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Geo Keane, the merc jupiter, is actually Wolf's Dragoons. I do like your idea of a Kell Hounds Atlas, though. That would help the balance of power between the different mercenary groups. After all, Ronin have Geof Morgan and the Dragoons have Keane. The stats seem to be stuff from all of the other Atlases combined. It is the super atlas!:p
Well, the Dragoons have Keane and Tolek, plus a full Lance. However, I digress.
I'd like to see an Eridani Lighthorse Assault Mech. I'd like to see an Eridani Battlemaster. The Lighthorse date back to the Star League, I'm thinking they'd have one in the arsenal.
Primary: Two Extended Range PPC's, 4 to 16 inch range. For 6 damage.
Secondary: Medium Range Gausse Cannon, Medium Range Autocannon, Streak Missiles 0 to 10 inch range. For 4 damage w/streak missiles.
Speed: It would be slow. It would have to be. Maybe 5 or 6.
Attack: It would have to be dead on. Probably have Improved Targeting. I'm thinking 10 w/IT or 11 without.
Defense: High Defense with Hardened Armor
Dial: It would have a long dial. Like the Liao Shen Yi, it should seem like it will never die.
Well, what if we guys decide each category? First, I guess it's decided that it's gonna be a mercenary mech, so each faction can use it. (forget the unit, just make it a real generic merc mech so it's anybody's & everybody's mech).
Next, the weight class. Is is gonna be light, medium, heavy, assault class? By the sound of it you all want a pretty big mech, so , say a heavy or assault mech.
Third: role. Do we have a general consensus that it's gonna be an arty mech? Or is it gonna be a general-purpose mech?
Fourth: appearance. Are we gonna have to design an ALL-NEW mech chassis, or are we gonna utilize one from the Battletech universe, for example, a refurbished Battlemaster, or a Naga. I guess we don't want a mech that's already existing as a MW unit (it's gonna be "new", remember?)
Just so that we can have a bit of order, I guess we need to decide this way. Hey, if the "design process" sounds interesting, I might make a sculpt of it & post if for you guys. ;)
I would like to see a War Hawk(Masakari) Prime, an 85 ton Omni Mech with 4 ER PPC's
Primary 6 Energy 4 Targets No SE's 0-14 range
Secondary 2 Balistic 1 Target 3 clicks AP 4-14 range
Speed 7
Attack 10 7 clicks of Improved Targeting
Defence 21 3 clicks of heavy armor
10 clicks to salvage and three more to destroy
And a very BAD Heat dial. Shut down rolls on the second click and shuts down on the fourth.
A Cataphract. With the Cataphract's reputation as a Frankenstein's Monster sort of 'Mech (with parts from various other 'Mechs) it ought to fit in with the limited resources Dark Age theme. Its mix of energy and ballistic should make it versatile, with decent speed and armor. And it should have decent heat for about two clicks followed by some ammo jams and shut downs.
SEs could include Pulse (primary, for the 3-2 damage clicks), AP (secondary, for the 6-4 damage clicks), Heavy Armor (for the 22-20 defense clicks), Improved Targeting (probably on the 9 and 8 attack clicks).
Ranges could be primary energy 1 target 0/10, secondary ballistic 3 targets 2/14.
Heat effects could be ammo jam on the last two clicks of heat, shutdown minor on the -2 speed click, and maybe a pair of heat sink overload minors on the -1 energy damage clicks.
It would have few, if any, repair markers. Also, it'd go Salvage on the last two clicks of life.
Well... I only hope I´m not the only one willing for a Puma... The two-CPP´s version... with an attack of 9 at least and 4 AP at 14" with a little low defense (19)
Pri 0/16 !! 3/3/3/3/2/2/2/1/1/1/0/0/0/* bal att Anti-Per for 6 clix
Sec 0/0 ! 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/* HTH Agility for 6 clix
Move 8/8/8/8/7/7/7/6/6/6/5/5/4/* Evade for 6 clix
ATT 12/11/10/10/9/9/8/8/8/7/7/6/6/* IT from 3-7 clix
Def 23/22/21/20/20/19/19/18/18/17/16/15/14/*
Decoy of 6 clix
Heat Dial 0/0/0/-1/-1/* Yellow AX at 4 and 5 clix
0/0/0/-1/-2/* Yellow S/D at -1 and -2
Try looking at lots of picture of CBT Mechs.
I would really like another Catapult design. If it's LE how about a broken one with artillery? A pog like the A4. Difts but still hits the target?
I would like a BattleMaster as a Battlemaster ONLY prize(at least til it appears in a set a few months away). Merc with command (two crew). Maybe with a funny color base. Sure would beat getting a funny Santa at Christmas.
Fabian Domel: Highlander (This is one of the guys from Eriabee's lance, besides her and Rotem)
*=Single Use
Red=Armor Piercing
Grey=Point Defense on Damage, Command, Heavy Armor on Defense on Attack
Blue=Jump Jets
Black=Hardened Armor on Defense, Salvage on Attack
Pri Ballistic II 5/5/5//4/4/4/3/3/3/3/2/2/1/0/0/0
Sec Ballistic I 3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2/1/1/1/0/0/0/0
A Merc Catapult would be neat, possibly the one with arrow4s. Another artillerymech would be neat.
I'd say give it: (w/ 135 arc)
3 dmg primary (no armor piercing, maybe streaks, though that wouldn't do much) with 5-10/12 inches of range with 20 inch artillery range.
2-4 dmg secondary @ 0-8 inches, energy attack (i dunno if that version has autocannons or not), even though it would be technically ballistic, energy would balance it out.
7 speed or so, maybe ECM
10 targeting, 22-23 pog
21/22 defense with some sort of SE, reactive or heavy armor, possibly decoy, NOT reflective or hardened.
That would make it nto too pushable, since there's ammo explosions there, possibly make it -1 on the second click of ballistic so you're attack would be less powerful?