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I was thinking swiss when I saw these as well. Please don't take offense. I just don't yet see how these are different. Perhaps you can explain it so that I understand how these are different than swiss. For example what is the difference between your proposed swiss army
You have a LI fig and a two chargers instead of a rammer and a charger. Both bounders do 3 damage although bakus has a much longer effective range. You could easily downgrade the Solonavi channeler and put in a cp in the swiss.
In fact three all of the figures in the swiss army are all listed as figs you would use in your steel rain mold. I like the armies and think they will do well, but I am not convinced they are a completely different category than swiss. I find the armies you list as more of an evolution of the swiss concept than a complete departure.
hey, when the new rules came out, i also mentioned a strategy around this but mostly reffering to the amazon drac. itcan be found here: i said, instead of the formerly widespread autumn and amazon drac combo, she would be more seen with autumn's cousins the crystal protectors.with the lack of "double movement, there will be few figs who can get close to the drac and if you add chargers, the threats that do get there can be dealt with.
Originally posted by Ramongoroth I find the armies you list as more of an evolution of the swiss concept than a complete departure.
Interesting point there. Its not necasarily swiss, because it can't handle everything, but it is designed to have very little weaknesses and so I supose that it could be considered swiss.
Hi Tsetsuki1,
from the construct, it would be a great first & "steel" strike build. The first flaw however I can see is that, this build is probably good if the player has as you've recommended...
It's apparent to me because out of this list of figs, I only have Magus Anandu and Corpheus. My Magus A got thrashed bad in this year's nationals, so I don't feel like wanna use it again so soon. But that's my beef....the point is, it's actually not feasible for many players that do not have the mentioned pieces.
Second issue here is, your construct is effective based on the assumption that there is only one effective bounder or rammer. If the other side happens to have 2 fairly long range bounders....say, tribows or sislith trackers plus a 12 inch rammer....whom would the steel rain take out first? Tribows for instance would stay out of the range of most rammers cept for the Dwarven Ram or Galeshi Chargers. Take it one step ahead, for a defending DR or GC to ram the tribow, she can push to retaliate with another 3 clicks and take out the GC's weapon master of remove the ram from the DR. Chargers don't even cut it unless it's a base and not a charge.
Oombafooba ,
Well I hate to say it this way, but if you don't have the figs to do this you're just going to have to be creative and come up with your own idea! I mean I don't have enough Mancatchers to play Borg's Posse or enough Fell Reapers to play Presto's Plague, so I have to come up with new stuff...
However, what you can take from articles like this is the overall strategy and the benefit of knowing how you're opponent may be running an army built like this.
I'm not saying you aren't creative, just saying that there's really no flaw in the design if everyone can't pull it off. I've only got Amazon, Kermit, and Corphy from the list above.
Good questions Oombafooba. I would like to draw to your attention to the most powerful archetype before the rule changes, Big Bound. Big Bound consisted of large bounders like Bakus and Khumeret and basically required $130+ of cash to play effectively. This strategy can require only $10 of cash, or you can spring for the fully loaded Bakus version at $140+. This does not make it a bad strategy. I designed this to win, and to give myself the best possible chance I try to include everything I can. If I find myself using High value LE's I don't really question it, I just accept it.
Im not saying that you need uber-LE's to win, just look at the second place finisher in the American Nationals, the most valuable figure in his army was a Wraith/Wyvern combination.
As for targeting bounders, it really depends. If the bounder has high defences, target the high attack figure, if its glassjawed and has low defences, target the one that can deal the most damage. Its all about choice. It really doesn't matter which one you target, as with a blocker in front, it becomes impossible to target, it then simply becomes a matter of what dies first. I can bound up, place the blocker infront, and unless they have more than 7" of bound range, they cannot bound around the LI figure to target me. If they have a rammer as well, bound to the side, hit either the bounder or the rammer, and make sure you stay out of the range of the other. Its a fairly simple strategy in concept, but can be very difficult to defeat.
Sentinel007: Thanks for the defence of my strategy dude. As for Presto's "Plague", im intreuged. I've always loved fell reapers. If you could send me a PM telling me about this strategy it would be much appreciated.
BTW Oombafooba, you have like the coolest S/N ever!
Pls understand that I'm not trying to bring down this strategy, it just happens that I noted some issues about it and it also happens that I happen to be in a position to understand what "not having the figs for the built" means...:lol:
U're right about "steel rain" having little weaknesses. I can imagine senarios to defeat it, however it really requires the correct combination of defense for each of the steel rain variant. If you're talking about Bakus with a LI shield, even Fell Reapers fall short of range to base Bakus.
Perhaps, "flaw" was too strong a word that I used and I apologise for that. :)