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Originally posted by zero__cool On the impale ability, the way we have been doing it at our venue is that you can only use impale when you start you turn in base contact with the target, which means no surging or charging and using impale. But I think you have a great army, unless you go up against spirit armor.
P.S. nice work on winning every tourney, does everyone else in your venue just suck or are you just that lucky.
Impale has no requirement that you start the action in base contact with the opposing figure. Impale works just fine with Mounted Charge.
I Just Played Citadel of ice yesterday with a BOL army. One of my friends borrowed inferno and played with it and chroma with a Bracers of the giant on. Another player played rava with heartseeker and magestone gaunts. I killed both! but i won a thunder griffon and temanors rath. :mad: I HATE DODGE AGAINST BOOK OF LIGHTNING!!!!!!:boot: UU
Nice army! Always a fan of your Zombie Centaur swarm :) Chroma is pretty tough to take down. Your worry will not be her dying, let alone getting hit, it'll be her controlling three objectives if your support gets wiped clean. A well used BOL army could be a serious threat to you if it's well supported and used to target the real threats. Every BOL army has a Clear Skies, and since you're the top dog at your venue, I'm sure it would be saved for you :)
Consider that a Leadership/BOL army, let's say Anunub w/BOL and Khurga for Leadership is 176 points. That's room for a lot of support. Let's say 4 *** Shock Troopers, a * Shock Trooper, and everyone's favourite Hexer, the ** Guild Enhancer (I don't know how anyone builds an army without Hex!). It's almost a sure bet that Anunub will not miss a shot against the Sky Dragon (needs a 4 against it's highest click). Since BOL armies are native turtles, the Sky Dragon would be dead before you could get across the field to make an attack with it, regardless of who goes first. That leaves you with a one-shot revenant with the Sky Dragon for three (and probably against an unworthy target in the meat shield), provided you get the Pain Wraith within ~24" of a good target. Once the Sky Dragon is gone, the rider is a chump who'd have a tough time hitting a * Combat Magus! Anunub could blast her for 3 on turn four and ignore her for the rest of the match.
At this point, it doesn't really matter if you can get through the meat shield and carve Anunub a new nub with Chroma; parts of the meat shield probably DT'd in to slow up Chroma while the 'nub kills everything that's left. One untouchable unit probably isn't going to hold down two objectives.
Of course, this is all conjecture, and subject to terrain, actual pairings of domains in a given match, and of course, luck. You seem like you've got a great handle on both strategy and army construction, though to be honest, I wouldn't know how to beat what I've proposed using your army, unless my opponent decided to fight Chroma (at which point, the outcome should be inevitable). It's possible that Anunub could miss the Sky Dragon (I usually roll snake eyes when I only need a 3 or a 4). A surging *** Shock Trooper could critically hit, capturing Chroma, and auto-eliminate her the next round with Rally. Pigs could fly :) I just think the BOL, while highly vulnerable, is still pretty darned powerful and deserves some credit.