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HA! They can't get me that easily! I'm sure it's all a big ploy to see how much we would mis MK... right?
Jokes aside, I'm sad. My lip is trembling over a silly game. Why? Because fer some of us, this game was all we did. Yes, I am an obsessive freak, but I like it that way. Anyways, I like Barronmore's idea. Better yet, I started creating custom stat sheets fer my mods two months ago! Ha! Kill my game, will ya, Weissman?
Wow....All that revival work huh Zengoth...I personally love MK it was the BEST game I had ever played...I quit Playing MAGIC to play MAGEKNIGHT I even created some modified rules to mix the two....Kinda like sorcery but more diverse. If there was no creative minds capable of creating new ideas or scenarios then why not ask the community WE WOULD HAVE HELPED! I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO SPEND ON MK BUT I DID ANYWAY AND THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR FATTENING YOUR WALLETS?! MAY THE DEVIL TAKE YOU AS HIS *****!
I would like to see what they have to say at gencon before I go balistic.
I am still in awe at the thought of the game ending.
Why would they tell us this before the release of nexus? dont they want to sell any Nexus stuff? with that in mind I dont know what ot think about this game any more.
I really like the way the game has been going but I guess it could not last forever.
So the end is finally here. I can't say I am sad about it. I got over that when I realized I have NO players left in town 7 months ago. I was just going to try to bring the game back, but why bother now? I am real glad I wasted my time with the envoy tests as well. What a waste it seems. I guess I don't have to worry about saving the money for Nexus. I probably won't even see a booster of it in this town.
This is depressing. I loved MK and I thought 2.0 was a decent game, now they are gone for what, a video game? Thanks Wizkids.
This is the first truly negative post I have ever posted here or on the Wizkids Forums. As an envoy for the past 3 years I have always tried to stay positive about what Wizkids was doing. Even if it was just a minor thing I tried to find something good. Now I see no good coming from this. No little light of hope. Look at what has happened.
This will most likely be my final post here, not that anyone here knows me well enough to care. Over the past years I have always found both the Realms and Wizkids forums friendly places full of good people. I will miss it. I wish all of you good luck in whatever you do, and may you never fail another breakaway roll with flight in your life.
Originally posted by AGknight Why would they tell us this before the release of nexus? dont they want to sell any Nexus stuff? with that in mind I dont know what ot think about this game any more
What would happen if they waited?
Everyone would be crying about why did they wait until the venues and players spent money on Nexus and then announced the end of Mage Knight. People would be moaning that WizKids was keeping them in the dark, again.
They didn't want to do that. They have been as upfront about this as could be expected. Indeed, they have probably been more upfront than most companies would have been.
Two points for being upfront. I had posted elsewhere that I wanted the last expansion to at least be fully supported. i.e. sanctioned events etc. It appears it will be so lets enjoy that.
I sincerely hope we fans can keep something going even a shadow of a "pipe dream". I read that MKRealms will be around as long as we keep posting so let's do so. Looking forward to the informal meetings at GenCon.
OK, so no more minis, you want us ALL to become videogamers.
I have enjoyed Mageknight in this year that I have been playing, I liked the Idea of Nexus, but now after reading these anouncements, I am not sure I want the fated day to come, sure players want to go to the con to get their collections complete, but... many of us live outside the US, many of us have things to do those days. May you open your eyes, and keep Mage Knight alive on the tabletop and the computer platform in paralell. I am much sure that many will support me on this.