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Hey! I went back to the well, and remade my very basic 2.0 army...
77 Kiernan Starsdawn w/
27 Silvercloud
Temple Masters Formation
26 x2 *** High Elven Warriors behind
47 *** Master Archer flanked by
31 x2 ** High Elven Archers
35 * War Priestess behind
A staightforward ranged army...not too keen on Domains, maybe something to slow my enemy down so I can shoot them like crazy....I dont really know. The Temple masters ability gives my formation a 17 defense, so thats kinda cool, i
Are you saying that since a mount's base is longer, thus making the figure's very front arc farther away from their center dot gives them a further charging range?
I'd care to differ in opinion here. Since all my Chroma has to do is get her front arc 11 inches away from a cavalry unit to charge it, it would seem center dots are a moot point, am I wrong? It seems that the center dot is inconsequential as long as I just treat the base like any other base and stay more than 10 inches away.
Well, if you move Chroma into charging distance, I can move the cavalry unit back out but still be in charging distance you would have to push to get away or take the hit, hehe.
I was just pointing out that the mount has the longer charging distance than chroma although it says 11" on Chromas dial and 10" on the mounts. The mountplayer can bring it into effect by the way he places the mount...this is very important if you have two mounts of the same kind, lets say two skydragons, the one who would move into charge distance first would be screwed because he would automatically put himself in danger...not with correct placement, you can move into charge distance without exposing yourself to countercharge....on the other hand, if you look at it vs. range, then the centerdot is indeed centerdot, but therefor the mounts full length of the dial comes into play offering a range of 12.675 " (10 + 2 + 0.675), just to show that a 10" mount easily outranges the common 12" static range.
Wylden Host-Leader 78
-Wand of Fencing- 27
-Magestone Bracers
** Freeholder Warrior (the one with stealth and arcing fire) 34
* Troll Smasher 48
*** Troll Smasher 60
** Leech Troll (The one with pathfinder) 43
-300 pts.
Domains: Wylden Forrest (best), Clear Skies, and Tezla's Spirit.
My plan would be for the Host-Leader to take over the nearest objective and squat. My formation of trolls would move up the middle to the center squashing everything on their way. Most likely the Wylden Forrest domain would be in play so the Leech Troll's pathfinder would guide the trolls.
The freeholder warrior would be my ranged support for the trolls, and would piggy-back the pathfinder only on the first turn or so.
Basically soften the oposing army with my range and then let the trolls smash :) .
Code of the Raiders - Well, they are all orcs after all.
Storm Gale - I don't have range anyway, might as well not let my opponent have any.
Grasslands - I have a whole fricken mess of Shadow Khan, might as well throw out some Concealing terrain.
First thing your probably thinking is, "He is playing a Skittish mount! He can't possibly win!" Well, this army HAS won for your information, against Sky Dragons to boot. The key to playing Skydancer, is not to run out and tackle opposing Cavalry, just to cover all of your figures with a big honkin threat of your own. Sky Dancer is a great piece, cheap, can soar, and can do MC/C (not to mention my Eagle Shaman can ride him).
Anyway, I have Heartdrinker and the two Wolfkin doubletime out to the center objective likety split. The Warbeast DTs up a flank of my opponent (whichever is weaker), and Skydancer wings it's way to some point between the Formation and Beast such that it could charge into combat on either group if the fighting gets too messy. He can also take my objective if it is close enough.
Essentially, Skydancer waits the game until he is either un overwhelmable, or gets an opportunity to do a viciouse amount of damage. He just poses a constant back up threat to any insurrection of my pieces on my opponent, and usually pulls of a critical strike when I need him too. Wolfkin are excellent vs. Cavalry do to the Lurk which prevents Trample and Shake-off, the near identical 2nd and 3rd clicks for DTing, and the Dodge/Counterattack/Weapon Mastery that can tear into my opponent likety split. The Beast gives me a free DTer that can scare the willies out of Cavalry, and puts a lot of damage out. Heartdrinker is just a friggen excellent combat medic, and the Marauder just gets in the way.
Of course, if my opponent doesn't have an effective dismounter, then Skydancer gets free reign over the battlefield to rake in some seriouse damage, Dancer punching through defenses, and the Shaman delivering some massive 4 damage Smites.
Nice, but Id exchange the wolfkins for this purpose, as you cant use counterattack/wm. If youre DTing them out anyway, Id go with the weak ones to DT into stealth.
Its an evil army but i'm not sure on all the point totals so I didn't include them. Sniper with the Fang Shield eats the opposition foolish enough to move in close enough to get a hold off. Ironwolf Charges around cutting into the opposition with Giants Wrath. Volkare with SD is pretty good enough to keep somebody alive anyway.
Domains include:
Lords of Apocalypse(to drop the enemies horseman domains.)
Blasted Lands (so frustrating to have to waste an action killing a demo'ed figure.)
Storm Gale ( to nerf the scare of big bounders and evil ranged armies. Like the Bombard armies.)
VaporGecko I like the army quit a bit but I agree with BrutalDeluxe on the wolfskins Cheeper and more effective I believe in what you are trying to do.
Here is my army: (I think I with go with Dragonman pure (includes Drakona))
Dragon Gods (obvious)
Clear Skies
Storm Gale (This and clear skies are situational)
Let me know of some more that would be useful!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use the Dragon and Honourguard to coax the enemy figures towards Myrmydon. Most dismiss this 1.0 fig as useless and unscary. That is when you surge his 8 inches with his sweep 180 degree arc 4 damage and 12 att. After 1 click he has same stats exept for no invuln. and he gains 2 def. Then he either breaks or you beat him up (or you break of coarse). Then The Drakona can surge AGAIN!!!!!!! and still have the same stats
Arjen and his force go and sit on the middle objective. It is important to play a defensive game with these three figures. Make them come to you. When they get into the range of the Alchemists (wich for some reason many of the people I play against still do not know is 10) you shoot for two. I then break off the alchemists to 5.1 inches away from Arjen. Then I play the shockwave game. Take some potshots too at 10.
Arjen pretty much sits there and holds the objective token. Unsurgable healer.
The Sky Dragon coaxes enemies towards Myrmidon. He also is useful too take on enemy soarers and harass the opposing healers. Plus he can hurt things alot. He should go strait after people with inv. or toughness.
So what do you think. Not really big tourny caliber but fun non the less. it can hurt too. Ask my home venue not to underestimate Myrmydon.
Sytha stays in the background blasting uniques and support with the storm maul, the centaurs grab objectives and eat weakened figures, the pain wraith does his rev thing.
Domains: anything that will slow figures down or hurt range, here are my pics:
storm gale
Wave of water (it is a fun army and WOW can be very destructive during mid to late game, add in the auto damage and you can see why they call it a catastrophe).
I stayed away from river valley and fen swamp because sytha and her crew have no toughness, altough if played right these domains could be just as effective. As for terrain I'd use blocking terrain and have sytha sit behind it and maul away.
Aw man, my Wolfs can't use their Claws to counter-attack. Dang, i'll have to inform my venue... or not since we all like playing with WM and CA.
The * Wolfkin just don't cut it for me. They lose the big scarry Dodge/Counter Attack that I so love (not to mention Lurk). So instead of downgrading my Wolfs, I'm going to upgrade them.
44 LE Heartdrinker
21 R Treefell
38 *** Wolfkin
38 *** Wolfkin
Ususally I swarm with Orcs around a big fattie (Harrowblade usually), but I wanted to build an army using some DR LE's.
Crox with Threadcutter is actually an interesting match, it gives Crox a whopping 15 Attack (more than enough to whack ANY figure/Relic combo), also with his Thunderblwo and Impale, you're pretty much guaranteed to hit for 5 Damage every time, with the Mountain Warbird you get Charge/MC so you can hit for 8! ANd if your opponent uses lots of nons (like Zombie Centaurs or whatever) then Threadcutter really shiens, and you win easily)
Rava destroys any opposing cavalry units, and if he gets based, Inferno will deal the damage...
the two Marauders are very important, they tie up opposing figs and slow them down, also, if ignored, they run around claiming objectives
Domains: Clear Skies, Mountain Pass, Code of the Raiders
The strategy for this army is to use the Flame Priestess to take out any soarers and to repeatedly fire upon ground threats. The trolls advance to the center objective and the river charger covers them and kills any opposing mounted units.
Army 2
Fireflower 43
W/ Elemental Totemstaff 37
W/ EL Battle Horse 45
***Flame Priestess 38
W/ EL Battle Horse 45
***River Charger 43
W/ EF Horned Stag 47
= 298
Again, don't know about domains.
The strategy for this army is to have the charger and flame priestess form a wedge in front of Fireflower. All three of the units can double time fairly far and have high attacks. The totemstaff gives fireflower the ability to heal her mount and all of the other figures in the army.