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Tezlarapter would definitely be a good figure for this relic but it's attack would only be eight so you would need a lucky roll to hit a high defens uniqe
I think this relic is going to be sweet. It sounds like everybody is whining because the relic dosnt straight out win you the game. You all have to remember that the exclusive relics are going to have to follow the same rules that all the others follow, what ever the rules may be. You arnt going to have a card saying "Trix is dead! cost 10pts." Come on people this one is sweet.
I dont think this relic will be very competetive, even with mounted bound, since teh figure wouldnt be able to use another relic, but i think this will be a favorite of mine in fun games :) oh no vextha just lost ALL his SA's!! now i can thrash him! OR oh no chroma just lost counterattack charge sweep dodge parry spell resistance and crushing blow!! i can now blast her with vith with ease!! i like it, but i wanna see the realms specific ones...
one problem is that msot figures that allready have range are going ot have thier range AND attack reduced. The special abilities are one-shot.
its nice, its kewl, and all that, but it wont seem much use in competive play, unless there is a rider with zero range that can ride a fast mount with :hspeed: or :boot: tpye movement
So, the big question...
Why, does this thing do the EXACT same thing as spell breaker, only better because it doesn't have to be the wand attack type, for 24 points less? Does the quickness and Spell Resistance add THAT much to the cost?
ArcaneZKL and Veloxiraptor, what are you two talking about? EVERY UNIQUE is only allowed ONE relic. ONE! Of course this relic would allow you to have only that one relic, all relics do's not anything new. Unless you guys are trying to say something else.
The thing that I don't like is that it is a one-time use thing for 30 pts. Once you use it, its gone, and that was part of your armies total point cost. It's a waste of 30 pts unless you use it against the right unique.
Originally posted by _Zap_ So, the big question...
Why, does this thing do the EXACT same thing as spell breaker, only better because it doesn't have to be the wand attack type, for 24 points less? Does the quickness and Spell Resistance add THAT much to the cost?
For 24 points more, the Spellbreaker gives the wielder 2 positive combat enhancements, and also negate the target's attack type. Since all current figures only have one attack type anyway, and Spellbreaker specifically targets :wand: figures, I would say the negation of attack type holds no more advantage over Agony in that aspect. However, once :wand: attack type gets its combat proficiencies in later expansions (Sorcery maybe?), and/or figs get more than one attack types, perhaps Spellbreaker will become more appealing.
This will be sweet on figures THAT doesn't have ranged value :)
Imagine putting this onto figures with no range value and allow it have ranged attacks!
so would this be all of the target's special abilities throughout the dial? or just the ones shown at the time you hit him? or just the ones showing on the target's base at any given time?
scorch: it says if you use the option deal no damage
Originally posted by EldritchSoul so would this be all of the target's special abilities throughout the dial? or just the ones shown at the time you hit him? or just the ones showing on the target's base at any given time?
scorch: it says if you use the option deal no damage
"For the rest of the game." So anytime you look at the dial from that point until the game is over, ignore all the colors.
Jag, waddaya mean what am i talking about? im talking about a unique/LE could weild a much more competetive relic in a tourny, not that only this relic will make you only have one relic or something. this relic doesnt seem that competetive unless you are making an army to deal with vextha in a tournament, otherwise, it just seems really fun to play
Originally posted by jag-freak ArcaneZKL and Veloxiraptor, what are you two talking about? EVERY UNIQUE is only allowed ONE relic. ONE! Of course this relic would allow you to have only that one relic, all relics do's not anything new. Unless you guys are trying to say something else.
I'm saying that this shouldn't be a relic, it should be an item. I don't like the idea of taking up my figure's only "relic slot" with a relic that gives me a negative modifier and only works once.