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it allows you to 1) be getting the attack you were going to get any way/
2) it makes your opponent discard a card.
3) it allows you to draw a card.
just the fact that your opponent is losing a card and you are gaining a card is really good.
it makes any character into a gotham knights catwoman...well in to catwoman without the stats that prevent her from doing better any way.
and since it can go on anybody as long as you have three characters in play, it can and should probably go on your biggest hitter, but for strategy, you could put it on a mid-low drop...this way you may be able to force your opponent to reinforce from a heavy hitter, or to have to discard and let you draw.
a pretty good card i'd say.
but if it cost even 1 resource point to play, i'd say it was not so good at all.
I have and it well, sucks. It really does. If the restriction were to only have 2 characters in play or something, then yeah. But with 3 it doesn't usually come out until turn 4 minimum and usually turn 5. And this was in a rush deck! Unless you get a God draw, but if you did then you wouldn't neat the Chain to win anyway!
i believe mystic chain can be used by sinister syndicate, in conjunction with sadistic choice and oscorp board room. x-men discard builds could also use it, as they have recovery tech that can maintain 3 or more characters alive.
I want Bullseye for my Lex Luthor deck. But I can't find a place for him anywhere else. Maybe in an all location deck like Assasin/brotherhood. Assasin/crime lords, or brotherhood/crime lords? No idea.
I think the reason mystic chain could be a money rare is because it can really go in any deck. Instead of being team-stamped like fizzle, the source, which may be good cards in structured decks, mystic chain adds certain mechanics to team affiliations that don't have them. Kinda like savage beatdown on relatively lower attack stats. Expect to see this drafted more often than not, there is no real drawback to this card.
Right now, 4 Wild Rides are going for $51.00. In the top 10 prices for singles, there are 5 auctions for Wild Ride(s). Looks like thats the money rare for now:cool:
Seriously other than Savage Beatdown and some EAs most of the cards don't even go over 10 bucks. Most regular rares are like 2-5 bucks on average.
you know what brings on this mentality, all the Yugi players that migrate to this game. Sicne Yugioh wasa gold mine and every other cards was worth $20.
Gabusan, I want to do the same thing with Bullseye. He just fits so well into that deck, because you are drawing extra cards and you only need to get rid of an extra copy of a plot twist that won't be too effective if it's a multiple copy of some ongoing. Also, it'd work well in conjunction with Mongul I believe, because it allows him to attack their 4 drop while Bullseye attacks their 5 drop. This allows Mongul to keep his Cosmic Counter for an extra turn, which is a good thing for Revenge Squad.
Originally posted by Fenrir People are still rambling on about "Money Rares"?
Seriously other than Savage Beatdown and some EAs most of the cards don't even go over 10 bucks. Most regular rares are like 2-5 bucks on average.
you know what brings on this mentality, all the Yugi players that migrate to this game. Sicne Yugioh wasa gold mine and every other cards was worth $20.
It does, but this game has a steeper price. Think of any deck. Let say Curve Sentinels.
Bastion at most $4
Boliver Trask at most $3
Magneto at most $3
Genosha at most $10
Savage Beatdown at most $25
Every common and uncommon at most $.50 each
so thats at most $200 (maybe you could find deals or trade) for just 1 deck, this game allows you to make infinite amounts of deck. In Yu Gi Oh you have 1 deck and your done. There aren't too many tournament worthy cards that are made in that game. Once you have the basis of the Yu Gi Oh deck (which is about 20-30 cards) you are pretty much done, you really never have to buy another card for the deck. You may have to update the deck with the new sets every once in a while, but nothing that a 50 dollar bill can't fix and that is if the set is actually good. Maybe once in a while you will want to make a new deck, but you only need from 10-15 cards for it, and you just make a new one. Now, if your a hardcore Yu Gi Oh player and have 4+ decks yourlooking at probly a grand or more. But even then you still have to look at 4+ decks in Vs. The thing is even though a card may cost you $5 you might need 4 of it making a $20 "card". In Yu Gi Oh almost all the cards are restricted so you only need 1 per deck. So really they look at the single price and go "ouch", we look at the deck and saw "ouch".
If you had a YGO deck of all 20 buck cards or whatnot(rare v ersions of stuff from starters) thats 40x20 = 800, so four decks would be 3200, not a grand.
Compared to 4 decks breaking a grand if you dont want to shift savage beatdowns around ;)
mystic chain is a good card, but for different reasons and strategies that savage beat down.
it does require more work to use than a beat down, and it is not quite as versatile as the beat down.
it does allow you to get a card draw from an attack that you would have made any way, and it will force the opponent to lose a card for doing it.
if catwoman over in gotham knights was an 8/7 or even an 8/6 with her ability she would see a hell of a lot more play.
and now we can make almost anybody of our choice do just that.
imagine getting to make your opponent discard even just 2 cards in a single turn while you drew 2 extra cards, and for nothing more than making an attack.
clever play will allow you to get even better efficiency out of it, but for now, it is pretty good.
wild ride is a great search card, possibly the best to date: you don't need to control any characters to use it. you don't have to discard anything to play it, nor to resolve it. all you lose is a little bit of endurance to not have to miss a drop.
pretty awesome!
just imagine with the midnight sons team up, you can search out any character you wanted out of your deck.
again, this is a great card and is well worth the hype as i see it.