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Originally posted by BlackFusion ...stopped producing 'Mechs during the "Dark Age". I assume when they come into play in the campaigns (namely JF in the upcoming expansion) they should have the ability to produce new and improved 'Mech as does the Dragon's Fury now on Irian. I just know WKs isn't bold enough to say the clans completely stopped making 'Mechs and lost the technology, right?
The 'Mech works on Irian was the last remaining assembly line in the INNERSPHERE. My guess is that the Inner Sphere government couldn't have cared less if the clans continued to make 'mechs as long as they didn't invade the Inner Sphere.
I doubt Irian is the last remaining assembly line for mechs. Every house probably has multiple factories to produce mechs, vehicles and parts.
The only thing Jade Falcons will never have is melee attacks.(No self respecting clanner would actually use hth combat in a mech)
Yeah I know just wait for whiz kids to #### it up again.....
random - if you read up on comstars webiste - you see that the Jihad reached the clan homeworlds, and also that supposedly there was some kind of a brutal war there. The IS clans are cut off from the home clans. Plus, the IS clans took a severe beating: The ghost bears lost a very major part of their touman (dont recall the quantity, but I'm sure it was WELL ABOVE 50%). Plus, in the JF fluff, it states that JF ARE using ICEs for newer warriors, and freebirths. It makes sense - if 80% of your machines are gone, you'll press anything into service. As you rebuild, you fase out the older machines...
Read up on the fluff...
Rubberducky -
The 'Mech works on Irian was the last remaining assembly line in the INNERSPHERE.
O_o Read the fluff man.
Your sentence was so .... ignorant, you're hereby sentenced to read all the fluff on comstar's webiste in one sitting.
Originally posted by Plus, the IS clans took a severe beating: The ghost bears lost a very major part of their touman (dont recall the quantity, but I'm sure it was WELL ABOVE 50%).
WOAH. When did this happen? Not the Ghost Bears! You must be thinking of one of the stupid clans (which is pretty much the rest of them...just kidding), not the Ghost Bears.
Originally posted by random AHHh Turtle bay on Edo! but that was a retalitory strike, and orbital bombardment against what they thought of as less than honorable opponents. it wasn't something they did to themselves, and even the forces of the inner sphere never use nukes. At least I never read anywhere of them doing it. could be wrong though
Pre-Succession Wars, First Succession War(?) and WOB Jihad.;)
Indeed, the First Succession War was a nukefest. The enthusiasm with which BattleMech production facilities, JumpShipyards and other vital pieces of tech where annihilated in the 28th century pretty much explains why the technological level went down. The second and third Succession Wars didn't do much good for the progress of mankind as well.
I honestly believe that after the Faction Wars, and the new set after Counter Assault, if the Jade Falcons do come out in it, that they are going to be going after the Draggin' Fluffies, err I mean the Dragone Faeries, oops the Dragons Fury for shutting down their 'mech factility on Irian. And that would be the story line events for the next set will be the JF versus the DF.
things that are stated in the WK campaign briefs are obviously lost on you know, not all things MUST follow the apparent high and mighty comstar fluff.