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I must admit I have been thinking about bringing several armies with me, so that I could choose one of them when an army with for example Swordsworn Balacs appears. In that case I'll field an army with as many überpieces as I can bring into the pointcost as well. There should be a rule that you're not allowed to switch armies during an official event, however.
Originally posted by Terman8er The thing is...I was setting my army on the map next to the guy in question to start my battle for round one.
He saw what I was running and suddenly his army changed. Out went this and that and in came some of those.
I commented on it and he just said, "Whatever.". Kinda pissed me off.
This is a common tactic around here. Protect yourself and keep your army under wraps until start time. Don't take your army out until its time to roll the dice. If somebody tries to switch units at this point call the BM and refuse to continue the game. Its blatent cheating.
Many BMs have dropped doing the rosters. Filling these out is a pain in the butt but worth doing.
IT IS NOT CHEATING IF YOU SEE WHAT SOMEONE ELSE IS PLAYING AHEAD OF TIME, and then decide to modify your plans. In real, life, at work and playing sports, we all like to see what our opponents are doing. Isn't that like doing a recon?
If a football player brags the night before what his team will be doing, and the opposing coach gets wind of that, is he cheating for adapting his playbook?
If I walked in with a box with most of my stuff in it (I usually bring lots of stuff) and I even accidentally saw some army that I knew my planned army couldn't compete with, I'd start rethinking my options. After all, he set out his army on the table ahead of time- that's kinda like bragging.
Now, once an army has been signed up, or in play, or however your venue does it, then after that changing things is cheating. Armies should never be modifiable after a certain point. The ball's in play.
I keep my army concealed until right before, as any smart person does, but if I saw someone looking out of the corner of his eye at my stuff and I could almost hear the little hamster in his head racing, I would not accuse him of cheating.
for me cheating is if you
1. use loaded dice or fixed dice
2. alter your figure possitions
3. not clicking correctly * i hate this* Intentionaly * accidently do it it i usulaly let it go (offcause you have to fix the click)*
Originally posted by WarriorSage (sigh) I just get a bit tired when people try to stretch the definition of cheating. Usually 'cause they're bitter about losing something.
Cheating is still cheating though. I've seen players building armies after an event has started, and changing the army to adapt to what is the largest threat on the field.
It's on thing to see various armies, consider them and build to adapt. Heck, that's necessary in this game. However, when opponents see something they didn't consider or have a bullet solution and start pulling/adding, that's cheating. Failure to consider a threat and then seeing it doesn't mean you get change your army.
I'm going to press for BMs to enforce listing armies, as I too have seen this problem, including a case where a guy pulled his entire army straight for his case 'o stuff.
Our Bm allows us to change armies around between each round in tournaments. Except at Marquee's, where we cannot change at all. But I don't believe in it, so I don't do it.
As a side note we ran a tourny a few months back, our BM said bring a 300 pt compitition army, after every one was setup and in position he roled a die, on 1/2 you mved to your left on 3/4 you moved right on a 5/6 you switched with your opponent, then played with the army you sat down behind.
It was really fun,
as prizes go
there were 3
Best player
Best Army
and Sportsmen, I encourage everybody out there to try this, it gives novices a chance to use the big guns armies and gives the Vets a great chalange
Originally posted by WarriorSage There you go Viper/Lolar, great idea! Deception is a great part of warfare, and no opponent can ever cry about it!
(sigh) I just get a bit tired when people try to stretch the definition of cheating. Usually 'cause they're bitter about losing something.
Warrior Sage,
If someone waits until just before the battle starts and he gets to review your battle force, then decides he wants to make a last minute change, you would allow this? This is cheating. If BM allows it then he is cheating too.
Up until this time it is up to the player to keep his force under wraps if so desires. Scouting is legal and smart up to a point.
Originally posted by TheInquisition As a side note we ran a tourny a few months back, our BM said bring a 300 pt compitition army, after every one was setup and in position he roled a die, on 1/2 you mved to your left on 3/4 you moved right on a 5/6 you switched with your opponent, then played with the army you sat down behind.
It was really fun,
as prizes go
there were 3
Best player
Best Army
and Sportsmen, I encourage everybody out there to try this, it gives novices a chance to use the big guns armies and gives the Vets a great chalange
That's a great idea, but make sure that everyone knows ahead of time that this is what will be happening. I would not bring any power pieces or LE's if I knew that lots of other people would be clicking them, dropping them, breaking them off at the waist, etc. Accidents happen even among friends. Heck, I would build an army centered around my two HL Ghosts and *hope* that they get broken.
I'll admit that I have scouted opposing armies. If they happen to
put them out on the table while I'm in the process of putting my
army together, naturally I'll adapt. Who wouldn't? That said, if I
already had an army together and had recorded it on a roster
sheet, then tried to switch, that would be wrong and the BM
would be right to call me on it. Once you've committed to a
particular army, it's cheating to try and switch up later.
Usually, I'll have my army ready ahead of time and will bring
several other high-profile pieces to camouflage it until time to
put it out.
I don't think everyone here understands what I am talking about.
I wrote down my army (keeping it out of sight) and handed it in to the BM, as did EVERYONE else.
I rolled my dice...I was player 1...P2 set his terrain, I set mine, he did his second, I did mine.
I THEN pulled out my army to deploy. The guy next to me was P2 on his map and was waiting as P1 deployed on his map...he looked at my army and THEN began swapping out his pieces.