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Originally posted by stormrider99 Well, coming from a strategist's point-of-view, and from experience.... the army I posted has had very good success.
Actually, I've fielded a BOL army (Anunub/Rage Paladin/CP) against another BOL army which had a Khurga for Leadership whereas I had the Rage Paladin in 4 tourneys (5 matchs total). The only difference is that I used slightly different support figures for secondary attack than what I listed above. I've also playtested the BOL army with different support figures, with and without a healer, with Khurga, different terrain placement, with a Rage Paladin, with Soaring support, etc. in about 20 matches.
In the 5 matches where I had BOL/Paladin against my opponent's BOL/Kurga I attacked the Kurga first and every time until dead. In one match my opponent used a healer, but he could not keep up with the damage. I then focused on his support figures (i.e. Revenant engines) to weaken them and then cleaned up with my secondary attackers. I won all 5 matches.
The difference in the matches ultimately came down to the ability to eliminate the Leadership SA first. Being able to deal 3 damage every turn to most figures versus 3 clicks of damage every other turn was huge. Secondly, if needed the Rage Paladin can play the additional role of secondary attacker very efficiently.
Also, with Pathfinder the Deathsinger has a tactical advantage to anyone else trying to base her (unless you are a soaring figure or flier). I plant her in a large piece of hindering terrain and she moves at full spead whereas my opponents are at 1/2. I've even used doubletime to get her out of trouble. Anyway if I'm having luck with my BOL engine I am happy to sacrifice my Deathsinger if it takes focus off the BOL wielder.
So bottomline, it comes down to availability of figures someone has (I think the Rage Paladin is probably easier to get than the Khurga) a wielder's design style, and an individual's paly style, but I've had success using BOL with a Rage Paladin in a number of domain environments and supporting figures.
Rage Paladin is starting to seem better to me than Zeph as a leadership figure - pity I bought Zeph. I do agree that Khurga is very weak - use Zeph if you want cheap leadership, but try out the Paladin too.
Originally posted by stormrider99 If someone was playing them in a larger scale MP game and another player played Storm Gale.... my build would eat it up without any trouble..... or if I decided to play Grasslands ;)
A few things:
1) If we are talking MP game or even larger games then 300pts then everything changes. Such a statement could draw comparision to one talking about a Por Tour deck being used in a MP game. Whiel ti could hold its one construction fro MP is very different than normal H2H. The same holds true for increasing the build total to above 300pts
2) Grasslands does nothing against a BoL. FOr stealtht o kick in a LOF must be drawn through hindering or concealing terrian. BoL ignores all LOF requirements so the line never crosses through hindering terrain.
3) Khurga: unless you pack tinker he can not be healed.
I seem to be one of very few if not the only one that plays a BOL team at the all venues I play at. I know the team does not have ample support and really does not have the number of figures most would like to see in a 300 pt game, but it sure is fun to play. The best thing is it is an all EF team, with Prophet Priest Tremelen & BOL with 3 * Troll Smashers at 296's a lot of fun.... just to see a line of Tree trunks walking down the center of the playing field, smashing everything in their path. While the Prophet takes down their power hitters before they even get near the TS. Nothing has gotten even close to the prophet to cause him any harm, not even Trix'y. I'm probably at 50% with all the games I've played with this team.
Originally posted by stormrider99 Yes, its a misprint
As LDP has stated play it as the figure says until it is FAQ. It has not been FAQ according to the FAQ that was posted togo into effect March 1, 2004. So currently no he is not a misprint and unlike Flayer they have found no need to change that as of this time.
I'm gonna have to rule that he is a misprint because the stat charts for him do not show him as having the Golem damage type.... common sense-wise... hes not a golem at all.
LDP is the rules lawyer that counts. He stated it and like every other ruling in offical play you are to follow the guidelines set by WK.
Now in one's unrestricted event one can rule any way they want but in offical WK events you follow the rules and the current FAQ. there has been a number of times information in the figure gallery have been incorrect.
So it is not a matter of "common sense" it is a matter of those are the current rules and tournament procedure.
As you see it or "as it reads" (ugh, gross policy.) Someone needs to get a council of judges together for WK. Oh yeah - anyone else feel sorry for the poor chap that had his BoL thread hijacked? ;) *goes off to make his own BoL thread*