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Jeri Ryan....yum-yum!
The other problem with Crisis, is that with Zero Hour it never happened!!! That is until Peter David finished off his Supergirl run with Kara Zor-El of Earth 1!!! Hello!! She NEVER exsisted!!!!
"Everyone's always talkin' about your soul. 'The Vampire with a Soul!'. What they really don't know is you're actually 'The Vampire with Big Brass Testes..."
-Lindsey to Angel on the series finale
I know the topic has moved on from "who is Power Girl?" but shes a favorite of i have to kick in something...
Alex Ross put it this way..."shes a major league wrecking machine..." I think of her as the the tank with the best set of breasts and the worst attitude. Her origins are about to change i think...Johns in JSA/JLA virtue and vice suggested that her powers are not magic in nature, so we'll have to see what develops.
LSH could have survived fine after Crisis and the pocket universe, if only Byrne hadn't erradicated the Pocket Earth so soon (ie, no Supergirl). Oh, and let's not forget the Gifbaum boots. *They* are the ones who wiped the Pocket U off the board and made a total mess of things.
But the stories did happen, thanks to Hypertime! That clears everything up, doesn't it?
Crisis certainly happened, but only one person remembers the details, and no one believes him. How much weight would *you* put into anything Psycho Pirate says? Well, I remember an issue or two of Animal man where *other* characters seem to remember it, but they don't really count.
Others answered "who is PG" better than I could. I think at one point she may have been a model. And she has lousy taste in house pets.
Power Girl had a computer software company as Karen Starr.
According to JSA this remains true because she went through
the security software with Mr. Terrific to beef up defense against attacks from villains like the thinker.
Saber of The HomoClixuals Clan
Listen to Me on The Ring Has Chosen, or download other great RealmsRadio shows (such as ClixCast) available at iTunes.
When did this happen with the thinker, I have been reading jsa for a while now and the incident with the thinker has been refered to a few times but I can't find it in the back issues?
Little help would be hugely appreciated!!
Help!! I am under attack by the culture of life!! Send Zombies!!!
Get your WAR on!!!!
Kakistocracy: kak·is·toc·ra·cy, (kk-stkr-s, käk-); Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
Superman:"The kids 13. How can we distract him?"
[Everyone looks at Powergirl]
Powergirl:"Why is everyone looking at me? Oh!"
Kid Flash of the Flash Clan
Kid Flash of the Side-kick Clan
Kyle Rayner of the GL corps
Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the JLA/Avengers Clan
Joker:"Harvey, Idon't even want to know where you hid that coin."
Two-Face:"No yo don't."
Joker and Two-face ta
Superman:"The kids 13. How can we distract him?"
[Everyone looks at Powergirl]
Powergirl:"Why is everyone looking at me? Oh!"
Kid Flash of the Flash Clan
Kid Flash of the Side-kick Clan
Kyle Rayner of the GL corps
Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the JLA/Avengers Clan
Joker:"Harvey, Idon't even want to know where you hid that coin."
Two-Face:"No yo don't."
Joker and Two-face ta
Kid Flash of the Flash Clan
Kid Flash of the Side-kick Clan
Kyle Rayner of the GL corps
Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the JLA/Avengers Clan
Joker:"Harvey, Idon't even want to know where you hid that coin."
Two-Face:"No yo don't."
Joker and Two-face ta
I personally *liked* Crisis a lot. In spite of (*sigh*) the death of the Flash. Took me years to learn to like Wally.
I felt like the problem with Crisis was that DC didn't stick by the changes they had made. Continuity immediately started getting "mushy" again right after Crisis (and yes, I include the mess with the Time Trapper's "pocket" Universe in that statement. As cool as it was to have the Byrne Superman execute the Phantom-Zone criminals, it just wasn't worth it because it raised too many continuity problems).
Zero-Hour? I hated it. Loathed, even. Part of that was a personal gripe 'cuz I was a big Hawk & Dove/Hank Hall fan, and I hated Monarch. I was also a big Captain Atom fan, and hated that the end of Zero Hour left him stranded in prehistory. I felt like Zero Hour was just bad storytelling designed to sell lots of crossover books. It wasn't the epic that Crisis had been, and again-- I felt that if they had left the poor, battered post-crisis continuity alone, there never would have been a need for Zero-Hour in the first place.
Zero-Hour was about the point that I stopped avidly buying DC comics. After that, I followed a few titles from time-to-time (like the Grant Morrison JLA-- wow) but much of the magic had gone out of the DC Universe for me.