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Originally posted by Briel Now if only Formerly Known As The JLA were on ongoing title, we would be set.
FKATJLA was, to quote Peter Griffin, "FREAKIN' SWEET!"
I thoroughly enjoyed the run, to the point that I found the last issue to be such a downer since it meant the end of the mini. I can't wait for the sequel this summer and really hope they make it at least an annual thing.
Captain America: C'mere, let me get a closer look at that big gash on your cheek.
Bruce Banner: But I haven't got a gash on my cheek.
There was recently a TP of the first 7 issues of the original JLA run by his team if you don't have the original issues.
To all. I strongly suggest you check out what was the greatest era ever in JLA history. Issues 1 to 60 of the last JLA volume as well as JLE. DeMatteis and Giffen aided and abetted by Maguire, Hughs, Sears, and Templeton on the funniest, and still best written plots ever.
Because after all these years there is still nothing better than when Batman punched Guy Gardner out! Or when Captain Marvel was dubbed "Captain Whitebread".
Blue and Gold baby! Booster and Beetle are the team supreme!
As far as X-Books go, I can only pray that Excalibur will return one day. Man! Do I miss that series!
Originally posted by Briel If you guys were reading Xtreme instead of New and Uncanny, you would be fine. LOL!
I don't know...It's too wordy for me. It was like Claremont was parodying himself from the '80s. I tried it for a year, and it was just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Now I agree about New X-men being GAH! What happened to the-world's-gonna'-blow-up-but-I'm-still-hopeful X-men. They just got too angsty for my taste. That and I hated how Emma became a replacement for Colossus. "Hi, my name's Emma Frost, and I can turn my skin into diamonds!"
As for worst plot devices...My vote goes to Doomsday. Here we have the world's most renown comic book icon get taken down by who? Lex Luthor? NO. Braniac? NO. Lobo? NO, again. Doomsday!? Who the h.e. double hockey sticks is that!? Then to turn around and make this uber-villain nothing but a joke. I hated that.
Oh, and let us not forget the ressurection of Superman...I so wish they'd left him dead.
"Everyone's always talkin' about your soul. 'The Vampire with a Soul!'. What they really don't know is you're actually 'The Vampire with Big Brass Testes..."
-Lindsey to Angel on the series finale
IMO NewX-Men is by far the best "X" book out there. well tied w/ Ultimate of course. X-Treme is commin' in at a very VERY close second. followed by NYX, then X-Statix, then NewMutants, then Wolverine, and lastly Uncanny. i forsee Uncanny raisin' higher in my ranks when Claremont and Adams take over the title!
Originally posted by CyberVenom
E is for Extinction.
I have to say that it is/was one of the worst stories I've read in the longest time (and that includes the Spider-Clone Saga). The art wasn't any good, and Cassandra was one of the most predictable characters ever. And I dispise the whole "second mutation" pantsload.
I think you're in the minority. I believe Wizard recently rated the x-men stories, and E is for Extinction was rated the second best storyline (Yes you guessed it, Phoenix saga was first).
I think Morrison has injected some new vitality into the X-men ... the stories seem frsh and original .. something they haven't been in a looong time.
I really don't have a use for uncanny or X-treme x-men ... they just don't seem interesting.
The worst comic storylines by far are the Onslaught storyline and the Spiderclone saga ...
My Nimrod haiku:
For humanity
Exterminate all mutants
Blocky Pink Machine
Originally posted by Briel If you guys were reading Xtreme instead of New and Uncanny, you would be fine. LOL!
You really like X-treme X-men? I tried so hard to like that book and read the first 12 issues. I loved Claremont's original X-men stuff ... but X-treme seems liked he was just rehashes all his old ideas.
Give me New X-men anyday. The issue with Xorn being revealed was one of the best issues I've read in a long long time ...
My Nimrod haiku:
For humanity
Exterminate all mutants
Blocky Pink Machine
Originally posted by CandySuxxx when Claremont and Adams take over the title!
Well .. I'll have to give this a definite try. Especially with Davis doing the art. Even though X-treme didn't do it for me (unless its picked up lately) ... I know claremont has some good stories left in him ...
My Nimrod haiku:
For humanity
Exterminate all mutants
Blocky Pink Machine
yeah when Briel said he liked X-Treme i was amazed. i thought i was the only one. you stopped before it got great. thats the thing about Claremont. you have to give him 14 issues and then the man blows you away! its a great "X" book in my opinion.
Originally posted by Dax Now I agree about New X-men being GAH! What happened to the-world's-gonna'-blow-up-but-I'm-still-hopeful X-men.
Hey now, that's Cyclops's defining personality trait. I think it verges on insanity for him these days. Which I think is cool, Make him stay ever the optimist, while simultaneously making him a real character..I couldn't be happier.
I thought Casandra Nova was a Tolerable villian even, it wasn't exactly evil twin/Clone, it was next species of mutant kinda..I liked the whole E for extinction Story alot.
Of course, I verge on fanboy when it comes to Grant Morrison, so I guess I'm pretty much going to like anything he writes.
Originally posted by Mugwump Hey now, that's Cyclops's defining personality trait. I think it verges on insanity for him these days. Which I think is cool, Make him stay ever the optimist, while simultaneously making him a real character..I couldn't be happier.
Of course, I verge on fanboy when it comes to Grant Morrison, so I guess I'm pretty much going to like anything he writes.
I couldn't agree with you more. I like Cyclops being so cool under the most extreme of circumstances that he verges on insanity ....
I've been reading Morrison's stuff since Doom Patrol .... great stuff ....
My Nimrod haiku:
For humanity
Exterminate all mutants
Blocky Pink Machine
i remember it clearly and i liked it. plus it set up things to unfold in X-Treme. that 6 months where you didn't know what happened WAS the worst idea ever.