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Yes, the Gyrfalcon with 18" range is not only scary, it's also fact. I saw it with my own eyes at Origins. My buddy and I found a Wizkids representative and he confirmed that these were actual pieces taht we were seeing, not some promotional mumbo jumbo. Having said that, I'm less worried about the Gyrfalcon, and more worried about the Paladin Defense System Tank.
The Paladin looks to be the new shoo in for artillery. First off, it has its weaknesses just like every other piece out there. For instance, it's EXPENSIVE at 70 points. Having said that, Defense System is truly a more accurate description that "artillery piece." The SE that the Paladin has that we haven't yet seen on an artillery piece is Point Defense. Add this to the high defense of the Paladin (I can't remember what it was for sure, but I'm hoping it was ONLY 22. It was either that or 24 *shudder*) and you've got yourself one heckuva meat shield.
The other thing about the Paladin was that if I remember correctly it hadsome sort of wonky artillery range. Again, I have a mediocre emory at best, but I seem to recall something crazy like it had a shorter artillery range than normal shoot range. But then, I might just be crazy. If anybody else remembers anything about the Paladin or any other pieces from Origins, please post away!!
Originally posted by The_Phantom ####! God ####it Wizkids! Are you guys ####ing daft?
The Thor is a common JF Heavy Mech! They ####ing better get one too!
It's not like there hasn't been captured Clan mechs and tech floating around in the Inner Sphere since, oh, 3050. The idea of any of the factions having the older Clan material doesn't bother me in the least. A Swordsworn Shrike on the other hand would be an affront.
Originally posted by Sir_QuidProQuo I would hope not, considering they get three Uniques already, and an LE of each of those. Maybe when the Thor is released as a non.
Actually, thinking about it, that would make more sense, as they are bound to have more of em than just a handful (thus why it wouldnt be a unique)
18 inches? Well, retirement by obsolescence is a common enough problem in tech circles, why not in mech circles also? At this rate nothing from the first sets will be useful in 6 months anyway, other than for constructed terrain that is...
Originally posted by Moon_Sammy
The other thing about the Paladin was that if I remember correctly it hadsome sort of wonky artillery range. Again, I have a mediocre emory at best, but I seem to recall something crazy like it had a shorter artillery range than normal shoot range.
The only problem with that is that it breaks the rule for artillery placement - I believe your artillery piece must be placed "beyond normal range but within artillery range."
And as for the 18" range - I still have my doubts (although if it is right I'll take three, please) but there are ways around even an 18" range
hmm 18 inch range... hmmm preerratta SSw A4...... the A4 scares me a whole lot more, i think its going to be a cool peice but not broken.....(unless it does like 6 dmg ap)
I for one am hrilled that The gyr is going to be getting an 18 inch range. That will certainly light enough of a fire under the pants of people to engaged in ranged comabat. Besides if it is anything like Trovic it will die at or around 12 clicks and be pretty much ineffective after 6-7. as for me, well I will be using the falcons all the time so *rubs hands together*
Also I've seen a lot of complaining so far on these boards about the JF Summoner. Just remember we have only seen 1 of their 3 grey based LEs as well as there maybe more normal LEs.