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HAHA..yea bauminat0r....all ive heard out of these kids is "Errr, you cant call it a clan" but you all knew what i meant. I meant a group of people who have there own avatars and private threads and stuff. And a point system and top 10 "herds" and stuff. But instead you all needed to be ignorant and make fun of the terminology i was using. I dont play the videogames or read the books or anyhting. i just play the miniture game.
Some people need ot think before the post....
MW isn't REAL as "baum" said... i was just reccomending something. You all really need to mellow out. (thats why i dont goto alot of venues, imagine what these people are like in person) LOL...j/k j/k
thanks for the input(sorta) and lets try and keep a more open mind.
Actually lee it might just be the that many of us dont play MK and have no clue what an MK clan is. When we see the term Clan our first thought is of kerensky on these boards (or in my case Lions and Dragons and Cranes oh my :) Most of the replies were misnderstandings of the basic concept (what is/does a MK clan do?)
As BattleChimp have said. Most MW players are ignorant about the nook and craniness of MK. The reason for that rabid reaction is that you are suggesting something that MW already have, and if you have noticed most who made that reaction are old-time BattleTech'ers.
Could it possibly be an unawareness in your part of the nook and craniness of MW too?
But now that we have imparted more about the MW clans to you, why don't you enlightened us about the MK clans, and what benefit would it gain to us?
I'm thinking about the word "ORDER" being more applicable here, after all the Kuritas have it's Order of 5 Pillars, Comstar is another Order. I think I'll go start my own Order of Peking Duck. :)
Originally posted by Battlechimp Actually lee it might just be the that many of us dont play MK and have no clue what an MK clan is. When we see the term Clan our first thought is of kerensky on these boards (or in my case Lions and Dragons and Cranes oh my :) Most of the replies were misnderstandings of the basic concept (what is/does a MK clan do?)
The "MK Clans" are not so much a MK phenomenom as it is a MKRealms phenomenom. I'm not 100% certain of the history of how they formed (they were a long running practice on MKRealms when I became a regular there). However, I understand that there were already certain "cliques" of players on MKRealms when they were formed.
Basically, a clan is a group of MKRealms members who have similiar interests. Some groups are regional (the Phillipines players have a clan), some are faction oriented (Orcs & Draconum are popular choices), others are based on common interests (one clan focuses on players interested in tactics).
Basically, each clan gets a private forum for their members. Periodically there are clan contests that earn each group a certain number of points. There is a running total of points earned to see who is the "top clan" at the moment based on several categories. One of the ways to earn points is challenges. You can challenge a member of another clan to try to earn points (I think you even gain points if you participate in a challenge and lose - I'm far from the expert on the clans). Of course, you tend to challenge members close to you, because you still have to get together to play the match.
To become a clan you used to need to have a Warlord & a certain number of active forum members. I think this might be modified somewhat as the clans right now are in a transition phase.
I will try to be more polite this time. I do not approve of, nor belive in the need for a clan system on the Realms site. If you are devoted to a faction then stick to the faction threads. If you want to look up a cetrain tactic look it up. But to have a Cliquey site for a clicky game seems to be a real turn off. I like this site because there is no "your not part of our group" mentality. We are a site of Individuals and it is best that we keep it that way.
besides then we will have cheese, and non cheese clans and there will be a whole pissing contest between them
But i think that a "clan" is more than just the devotion to a faction. "clans" tend to uphold a certain conduct and poise, and ussually are people who live near eachother. I would like to form a clan(over the quotation thing) because i have many friends who play MW and are just starting out. we all play the same stradegy and use the same factions and lances(each of us uses 1 or 2 of the figs when playing 2v2 or 3v3) we also make terrain and do repaints...Having a clan is showing that you are part of something. If a clan does something cool, and then a member of the realms sees your avatar and realizes you were part of it, they will congratulate and your clan...and that feels nice. its like a community within a community that solicites and shows what them(as a clan) are doing....
it wont hurt anyone.....
Please dont speak irrationally, really think about why i want a clan system, and truley think that it still isnt "needed"
Well, you could join the Spirit Cats Faction of Clan Nova Cat. We will be very happy to take you as isorla, though we might demand hegira. If you are real good at what you do, we might consider making a bondsman of you.
Our Strategies and Tactics are posted in the forums for all to see, no cheese of any flavor is too strong for us to overcome with a little effort.
I now get your point. But you still need to think of another word apart from CLAN. Geez, I'm starting to sound like parrot.... Aaack! :(
MWrealms is not missing a lot at all, we got here the J-E-Bites, the empowered whiners, the F-A-R-T. And as Ghostcat said we have dedicated threads to every faction. We even have three MW:PH threads to keep the local group posted.
There's no stopping anyone to form a group here, but if you want a mechanism for MWrealms similar to the clan for MKrealms, then the best way to do is to start a thread petitioning Realmworks and WK to make the feature available. :)