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I'm thinking a handful of Zombie Centaurs or I'm Partial to the C/MC combo with the EF Dargon and the Scalesworn.. I'm not sure on the ins and outs of the rules though
I now have a different idea, from The Darkness's post...
High Elven Warrior (4*, 2**, 1**)
Ironwolf on EL Battle Horse
Orc Marauder (1* and 1***)
Shocktrooper (1* and 2**)
I'm just trying to get as much as I can in there, along with one beefy person to help them out.
Or just now I came up with this build.
Ironwolf on EL Battle Horse
4 * High Elven Warriors
1 * Cloud Warrior
1 ** Cloud Warrior
1 ** Leech Troll
1 * Amazon Scout
I don't know, I'm actually making this army for my brother, who I will be playing against, so I'm not trying to make it too good. I think the second one is the one I will give him to run, seeing as I miscounted the first one and it's like 5 points over.
Originally posted by son_of_ares It was ruled over in the WizKid's forums that you won't be able to use summon because the stay apocalypse even after they are eleminated
As if it wasn't hard enough for them to win already.
Now I have to come up with a new army.
I'm taking advantage of the no domains by using two strong range people(no storm gale! hah!). The Dragon Priest flies around and shoots enemies or heals my guys. Rava runs around shooting people and getting healed by the dragon priest. The Scalesworn Spectar and Shatter are bodyguards(and the scalesworn spectar can force march people). I went with the Drac dragon because there won't really be many uses for MC/C since Rava can just shoot down all other soarers. It would also be better just to overwhelm other calvary units with my bonus of 4 then to MC/C them.
One thing I was thinking of doing was changing the dragon to a griffon and adding in a *Ram Warrior. Do you think that change would make it better? How do you like my army?
I used the following as Apoc if it might help those who are working on armies.
Altem Acarbrius w/ Bracer's of the Archer and Magestone Bracers - 73
2 x * Phooka - 36
*** Phooka - 26
lv5 Sham-Rin - 57
lv2 Astrus - 31
Khurga - 39
** Forest Nymph - 38
It worked really well, Sham's FM allowed me to move my force onto my near token and angle AA to beable to pog the other 2 objectives, with Sham in surging distance of the center token, her sweep rocks. Khurga allowed for a continous stream of bombardment that hit 90% of the time and on 90% of its targets. The phooka's enhanced him to his max (of +3) and also fired once or twice in formation through the *** one and hit twice for 4 damage (set up to double enhance the center one as they triple enhanced AA). All in all it was a hoot to play and even the blocking terran didn't give me that hard a time. And as one person who plays MW said when he saw it "Since when did Mageknight become MagePog?"
It seems to me that while this scenario is definitely stacked in favor of the BPR/EF forces there area few things you can do to keep them from having a good time of it:
1) sit a piece on your closest objective token that is nearly impossible to kill. Hivemaster with Rangers Plate and cloak of venom perhaps.
2) rush the center token with :horseshoe: figs with Thunderblow . . .say Orc Warbeasts. They need 3 turns to sela that center objective .. .don't give them that long. 3 *** Orc Warbeasts arrive at or on the Objective on turn 1 without pushing. Turn 2 they push to devastate the rider or other fig holding the objective.
3) if you can keep them off those two objectives you win.
Khan Rava with Silvercloud is good, just to keep the Dragons grounded.
Don't use Harkas, you're paying extra points for the Reckless ability . . point sink!
Consider lots of Zombie Centaurs and the Wand or Reanimation . .. it's only a 50% shot at Necromancy, but it gives a non-DC wand fig something else to do while tieing up an objective.
Lots of options. Basically you need to be able to do lots of damage to a fig sitting on an objective in 2 rounds. Good luck!
You can actually seal on second turn two objectives if you want. Have two calvary units, one the can reach center objective. dt to center and get 2nd on closest token.
On your second turn dismount the rider, this allows you to remove all tokens from mount/rider. Then give them both special actions to seal the two objectives. The rest of the time run and hide, you can win everytime doing this. Although cheap if all you want to do is win there is your answer.
It's nearly impossible to stop them from sealing the middle objective if they're using a salamander(unless I have a salamander of my own). If they get the first turn they can just move the submerged salamander to block the entire thing and seal it next turn. The only way I can stop that is if I get the first turn and I can doubletime someone to base it. 16" might not get me there with the big piece of water in the middle. That's why my army is built around finishing off running cowards. It would be very hard for them to run away from Rava and the dragon priest. I might want to change my dragon to the EF dragon in case they do something cheesy like using Varatrix to just stay in soaring and run around the whole game.