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I had a feeling that when I opened this post it was just going to be a ####é AD yoyo.
But you seems to have made it more interesting. Any of my suggestions have already been mentioned, so I just wanted to say job well done! (I wish more people still used Fell Banshee's ;))
its a sad sad day for the ad. i have taken my first loss.:( though it was the closest game i have ever played in my entire life. slayer billy and i faced off last night and he got the best of me. when it came down to it, it was the last second action that saved his but. he sayed healing right as the timer whent off, saving a demoralized figure and winning by 2 points. i have to say that it was my own fault that i lost, i was in a hurry to make my armie and had to settle for 2 points under.if it wasnt for that dumb misstake we would have probably rolled off. i have to say congrats to slayer billy tho, he put up quite a fight.
You didn't have to heal. As long as one of your figures is not killed or demo'd, you get points for all the demo'd figs. It's only if demo'd figs are ALL you have left that them game ends and points are not awarded.
Anyway, congrats on having such a close game with billy! You keep improving, Zack, and I hope the improvements continue so that between you, megadeth(if he comes back), and billy, Dfaz, and James, there will be some great competition waiting for me over break!
two weeks ago, we determined that no points are awarded to either player. it may not be right but thats how tristan ruled it. but like i said, it was my own fault, i went into the battle 2 points under.