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Love is but only the word to describe my feelings for such a card!
I can see this making great game play, I know I'm playin' with it! I love the idea of effects over attacks, it's always fascinated me in every game I've played! (Except X-men, but that's another story...;) ) I like how it works off of the whole card advantage dilemma that this game has at the moment.
Plus, I can't resist an insane clown who's one purpose in life is to torture the Dark Knight... hehehe.... (insert very evil laugh)
The reason i beleave this Joker will be one of my favorites from the next set is simple..
Remember the spoiler about Batman 7 drop? Wasn't he boosted by number of cards in hand? Hopefully they'll be a card to combine Gotham Knights + Arkham Inmates (like they did with Common Enemy, Heroes United Etc..). So you'll end up having a +5 ATk +5 DEF Batman 7 drop if you use Recruit Joker w/ the 2 Extra cost for boost a turn after batman has been recruited. I'll definatly try a Arkham Inmates/Gotham Knights Splash deck.
The delicious idea's boiling in my mind allready.. Mmmm
This Joker is clearly best in a Weenie strategy, low on characters and heavy on the Plot Twists. Imagine this Joker in a Brotherhood deck with Feral Rage already dropped on turn 4. Scooping up an extra five aggressive plot twists with a Not So Fast in hand would be a huge advantage (thankfully Joker has Loyalty).
On the other hand, I agree that missing your real five drop would be brutal. You drop a 3/3 Joker and draw 5 cards. I drop an 11/11 Thing, with 2 Fantasticars in play. I go SMASH and win.
The one negative about having a game that only plays 7 turns max is that there is very little time for "tricks". The success of agressive, hard hitting decks (TNB, Big Brotherhood, FF Beats) shows that you need to stay ahead of the curve to win. Genosha is clearly better than Joker as you can stay on curve AND draw a heap of cards.
Originally posted by Beyonder This Joker is clearly best in a Weenie strategy, low on characters and heavy on the Plot Twists. Imagine this Joker in a Brotherhood deck with Feral Rage already dropped on turn 4. Scooping up an extra five aggressive plot twists with a Not So Fast in hand would be a huge advantage (thankfully Joker has Loyalty).
On the other hand, I agree that missing your real five drop would be brutal. You drop a 3/3 Joker and draw 5 cards. I drop an 11/11 Thing, with 2 Fantasticars in play. I go SMASH and win.
The one negative about having a game that only plays 7 turns max is that there is very little time for "tricks". The success of agressive, hard hitting decks (TNB, Big Brotherhood, FF Beats) shows that you need to stay ahead of the curve to win. Genosha is clearly better than Joker as you can stay on curve AND draw a heap of cards.
Originally posted by Beyonder On the other hand, I agree that missing your real five drop would be brutal. You drop a 3/3 Joker and draw 5 cards. I drop an 11/11 Thing, with 2 Fantasticars in play. I go SMASH and win.
Which is why I said, if you dropped an undercosted card like Feral Rage on turn 4, you just Swift Escape your Joker, and pound that Thing with the Savage Beatdown you just drew;)
-grin- yes, but how often have you played a game where you think to yourself 'If ONLY I had that Burn Rubber/Savage Beatdown/Not So Fast, etc, that I KNOW if coming up sooooon'
Card advantage is ALWAYS a good thing, and drawing cards is ALWAYS a good thing =)
Not knowing how to play is another kettle of the Joker's fish completely =)
I could REALLY see this being useful for X-Men, of all things. As it is they have fairly weak 5-drops, and with all of their discard abilities they tend to run low on cards during the mid-game. With a few Jokers in there, you can use your Gambits, CotAs, etc. without fear, knowing you'll get a fresh hand. Could be just what the doctor ordered.
Disagree about Doom though, Doom has few enough characters in play as is, and without a Destroyer for stalling power, Doom is all by his lonesome. No thanks!
Man you guys are missing the possibility of him being a wild card with the Brother hood.
Hmm ….. Turn 3 joker turn 4 Sabertooth turn 5 jokers boost and Rhino. Hand advantage plus with Brotherhood you can pomp joker +3+3+3+3+3+3 till the cows come home. As for the cards you just discarded with The Space Station pick up all the copies you need.
Originally posted by Darkblast No wander he is playing 52 card pick up.
Like I said on the other thread, I think he's playing five card draw, and something tells me jokers are wi... I can't do it. It's too lame.
Something else I just though about with this card is costs, this card can't easily be played with it's laughing lunatic counterpart. Not only that, but both the Joker cards are somewhat team-stamped. Perhaps a little out of character for him?
Originally posted by Darkblast Man you guys are missing the possibility of him being a wild card with the Brother hood.
Hmm ….. Turn 3 joker turn 4 Sabertooth turn 5 jokers boost and Rhino. Hand advantage plus with Brotherhood you can pomp joker +3+3+3+3+3+3 till the cows come home. As for the cards you just discarded with The Space Station pick up all the copies you need.
No wander he is playing 52 card pick up.
You are misunderstanding how boost works. In joker's case, you pay 2 extra when you recruit him to get that effect immediately. You don't just spend 2 whenever you want to to get the effect.
unless upperdeck is terrible at designing this game these weaker characters with nice effects are gonna become good SOMEHOW =/. i mean when DC becomes legal and they see no change in the environment cus bigger creatures > small guys with big effects, then theres gonna be something done probly =/. something tells me these teams with weak characters have some amazing support cards or their powers are actually good enough to negate thier size. or else something tells me im quitting this game because of poor designing.
Originally posted by Fry unless upperdeck is terrible at designing this game these weaker characters with nice effects are gonna become good SOMEHOW =/. i mean when DC becomes legal and they see no change in the environment cus bigger creatures > small guys with big effects, then theres gonna be something done probly =/. something tells me these teams with weak characters have some amazing support cards or their powers are actually good enough to negate thier size. or else something tells me im quitting this game because of poor designing.
did you even read the Metagame article? This was the main focus of the piece.