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Um... well, first of all, I'm old. I spent much of the seventies building model kits, before I discovered Dungeons and Dragons and the wonderful world of miniatures, and I've been kinda hooked ever since. Miniatures are the whole reason I got into clix games; I wanted good, cheap 28mm miniatures for dioramas and conversions, and Mage Knight made them.
It was only afterwards that I found out the game itself was kinda cool, too.
At any rate, my fondness for WWI aircraft and WWII armor led me to learn a LOT about modeling scales and manufacturers (as well as reading up quite a bit on the history). I might also point out that in order to post here, I must be sitting in front of a machine that allows me to look up pretty much ANYTHING in a matter of seconds...
Monogram made at least two M*A*S*H* diorama kits that I know of, both to showcase its existing military models. The first had a vacuformed military command tent (with decals to designate it as "The Swamp," Hawkeye's quarters) and a jeep. It included figures of Hawkeye (in bathrobe and cowboy hat, hoisting a drink) Hot Lips (hands on hips, looking irritated) and Radar (sitting in jeep, holding a teddy bear.) I bought it in Corpus Christi in 1993, but never got around to doing anything with it until now.
The other kit featured a 2 1/2-ton transport truck, and featured BJ, Col. Potter, and Klinger (in a nurse's uniform!) caring for a casualty on a stretcher. I never bothered with that one, because the likenesses of the figures weren't very good (except for Klinger, but who wants to drop a sawbuck for one figurine?)
As to pictures... yeah, now that you mention it, I could scan 'em in. You can get to my web site by clicking the HOMEPAGE link at the bottom of any of my posts; I'll start loading some stuff there today.
Well I did a search for Revell/Monogram and Tamiya and found a ton of stuff that one could use and best of all it is not bad price wise at all. Model Outlet was one of the places I went to that seemed to have on of the larger selections.
Thanks for the info Dr. and I am looking forward to seeing the figures.
Ah, here we go. Got pix of the new figures, and of the Zep model on my site. Just click on the HOMEPAGE link at the bottom of this post, and then look for CRIMSON SKIES in the sidebar...:grin:
I have to agree with Stormknight. I was fairly dissapointed by the size of the aces too. I have no real interest in playing the aces game but was very much looking forward to buying the aces miniatures anyway for use as miniatures in roleplaying games and possibly as civillians in Heroclix. It's usually pretty hard to find proper "period piece" miniatures for eras like the 20's, 30's, and 40's. *sigh* So much for that idea.
Oh well, at least the fighters themselves are approximately the same size/scale as the fighter miniatures from the "old" Crimson Skies boardgame, which is where I really plan on using them.
Well you might be surprised how many figures there are for that period. True most are WWII but most seem to fit fairly well and would need just a little conversion work. There is alos a large amount of things like oil and fuel drums, weapons, and machinery for that scale that fit the period. I even found a few model cars that would look great for the Ace part of the game. Now the Ace part of the game does not seem to be very indepth but if you are running campaigns there is plenty of stuff to give it that "Indiana Jones" feel.
Barrel makes a fine point. There's hordes of 1930s minis out there for sale, from a variety of manufacturers -- the Foundry, in particular, makes quite a few, and I seem to recall they had some "aviator" minis, as well.
It's not like the Aces minis are all that collectible. They come in a blister pack. If it bugs you that much, obtain the 28mm metal minis, and switch out the figs on the bases.
It bugs me that WizKids ever released HeroCrack to begin with.
I see no HEROes in either of those games, (except one version of Capt. America). Where are the real heroes, Pulp Heroes like The Shadow, Doc Savage, and The Phantom? And heroic Comic Book characters like Sgt. Rock, The Unknown Soldier, and the very Earliest BatMan? I would verymuch like to see a Crimson Skies/HeroClix cross over, scaled to Crimson Skies with the famous Pulp and Comic Book HEROes who started things off.
Instead we got SPANDEX MAN and the BOY BLUNDER. :(
I'd like to see Pulp Clix as much as the next guy... hell, we may see the beginnings of it right here, if CS takes off... but HeroClix is exactly what it claims to be: superhero miniatures combat. What's to squawk about?
You know guys since the Aces are larger then life in the first place, why not let all the others character be smaller then the hero. I would be sorta like putting the spot light on the main character and everyone one else is just a bit player. I would guess it would be better then pog bit players, but of course you could play pog to resolve melee combat between the bit players.
Originally posted by Dr.Bedlam Jeez, Jamie, switch to decaf.
No thanks. :)
I'd like to see Pulp Clix as much as the next guy... hell, we may see the beginnings of it right here, if CS takes off... but HeroClix is exactly what it claims to be: superhero miniatures combat. What's to squawk about?
I'm squawking because...
A) HeroClix isn't the game I wanted
B) I hate superheroes
C) It takes up resources I'd rather see WizKids expend Elsewhere
When MechWarrior was pushed back I remember wishing that they didn't have so many games in production all at once.
I realize HC has made WizKids a lot of money, and I don't mind the rules, I just really wish one of the expansions had included some Pulp, DARN IT.
yes more pulp action would be a good thing, but it would be limited. There are far too few "high profile" pulp heroes and even fewer villians, so i dont see it as a "random package game"
imagine the poor player who gets the followiing:
Player 1: "Geez another Dr Yin-sen, a Dan Dare, an Operator 5, and yet another Purple Empire minion"
Player 2: "Oh yeah? Better than me I got a thug, a minion, Joe Cardona and a NYPD Detective"
Player 3: "cool! I got a Monk Mayfair!"
ok, now multiply that by the sheer amount of players who would have absolutely no idea who I am talking about.....
now multiply that by the sheer amount of players who would have absolutely no idea who I am talking about.....
All too true. Most everyone knows who Superman or Spider-Man is, but who'd be impressed by a unique Monk Mayfair? Well, yes, I would, but as previously mentioned, I'm old.
Admittedly, I think a licensed Indiana Jones game could do well... but that brings us back to the question of licensing the thing from Lucasfilms, an issue that's haunted us ever since the first "Star Wars Clix" thread over at HCRealms.
On the other hand, as previously mentioned, this whole CS thing could turn into something, particularly with the new X-Box game coming out. Let's keep an eye peeled, support the thing, and see what happens...