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For the mounted problem with equipping relics, "gains" would work except that you'd have some people trying to use double surge or surge/charge attacks, atleast I thats what I think.
I think the best correction would be to say:
When mounted a rider figure retains his movement type for purposes of requirements only.
No, really. Can being on a :boot: mount negate the problem with the Stick Horse/Coconut Halves combo? The rider would gain the :hspeed: speed type from the relic, but that would be over-ridden by the mount's speed type.......
it says while in base contact with the wielder of the coconut halves
wouldn't it already be equipped
couldn't we just say that if you can have the relic/item equipped during setup then it would be legal
that would not allow the cavalry stuff to happen too
because it would be changed because while setting up the game they are a cavalry unit with all the stuff a cavalry fig has
Originally posted by ParasiteX No, really. Can being on a :boot: mount negate the problem with the Stick Horse/Coconut Halves combo? The rider would gain the :hspeed: speed type from the relic, but that would be over-ridden by the mount's speed type.......
Yes, but I still don't like rider's being able to wield Stick Horse. It's just wrong flavor-wise.
Frankly, the Stick Horse and Coconut Halves issue is the smallest part of this issue.
The basic problem is this: What happens to an equipped relic if some factor changes one of the figures stats such that the relic's requirements are no longer met?
The simple answer is that you must drop the relic. But there are circumstances where that does not seem logical. For instance the Stick Horse problem.
Ranger's Plate is another problem. It does not say, or seem to be intended to be restricted from use by riders, but the ruling of riders replacing their movement type with the mount's movement type eliminates a huge group of riders from being able to equip this relic. This includes tough, but not broken combinations. (Morathai on a Salamander with the plate is tough, but certainly not broken)
And what if I use a potion of Water Breathing . .. suddenly I can't wear my armor? That makes no sense!
The way this is going this game will be played like D&D. We will have ONE figure on the playing field and 25 books 12 modification books to the books and a huge stack of paper to keep track of how the NAT from the Swamp Relic counters acts the Hand of Swating Relic the Figure has. In other words the guy goes around slaping him self for being so stupid to have allowed this to happen and there inlies the problem. Oh and dont for get the HAMMER OF BACK PAIN for lugging all the rules and counter rules around.
Silverwolf - If all you do is get together with your friends and play for fun, I could see how issues like this might seem absurd. If, however, you play competitively, issues like this are very important, because you want every "competitve" environment to rule on these issues in the same way so there is consistancy in the play environment. And with Nat's coming up in a week and a half, there are rules issues that everyone wants to see resolved. So while I understand the point you were trying to make, you need to try to look at the issue from a different perspective.
It really dose not matter if I Play for fun or in a tounry for the nationals. The smiplisity that was the charm and lure of this game is gone and more lost every day. I have truned down every tourny I have won that gave me an invite to nationals. Why ? Because THIS IS JUST A GAME. We stood by and allowed Wizkids to outlaw most of our Figures (I for one did not stand and raised my voice) but to few spoke up and just quit playing or caved in and accepted it. Now I see more levels of complexity invading what was a simple fun game and it maked me sad. I see what you are trying to do is get a ruleing before the nationals and plan or plot your power plays, but in the end Ill bet the nationals will upset and anger players because of a host of stupid ruleings that would have been avoided if the game was still the FUN & SIMPLE game we all loved(WIZKIDS WILL MOST LIKLEY SCREW IT UP ANYWAY). I am not blaming anyone for trying to get clarification, but should we really have to go to this much trouble to have fun SEEMS TO MUCH LIKE WORK TO ME and I do that to get payed. I am not attacking anyone I just want people to see what they are losing
This thread wasn't meant to start an anal-retentative player vs fun-loving player war.
It's a simple issue to me that, on one hand, I know that the text on the card was meant to let the card actually be played.
On the other hand, I see perfectly well that this conflicts with the specific wording of an arbitrary, web forum-based discussion.
I don't care about the effects it has on the rest of the game, I just want a little something, stuck somewhere, that says it's ok to use this relic in combination with its partner and not have to ruin the fun.
i totally agree with silverwolf1, mageknight was meant to be a fun game that ppl get together to play and have fun. but ever since ppl started to twist the rules to their advantage it all became chaos.
Take decapitator for example, i can bet you all my figures that the person who made it meant it to be that you only die if you get snake-eyes on a close attack. But then we got some cheater (because that's exactly what they are) who mutilate the rulers another way. And then the rules arbitrator had to agree just because a period was used instead of a comma. If the last sentence was part of the preceding sentence it would be the way it was meant to be. But just because a period was used everything is messed up. THIS IS WHY PPL QUIT MK. I WONDER HOW U WILL FEEL WHEN YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE LEFT PLAYING WITH ALL THE RULES TWISTED IN YOUR FAVOR.
Originally posted by SilverTotter i totally agree with silverwolf1, mageknight was meant to be a fun game that ppl get together to play and have fun. but ever since ppl started to twist the rules to their advantage it all became chaos.
Take decapitator for example, i can bet you all my figures that the person who made it meant it to be that you only die if you get snake-eyes on a close attack. But then we got some cheater (because that's exactly what they are) who mutilate the rulers another way. And then the rules arbitrator had to agree just because a period was used instead of a comma. If the last sentence was part of the preceding sentence it would be the way it was meant to be. But just because a period was used everything is messed up. THIS IS WHY PPL QUIT MK. I WONDER HOW U WILL FEEL WHEN YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE LEFT PLAYING WITH ALL THE RULES TWISTED IN YOUR FAVOR.
Actually SZ13 asked the designers what was intended, and they gave him the ruling.