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Strategy= Now I know that Ram does posse a big problem for the Stalkers, but if they Ram, then I charge, heal, and hit, for about 6 damage, which should cripple the rammer.
Now I know that the Drac is not actaully part of Formation 1, but he tags along providing ME and a 19(!) defense. Formation 1 can always use hindering to its advantage, as well as blocking. The Reapers travel behind or to the sides of Formation 1 and charge any figure with LI or that bases Formation 1.
I know that I am 3 points short, but I cant think of any way to fill those point, without Podo, who i dont have.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
P.S.- This army is made out of figures that I have, otherwise I would have used a Troll Gunner and Artie or Amoteps instead of Sunbane and Stalkers. Thanks again.
Chaos mage-45
tribal brute***-31
snurga longstrike-31(LE launcher)
barber surgeon**-17
summoner starts with FM10,MB10,BA16,4damage w/command,12"range
mage has 12" range and MB10
snurga-12"range ,10attack,4 damage w/pierce
brute-4 damage,no range,toughness
surgeon -heals
after 2 clicks summoner has necromancy and magic healing
army took down enhanced striker/demimagus army,and creator/imp/shade army this weekend
all pieces are relatively easy to hit due to low defense, but that also makes them very easy to heal and like all orcs they do go beserk at end of dial w/high attack and damage but low def.
4 figs w/4 damage(3 at 12" range) makes it hard for opponent to figure out how to attack and 10" move is great----any ideas/comments?
Will40K- There is something bothering me about your army. It doesnt look coherent to me. It looks like you took what you thught to be the best peices of the Orcs and put them into an army together. But anyways on to the actual army itself. I would drop either the Chaos Mage, as I don't see the point of him. Yes he has Magic Blast, but you already have that in the Summoner, plus Force March. Then I would add another Tribal Brute*** and upgrade the Surgeon to (***). Finally I would add a Shade*, to for harassment. So it would look something like this:
Strategy= Snurga goes infront of the Summoner with the Brutes on each side, and the Surgeon behind. The Shade flies out and harasses, what he does best. Then the Summoner and Snurga blast away at anything that comes within range. If any thing should baes the Formation then use the Brutes to base and destroy. So just some minor changes, but not a bad army overall.
chaos mage has MB on first slot only then drops into flight and command(only 2 damage),then drops into F/L and 4 damage again,then shockwave with lousy attack of 6,then ML and necromancy,then ME,then beserk and 5 damage before death---the MB ability is useful in that he can use it early and push into command slot giving 2 command rolls(which in a 200 pt game can be very useful)---try not to push summoner out of first or second slot unless magic healing is needed since he loses force march at that point---summoner and mage paired make their combo of abilities much more useful and makes the army more adaptable ---an extra brute gives more close range combat the same as an extra ***launcher(31) gives more ranged attack---Striker went down like this (3 actions due to command roll) mage,snurga and summoner each present a target for striker--striker can take 2 MB or a pierce shot for 4---shoot one target or run--if shot then 2 return shots possibly killing him--brutes don't cause the same choice and most armies aren't going to move into a group that has attack 10 and 4 damage from 4 members so range becomes more important
Will40K- The Mage or the Summoner are not needed. You do not need both of them. The Mages abilites are present in the Summoner, plus more. If you want to use the Chaos Mage, then by all means, but both the Mage and the Summoner are not needed together. If you decide to put in the Mage be sure to add a Clurch Piper to speed up the formation. Also what if you are facing an army with LI, or a Wind Munion specifically? Then Snurga, the Mage, and the Summoner are rendered useless. With the new Minions set coming out that holds a lot of LI figures, this problem is even more relevant. That is why I dropped the Mage and added the extra Brute, for more melee muscle.
Kaos- Thanks for all the help and advice you have given me, along with allowing me to become a Co-Reviewer. Thanks.
I don't mind the comments but what doesn't make sense is how figures with range and 4 damage become useless against a LI piece like the wind minion ---do you think that they lose the damage and attack power in base to base?I would base the minion with the formation and snurga would still need the same to hit and do the same damage as a brute--and your other comment about having the same ability comes as you suggest adding a 2nd brute with the exact same abilities as the first one that is already there
We could play the what if, then I will, game all day. So I say drop it. I added the Brute as I believe it is better if you have 2 range attackers and 2 melee figures, instead of 3 range attacks and 1 melee figures.
the logic behind 3 RANGE attackers is that you can formation attack--2 brutes don't do the trick---if any changes were to be made I would drop the summoner and mage and start with this
formation 2
2** shaman-46
* clurch -15
one range attacker with double enhancement and pierce
other formation is strictly melee
have either of you 2 actually played orcs before?what do you consider to be a 4.5-5.0 200 pt army?
Yes actually I have played Orcs before. As a matter of fact it shouldn't matter if I have played them before or not.
Now as for the rating system. I don't have set standards for the armies and what they have. I grade armies on how the player chooses to use them, and if no strategy is given then I can only go with the pieces in the army. Then if I have to go by the pieces I see how many actions it takes, how much sinergy there is, and what kind of armies it is good against/poor against.
Now as for the new army that you posted. I like it alot. I prefer to have more melee over range, as there is no SA that doesn't allow you to preform a close combat attack. Lets see I would move up with Snurga and shoot at one target or two, then move the Brutes up, surround, and pummel. The only thing that I would change is that I would try and fit in another Launcher, but I am not sure how, maybe drop a Shaman and downgrade the other, but I am not sure.
The fiends use the witch for cover and do the ussual sneak attack thing against guys with counters. The chargers are bodyguards for the witch while she takes potshots or cleanup after the fiends have had their fun. Once I get some minions I want to switch out the witch for a Shadow so I can have another charger who also fills the role of the moving wall.
asteroidjawa- I dont see the point of the Nightwitch. You are spending 41 points on a blocker, when you can have a Warrior Sprite instead. You can also fit in 2-3 Warrior Sprites instead of one Nightwitch.
Now the other problem that I see is that Sneak Attack can be a very good ability, but only if played right. Now the way you are playing it you are going to move the Fiends up and then base and Sneak Attack, which might work against some players, but less times more then most. The way to play the Nightfiends is with ML, you have an opponent that bases your MLer and then you fling your opponents rear arc into your Nightfiend.
Plus I am not sure what the point of the Centaur Champion is. I mean yes he is a wicked nice charger, but you already have 2 chargers. So I would drop him and add a healer.
For both amries the terrain would be Large Blocking.
Of course this is all my personl preference, so if you think that your is better, then by all means use yours, but I do suggest trying out all the armies and find out which one you like the best.