just plain abuse of rules anyhow you look at it.
you get three minutes to shuffle a deck that is more than enough time to shuffle an opponents deck regardless of size. the way you are complaining about this sounds like you are mad that you cant stack a three hundred card deck against your opponent.
you get three minutes to shuffle a deck that is more than enough time to shuffle an opponents deck regardless of size. the way you are complaining about this sounds like you are mad that you cant stack a three hundred card deck against your opponent.
Try this... There are two Duelist who play this game. You have 3 minutes TOTAL for BOTH players to shuffle their Decks, not "you shuffle for 3 minutes and then I get to shuffle for 3 minutes when you're finished, which would be, COUNT THEM, 6 minutes gone from the Duel.
If you guys are as smart as the brain cells you keep wasting arguing this, you would have figured out that how do two players manage to shuffle one Deck of 300 Cards in 3 minutes and still shuffle the other players Deck AND select a Side Deck at the same time??
Try this... There are two Duelist who play this game. You have 3 minutes TOTAL for BOTH players to shuffle their Decks, not "you shuffle for 3 minutes and then I get to shuffle for 3 minutes when you're finished, which would be, COUNT THEM, 6 minutes gone from the Duel.
If you guys are as smart as the brain cells you keep wasting arguing this, you would have figured out that how do two players manage to shuffle one Deck of 300 Cards in 3 minutes and still shuffle the other players Deck AND select a Side Deck at the same time??
Braniacs.... Never gets old.
You could do that in three minutes. Easily. Two remarks though, if you couldn't, the three minutes you lost shouldn't matter in a game against a person with a 300 card deck :p Secondly, if you play a 300 card deck, do you really think he'll have a sidedeck ? I'd have to agree if he ACTUALLY sidedecked, that he was stalling, since even a moron knows that a 15 card switch in a 300 card deck is pointless.
Know what people if you are so worried about some one using a 300 card deck here is a realitivly easy suggestion.
And here we arrive at the point I was making. If you need help to shuffle your Deck, its TOO BIG.
Yes, there is no limit to how many cards you have in your Deck. Yes, there is such a thing as Common Sense. And finally, YES, it is the Judges discretion to issue a warning for Slow Play or inability to Sufficiently Randomize your Deck, and subsequent Warnings are upgraded, which is why I said, read the Tournament and Penalty Policies before arguing ridiculously inane points.
Anyway, this has already been addressed once before, so its obviously not getting around
The 2222 deck was a deck that appeared in a tournament in Germany. As the name implies, it contains 2222 cards. It was deemed impossible to properly shuffle it to randomize the arrangement of the cards, and thus, it was DQ'd for being unable to do that.
Quote : Originally Posted by Belgian Blue
Who makes the rules as to when a deck is sufficiently randomized ?
Using the 2222 deck example, it is the Head Judge at the event. There's no more need for discussion. The Head Judge has the power, and whatever he/she deems as "impossible to properly to randomize/shuffle" stands for the whole tournament unless he/she decides otherwise.
Good answer. As a judge the humane thing to do is simply ask if he has no problems shuffling or keeping the deck upright and inform him of the hazards of a 300 card deck (and give him some paper and make him hand in the decklist, which should be sufficiently discouraging to anyone but a cheater). If he still insists on playing it and problems do arise, such as an inability to shuffle or keep the deck upright, then the necessary sanctions will be handed out since he was warned to begin with.