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Originally posted by Grinner So, am I reading these right in saying that you can't perplex up one Defender/JSA/Sinister Syndicate/Batman Enemy really high and give that score to everyone else?
While it seems like that nerfs those team abilities, it actually limits their abuse.
In my day, we didn't have Heroclix. If you were being attacked by Superman with a 3d dumpster, you just had to hope you could outrun him.
Sharing attack power Bane is decent and so is Bullseye
for everything else send in Exp. Ultron. The Joker, The
Riddler, and even Harley Quinn are at their deadliest :-)
At least in mixed games. Heck, who doesn't like a Bullseye
with 13 attack power? or Exp. Boomerang?
On the multishot note. SWEET!!!!
Saber of The HomoClixuals Clan
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Originally posted by echopryme Multi-Attack option... I guess the Sentinels just got it, but Sinestro has had it all along.
No, the Sentinels have had it since the beginning (which was before the Sinestro, btw). The new part is making the Multi-Attack against a single figure. That is new for the big figs.
In my day, we didn't have Heroclix. If you were being attacked by Superman with a 3d dumpster, you just had to hope you could outrun him.
They've taken out the team ability entry for JLA/Avengers/Brotherhood saying the free move couldn't be used for an attack. Making it clear that REV Flash can do a free hypersonic move action and do a free attack at any point in his move. (There was a thread with some controversy over this.)
So if I'm reading this right, Mind Control can either no longer be used to use someone's Outwit power during that turn, or it can still be used, but you can also still make a ranged, close-combat, movement, or power action as a free action. Is this correct?
Originally posted by Funky Jett Or even... gulp... a Vet Sinestro for 8 clicks in one turn against one opponent. That will take out about 75% of the figures out there.
Being able to target the same figure now makes Sinestro vs Sentinel an even MORE vicious fight!
Originally posted by bwanabwana My only quibble would be that the Sentinels never shoudda had Running Shot. They're too slow in the comics for this kinda thing.
Too slow? What comics have you been reading? This accurately represents their fly and shoot abilities.
This is a perfect running technique as well. Grab a figure. Then RS backwards to the starting point and fire. And repeat again for more distance.
Originally posted by echopryme Multi-Attack option... I guess the Sentinels just got it, but Sinestro has had it all along.
Wrong. Both figures had the same ability with the same limitations. Sinestro could use his RCE on both attacks, and the Sentinel could use his EE on both attacks. However, he couldn't use RS with it.
Now, BOTH big figs can use their multi-attack on the same target. I only wish they could grab as well.
MIND CONTROL: Replace the text with the following: (optional): Give this character a power action. It may make a close combat or ranged combat attack. A successful attack does not damage; instead the target becomes friendly to your force and opposing to your opponent’s force. Each successfully-hit target may be assigned a power action, move action, close combat action, or ranged combat action as a free action. Immediately upon resolving its action, each target becomes an opposing character to you and friendly to your opponent’s force. This character takes 1 damage for each 100 points of the targets’ combined point value. If this character has a range value of 0, treat its range value as 4 when using this power. This range cannot be further modified.
It looks like a free action is no longer one of the possible actions a controlled figure can make.
In my day, we didn't have Heroclix. If you were being attacked by Superman with a 3d dumpster, you just had to hope you could outrun him.
I dont see why you cant use a MCed characeters outwit. It's a free action. And it states you can use power,range, CC AS a free action.
Since you can use it AS a free action. That means you can make free actions with the character you have MCed. Isnt there somewhere else in the faq that says you can use any powers the MCed character has as well?