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I remember that story-I liked how for the past few years Superman stories revolved around him, instead of a gimmick, or a neverending subplot storyline involving the token inter-racial supporting characters......
I hope DC has the sense to at least give him some leeway....I mean if he's gonna screw it up, I hope he does it BIG, like spiderman clone saga BIG so DC will be FORCED to rectify or fix marvel had to do w/ spiderman for the clone saga. Things like this are hardly ever done good, the only one I really liked and made some sense without killing 60+ years of continuity, was Hawkman and in a much smaller scale but as much impact Hippolyta as Wonder Woman in the JSA during the war......
Help!! I am under attack by the culture of life!! Send Zombies!!!
Get your WAR on!!!!
Kakistocracy: kak·is·toc·ra·cy, (kk-stkr-s, käk-); Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
I have faith in Austen. He's done some different stuff with the titles he's worked on, and obviously this has bothered some people. I have to wonder however, how has it affected sales? If he was as bad as some people complain, I don't think he would still have a job. So perhaps the silent majority has enjoyed his work, I don't know.
Maybe I am more willing to give his work a chance because I don't take this stuff as seriously as I used to...
They're comic books for crying out loud. While I appreciate the rich history that has been developed for tha past decades, somewhere along the way things have to change. Sometimes characters change in ways that we don't agree with, and we no longer want to collect a title because we no longer feel that we know the characters.
Well, this happens in real life too. People change, they grow apart, they get on with their lives.
Comics aren't marriage. We should be able to let go a bit easier I would think...