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Why do people care about Corle and his postings? Because it is guys like him that care enough about this game to get passionate about the game.
I'm not going into details but let me say that out of the blue he contacted me about the situation with me and my Son and my Son continues to talk about Corle and what he did for us.
This is a great experience (Mechwarrior the game, the book, the website, the xbox game and how they all are tied together.....) and because of guys like Corle, it really helps a 10 year old kid, as overly dramatic as it sounds...
But the rules have changed majorly since worlds so we have a new world champion. We may have a pure army winning this time.Marc-Andre may finish last this time?I'm just giving examples. Many things will happen? Maybe Corle having fun with women thats always a good game too play too But thats not really a game. he is elite? more like delete... :p
Dude, you have a problem with me? Bring it. I never make claims about anything. I've played, played alot, and play ok. You think you can beat me? Fine. Alot of people do, some are right, some are wrong. Wanna find out which you are? Fine. Then either put your pieces on the table, or crawl back into your hole.
-Sorry, generally a nice guy, but this moron just got on my bad side again. Thinks he can play, wants to put out a challenge, then backs off from it. See, I read through his rants the last time he jumped on me, listened to his claims that Dean is one of his best friends, and how he played the game better than anyone south of the border. I offered to play him at Worlds. He begged off, saying he wouldn't be able to play at Worlds, since he would have to be there volunteering. So then I offered to play him anywhere he was, on the side, for money. I offered up to $1000, he wanted to stop at $10. That was the last I heard from him, til now when he decides to stick his nose into this. I kept asking for his WK user ID, he refused to give it. Kept telling me how highly ranked he was, but there was noone even close to the area with the ranking he claimed.
Oh, and vest, I've got his PM's saved. Ya, he's rude, with no ability to back up his bull. You had it right, he's just a mo who whines "I can beat you people at Worlds, if my mommy would let me play"
Oh, and Strange, don't go quoting Mr. Carrot. You don't know him all that well either.
Warflail, next time you see him, just point out that his comments are missed. Though he's probably reading all of this anyway, so either / or.
Well, if you care about his wellbeing I can tell you he's quite happy. He's in a good place in his life, he's got some exciting plans for the summer, and some great ideas for his future. None of which necessarily includes mechwarrior.
Sometimes one just has to step away from certain hobbies for a while.
To be honest I've never really talked to him, but have read many of his posts on army building and the 'meta-game'. To be honest I have never been a fan of his theories on the "meta-game" if such a thing exists and I see his armies as nothing more than min-maxed hash that only those willing to pay out some cash on ebay can build. Now in the AoD world the meta-game is impossible to tie down because of all the different variables now involved. How can you build an army to handle all PC, Alliances and pilot-gear combos? The easier answer is you build a well balanced army, not something that relies on a gimmick to work.
If he and others wish to spend time to devise, plan, build and play armies in search of that elusive all winning army then more power to them. Most of us masses should stick to what works for us, build an army you like and know how to use.
In the end I wish no ill will to him and it would be nice to see him come back around because it is good to debate ideas and bounce theories around once and awhile.
I correspond with Corle from time to time. He did post recently, I think on the army strategy review thread with Will63. He has not told me whether he is playing much mechwarrior lately. The point of his post was that players are paying insignificant attention to the return of 'Pogwarrior' as a tactic.
I know that he found a good job in the computer gaming field and is doing well personally.
Corle working in Computer gaming field? He will have to tell us when a product he worked on is coming out.. We could all rush out and buy a copy :) I know I would!
I have seen you be antagonized... The best answer for that is to ignore them ... As difficult as that may be.
I hope I make it to worlds. I plan on playing you and lots of others! I play pretty well but it really all comes down to the dice rolls and armies each side is playing!
Your army may be great against everyone except the one that you are facing :cheeky:
Worlds is going to be interesting this year.. as is Nationals! Firepower is going to change lots of things so I am worrying but not too heavily about what to play at worlds!
Bruce, I'm with ya, looking forward to it. Hoping my schedule doesn't conflict, any trying darn hard to make sure it doesn't. And yes, I get antagonized alot, I've got two local players who can't beat me, but instead claimed I cheat. I have one guy who has gone so far as to get a group of his friends to tell a local venue that if I play there, they won't. I'm not sure if you get that, but I guess it comes from being on that list. Don't so much care. I suffer the whiners as well as I can, because people that actually know me, know better than to believe that garbage.
I had a ball at Nationals last year, and am looking forward to just as much fun. The biggest question I have is can you and I play at Nationals? I'm not sure we can, after reading the new WNC document. It seems that the invite to Worlds, might disqualify us from Nationals.
For me, it's all about new opponents, bigger challenges. I didn't get to play Corle last year, or Dan, or Nick, or alot of people. I got to talk to alot, but only got to play 10, since I played one guy both in Sealed and Constructed, who happened to be a player that I see about once a week. LOL Drive 700 miles to play him twice, and play another player that I play all the time. So, only 8 new opponents. Oh well. more next time. I'd bet you're looking forward to the same thing. You seem to play the same people alot, so new competition is good. I'm just glad it's 2 HD players ahead of the Liao player LOL Now if Wayne can win a bit more, it can be three. LMAO.
I'm wondering what they'll do for Worlds this year. Last year they had the "Here's a box of stuff" rounds, so this year, they'll pull something even better I bet. It seems everyone built the same army pretty much from the box. When it works....
almost happened here during the dark days of early faction retirement. If not for some REALLY dedicated battlemasters all organized play here would have stopped. AoD is starting to win over some of the lost players though.
I would like to point out that I'm still not very happy about retirement. However the AoD rules are just that good. Well that and nobody around here plays pog warrior and nobody gets too worked up over the card prizes. Just the way I like it. =)
Retirement sucks for those of us who have thousands of figures, having been in the game from day 1, or in some cases, before. Does it really change play much? No. I have all the figures, and honestly, I haven't really used much that's older than FP for the last 2 months. Does that mean I wouldn't? Not in the least. I'm just enjoying the new stuff.
I've seen quite a few players come back in the last couple months. New toys are always good.