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oddly enough people here have been buying the rules and the planes later we did tell them that the only playable game in the rules is aces and that with only counters!
we also advise new players wanting to test the waters with minimal investment to get an ace pack and the rule pack that is assumeing they must buy any-thing at all... and want to study examples of units and the rules at home...
I am somewhat bemused by this as well. at my venue more rules packs have sold than anything else, and since there are enough materials for 2 in the rules pack, i would have expected to sell fewer rules and more planes
I will find out this weekend how things are going. I know the 2 venues I shop at are selling quite a few but we aren't sure to whom and if they will be playing. I hope we have a good turn out. I'm Very Excited. :classic:
Well in my neck of the woods over here in the UK, there was a heck of a lot of interest at the games club I go to last night! I played my first game against another chap (who used to be a pilot). We had one other person join in who will definitely get some planes and about half a dozen more who want to try it out next week. We were all very impressed with the game mechanics and rules - straight forward to pick up but lots of scope for planning and tactics! The models are nicely done as well and click alot better than the heroclix! Theyre much better painted as well. The ex-pilot also gave it a definite thumbs up on it's accuracy as well.
Well some of the guys down the club were thinking of creating their own squadrons with a mix of planes from BB and HK, and re-painting them in their own colours.
Officially though if their planes collide I guess there'd be a collision!
Yeah, I s'pose you could say that Ghengis and his lads had re-painted their planes to look like the BBs (sorry bout the clone thang - been playing heroclix too long!! ;) )
Thankfully WK are releasing the next 2 squadrons next month!!
Officially yeah! Still, if it gets more people into CS then I wouldn't have a problem if they created their own squadrons. I'd just have to let them know it's a house rule and that they wouldn't get away with it in a tournie!
for casual play it still poses a few problems, issues of balance will inevetably crop up eventually... not to mention even in casual play BOTH side playing would have to be cool with the idea
True. Oh well we'll have to see what they want to do. I'm happy with my BB's, another chap has the HK and a third is waiting for the Fortune Hunters. I know one guy down there is desperate to do Dixie as he played as them in the old game and I think on the pc game. For some crazy reason he doesnt want to play until he can be Dixie!