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I played three different sentinel decks and was thouroughly impressed with all of them. Its really peaked my interest in getting one together.
the first was round one. The first game I was winning right up to the end when I was trounced. The score was like 25(me) 15(him). He had four wild sentinels out and two mark IVs. He used reconstruction and pulled out three more Wild's and recurited them all. Then the Senator Kellys came out. So he had 9 total army sentinels and he hit me with senator kelly 3 times. I couldn't believe it. I realized after taking all that damage IN THE RECURIT STEP!! that he could just reinforce anyone I could attack, and I'd never win. I fought back second game but we ran out of time so the match went to him.
Second one was in round four and had a similar setup, but with some of the non-army guys in for flavor. He was also using Longshot almost constantly, and I let him cause he was very unsuccessful with it. This time I focused on isolating wilds so that they couldn't be reinforced and then hitting them with my biggest guys. This worked really well and only fell short when the occasional burn rubber would streak out. Game two was just spectacular. We were both around 7 on turn seven. He drops just an ### load of wilds and another mark four and some mark twos, and then hits me with a senator kelly and attacks and stuns my VVDII in the support row. That left me at like negative 28. However, he had been so sure of victory that he left his wild's where they couldn't be reinforced. So I hit him with a double pump of Dr. Doom(6) and super Skrull with the +3/+3 which also does a -3 to his enurance. It dropped him to -31. It was awesome. I have pictures of that one.
o ya just want to mention that the lost city didn't matter, because i had savage beatdown, and w/o lost city still could pump quicksilver 5 times total.
Nice, you have to hear both sides of the issue, I just heard him saying that, that was the reason he lost. Thanx for the info. I can't wait to play you again, maybe in indy. and congradulations on your tourney win, you deserved it.
Hey peterparker1897...hope thing's are better with your computer. In game 3, I actually only had 2 guys: a Thing, HH and Dr. Doom, LOL, and you had 4: Hulk, Stretch with Fanstasticar, Invisible Woman with Personal Force Field, SS and Ghost Rider. I forgot about PSF also reinforcing. You had me anyway. Triple Fanstasticars in game 2 was a stomping. Either way, great games. Congrats on getting 4th. My Doom/FF will have some answers for you next time ;)
I dropped because it was late, had some things to do with my wife. I thought it was going to start earlier than it did. Next time in July they should start it around noon.
Cool I did think that you had more than 2 characters though because I had to attack someone. to get you to negative endurace, I remember that you had -1 endurance. Maybe you just had one, but I thought I attacked someone to put you there, maybe you were at one. well anyways they were great games, and I think I will be at indy.