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I think, in some cases (especially in Infinity Challenge), the team ability was used to denote characters that were traditionally enemies of Spider-Man or someone who was one the Spider-Man team (ie: Kingpin vs. Daredevil).
It started to seem like they'd been getting pretty strict about limiting the new people with the team ability to people who had actually been on the team (ie: Scorpion doesn't have it). However, Calypso has it likely because of her affiliation with Kraven. And Venom, who was a member however briefly, doesn't have it ... so who knows what their logic is?
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
I also believe that Kingpin has hired the Sin 6/Syndicate to do things for him as well as to take care of Spiderman.
Silver Lantern> I was going to ask this very same thing, so I could have an original X-men vs Sin 6/Syndicate team battle. So thanks for getting the jump on me.
There's also some other teams I'd like to try to make for theme reasons, but these were the next after my Original X-Team!
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
Originally posted by Basil Elks They've all fought Spidey at one moot point, or another ...
I don't think 'moot point' means what I think you think it means.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
I'm doing an 'Ultimate Six' with Kraven, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Boomerang (for Electro), Sandman, and possibly Venom.
Two of the six don't actually have the team ability, but would make up a decent team and fit the theme ...
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
Darth Sabre: Well do you mean to give them the SS TA even if they don't have it? Or to only use the ones with it on the dial? Because if it's the second one, then Venom is out of the picture. You can run an all Rookie Sinister Six with:
R Doc Oc
R Rhino
R Kraven
R Venom
R Sandman
R Scorpion
for exactly 300 points. Not too bad, you have Perplex, outwit, two invulnerability figs, lots of toughness, some charge & plasticity, SS figs. The only problem is no Taxi (which a Vulture can clear up) and no Range (which Bullseye can clear up). Any other ideas out there?
Last edited by Silver Lantern; 12/09/2003 at 19:43..
Quote : Originally Posted by mbauers
Ok, so this game's finally over?
Who the eff daykilled me back to back days? Seriously.
Originally posted by Silver Lantern Darth Sabre: Well do you mean to give them the SS TA even if they don't have it? Or to only use the ones with it on the dial? Because if it's the second one, then Venom is out of the picture. You can run an all Rookie Sinister Six with:
R Doc Oc
R Rhino
R Kraven
R Venom
R Sandman
R Scorpion
for exactly 300 points. Not too bad, you have Perplex, outwit, two invulnerability figs, lots of toughness, some charge & plasticity, SS figs. The only problem is no Taxi (which a Vulture can clear up) and no Range (which Bullseye can clear up). Any other ideas out there?
I'm not a stickler for having the TA on the dial. I feel that as long as they were on the team AT SOME POINT, then any version will do. That being said:
I came up with a version to battle my 400 point original X-men team:
Sinister Six:
Boomerang V (replaces Electro ala Jacin B's idea)
Sergei Kravinov LE
Vulture E
Ned Leeds LE
Sandman V
Doctor Octopus V
399 points
Also, just like JacinB, I was interested in an Ultimate Six team:
Ultimate Six:
Vulture V
Fred Myers LE (replaces Electro)
Sandman V
Doctor Octopus V
Green Goblin U
Sergei Kravinov LE
396 points
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
Originally posted by Basil Elks according to the cartoon, the sinister six was, I believe, Chameloen, Dr. Octopus, Mysterio, Shocker, Rhino, Scorpion, & later on Vulture replaced Mysterio I believe.
Yes this is the cartoon version! It was a great version, although definitely made-for TV!
There is also a video game version (both of which have zero to do with actual comic continuity):
Doc Ock
As JacinB stated, Scorpion has never been a member, though you would think that he would've been a logical addition.
Scorpion & Shocker have both been members of the Masters of Evil, though.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC