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I am new to the scene, but played magic for years....I play mostly with words like type I and banned mean very little....
What draws unprofessional players to the game is the comic book themes....what pushes them away are packs filled with junk...5 teams in one pack? I bought these cards for the Knights, not X-static....My friend has stopped buying marvel for that reason...Its cool to include the obscure...but you have to have a headliner to sell the product
I like this game better than magic because of the comic book themes...I grew up reading them...I have one tattoo'd to my arm...this was a game made for me and my pals...recently having played in tourneys I see how diverse the crowd and the decks can be...VS has staying just has to be smart about it
I know my area has a bit of an inability to try new things... which is very odd considering the South Bay is famous as the locale for people who 'think different'. We've still got a lot of Magic players because they have a ready access to players. The VS community has grown sporadically, typically from one disenfranchised player or curious person picking up some VS and showing his friends. The game is easy to learn, hard to master, and always fun. It's only a matter of time for VS... the longer it stays alive and does well, the more people will jump ship from Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and other games which are less popular. Remember, people who play games like Legend of the Five Rings are jealous in some regards as to how quickly the VS scene has grown. ^_^
i understand that many of the teams i listed are not marque names, which is why you include them in other sets where big team is headlining.
take the future x-men set, UDE is reusing two allready printed, but very well knwon- the x-men and brotherhood. and is also including two lesser knwon teams, the morlocks and hellfire club?
would someone who has never read an x-men comic, or only seen the movies know who the morlocks or hellfire club is? no. but they know who the x-men and the brotherhood are.
secondly, redoing an older teams, gives UDE even more ability to spread out the sets, and not run out of material.
i beleive, we will see more, avengers and JLa definatly, as both groups have an incredibly large roster of guys to make.
in short, i simply see no way that VS will ever run out of source material.
Originally posted by Maniac That was a pretty long, but cool list, of characters there cyke. When Vs. runs out of DC or Marvel characters they can go to the smaller label comics...say Top Cow.
I would love to see a Quantum and Woody set. Their goat would be the coolest
Don't forget all of the Punisher's stuff (villians, allies, etc) I know some are out, but not all of them.
I'd personally like to see either (or both) James O'Barr's the Crow as an unaffiliated character, or maybe do something like Kang, where he isn't unique since there are/have been multiples. I'd also REALLY like to see an Endless team or just a Vertigo team in general (Death, Dream, Delerium, John Constantine ect).
its been confirm for jla, a endless team, anyone who doesn't know is a vertigo comic book, the following characters have been confirm, death, sandman, delerium, and constantine, but mind u, they always leave characters when a set is finished
I have been playing magic since 1995. It's still a fun game and I play from time to time. I'm even going to the prelease for the new set on saturday.
But I enjoy VS a LOT more. I enjoy the game play a lot more. In magic I'd say as much as 25-30% of my games are determined by who gets mana screwed. There is nothing you can do about it. You can have 45% of your deck be mana and still get screwed, or more likely hosed.
That is one of the main sellers for VS. In VS you have a greater chance of playing good games because you can never get mana hosed/screwed and you draw more cards over the course of the game (bettering the chances of you drawing what you need).
I'm a control player by nature in magic but I don't particularly like playing counterspells and I think it was a mistake on the part of UDE to print Fizzle. But you don't see Fizzle that much and that's a good thing.
It's a HELL of a lot easyer to get into VS also. You can build a competitive deck composed of only commons and uncommons. That being the case Limited is also a lot more fun (and not getting color screwed in limited is refreshing... see a trend there).
Everyone I know that I have taught VS to has stayed playing it. It's a well designed game and UDE is not afraid to right mistakes in card designed through errata's as soon as something too broken is found (Dr. Light, Rama Tut anyone).
Some other cons for magic is T1. T1 is retarded. I've been playing it for years and it's just not fun to lose on turn 2 because you don't have a Force of Will to stop Charbelcher from being played. It's not fun to lose without even taking a turn. When as much as 50% of the decks are playing solitaire... it's not cool.
The T2 and block constructed formats however by FAR surpass the VS version (modern). You get a lot more cards that are interactive. Man of Steel and GL have NOTHING in common. In magic you get sets that build of each other and there is more room for variation. The wanting for variation is the exact reason that decks like New School ever even came together.
I also like the best-of-3 system in magic a lot more. Losing to a bad draw sucks and losing a match to it sucks worse. But what can you do, it takes a lot longer to play a game of VS.
What will win? I have no idea. I hope they both do well. I enjoy both games. But magic has been around for 10X as long and has a huge following. But as games like this get more and more popular it will draw more people in.
That's not to mention that VS gets a boost from Comics and Movies were Magic has only the PT and word of mouth to lure people to it. Advertising is powerful tool and VS gets a lot for free.
In the end I think there is a good chance MAgic will win. Magic is like a huge nebulous of cards. You can take any direction you want. There are truely infinite different decks that can be good. That's just not the case with VS. Instead of 5 color staples you have 100 teams staples.
But, I love the game and will ride it to the end if that end ever comes.
Originally posted by eternaldarkness its been confirm for jla, a endless team, anyone who doesn't know is a vertigo comic book, the following characters have been confirm, death, sandman, delerium, and constantine, but mind u, they always leave characters when a set is finished
please do not spoute anything as fact anymore.
the JLA set will have
justice league or america
justice league international
injustice league
secret society of super-villians.
and that is all. i don't know if someone just lied to you, or you like spreading lies yourself.
we only know the next three sets, JLA, x-men, and infinite crisis, and while we have no idea what the teams are going to be in IC, we know it won't have anything from vertigo.
Originally posted by Thanatos_elNyx I don't profess to knowing alot about comics, when Avengers came out I had to research all the teams on the net to see what they were about, when I finally picked Kang as the coolest of that set.
However many of the teams on your list are pretty obscure and may not have that much of a following amougst the 'lay' community.
Compared to X-Statix?
Compared to the Squadron Supreme?
Compared to most of the characters from the Anti-Matter Universe set? Or most of the obscure Green Lanterns?
Not to mention you can package obscure teams with old teams, as they will be doing with the new X-Men set, etc.
Plus 'event' sets like Crisis opens up more possibilities.
Originally posted by cyke i really hate that line, and have been hearing from people that really don't know much about comics.
with over 60-70 years of comics history from both Dc and marvel, just how will they run out any material intheir first 10 year plan. hell, #### ten years, in the recent mategame article, it was mentioned that the master list of possible sets goes way beyond that.
with reprinting old news like they are doing with the x-men, set they can squeeze out even more sets. and do you have any idea just how many possible teams there that they can do?
2099 Villains
AoA X-Men(X-Men?)
All-Winner's Squad(?)
Alpha Flight
Batroc Brigade(HYDRA/????)
Big Hero Six(?)
Champions of Xandar(?)
Circus of Crime(Crimelords?)
Damage Control
Dark Riders(Horsemen?)
Dire Wraiths
Dragon's Circle(Defenders?)
Enforcers(CrimeLords/Sinister Syndicate?)
Fantastic Force(Fantastic Four?)
Factor Three
First Line(?)
Force Works(West Coast Avengers?)
Freedom Force(Brotherhood?)
Frightful Four(Doom?)
Gamma Flight
Generation Next(AoA X-Men?/X-Men?)
Generation X(X-Men?)
Great Lakes Avengers(Avengers?)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Hellfire Club
Hellions(Hellfire Club?)
Heralds of Galactus
Heroes for Hire(Marvel Knights?)
Horseman of Apocalypse
Hulkbusters(Hulk Enemies?)
Hulk Enemies(Hulkbusters?)
Human Resistance (AoA/?)
Howling Commandos(SHIELD?)
Imperial Guard(Shi'Ar?)
Infinity Watch
Iron Man Villains(?)
Knights of Pendragon(?)
Lethal Legion(?)
Marvel 2099(?)
Marvel Monsters
Marvel Mystics(Marvel Knights?/Defenders?)
Mutant Liberation Front
New Mutants(X-Men?)
New Warriors
Night Shift(Crimelords?)
Power Pack
The Pride
Savage Land Mutates(Brotherhood?)
Serpent Society
Serpent Squad(Serpent Society?)
Squadron Sinister(?/Squadron Supreme?)
U-Foes(Hulk Enemies?)
Ultimate Adventurers(Ultimates?)
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Six
Ultimate X-Men
Weapon X
X-Men 2099(Marvel 2099?)
West Coast Avengers(Avengers?)
Western Heroes(?)
Winter Guard(?)
Young Gods
The 100(?)
The 1000(?)
2000 Committee(?)
Academy of Crime(?)
Accelerated Gentleman's Club(?)
Adventurer's Club(?)
Affiliated Planets of the 31st Century(?)
Ajan Enterprises(?)
The Alliance(?)
Allied Solar Enterprises(?)
Altered Strain(?)
All-Star Squadron(JSA?)
The Ancients(?/JLA?)
Aquaman Allies(?)
Aquaman Enemies(?)
Archer Enemies(?)
Army of Crime(?)
Atari Force(?)
Atom Project(?)
Atomic Knights(?)
Atlantic Patrol(?)
Atlas Corporation(?)
Axis Amerika(?)
Birds of Prey(Gotham Knights?)
Biospheer Technologies(?)
Blackfoot Clan(?)
Blackhawks(WWII Heroes?)
Black Ops(?)
Black Reign(?)
Black Zeros(?)
Blue Boys(?)
Blue Trinity(?)
Body Doubles(?)
Boy Commandos(WWII Heroes?)
Brotherhood of the Bat(?)
Brotherhood of Dada(?/Brotherhood of Evil/Fearsome Five?)
Brotherhood of Evil(Fearsome Five?)
The Cadre(?)
Captains of Industry(?)
Challengers of the Unknown
Charlton Heroes (?)
the Circle(?)
Circle of Fire(?)
Clock King's Clockwatchers(????)
The Conglomerate(?)
Corps Corp.(?)
The Council(?)
Creature Commandos(?)
Crime Champions(?)
Crime Council(?)
Crime Crusaders Club(?)
Daichii Doku Clan(?)
Dark Circle(?)
Dark Guardians(?/Vertigo?)
Dark Nemisis(?)
Dark Stars(?)
Dayton Industries(?)
DC 1,000,000
Demolition Team(?)
Demons Three(?)
Dial H for Hero(?)
The Dingbats of Danger Street(????)
The Dominators(?)
Doom Patrol
Double Dare(???)
Easy Company(World War II Heroes?)
The Elementals of Disaster(????)
The Elite(Revenge Squad?)
Emerald Archers(?)
The Endless(?/Vertigo?)
the Exchange(/O.G.R.E.?)
Extreme Justice(?)
The Extremists(?/Injustice League?/Injustice Society?)
Fatal Five
Federal Men(?)
Flash Allies
Flash's Rogues
Force Family(?)
Force of July(?)
Forgotten Heroes(?)
Forgotten Villains(?)
Freedom Brigade(?)
Freedom Fighters(JSA?)
Galaxy Communications(?)
the Gang(?)
Gemma Masters(?)
Ghost Dragons(?)
Ghost Patrol(WWII Heroes?)
Global Guardians(?/JLA?)
Gorilla City
Green-Headed League(?)
the Green Team Boy Millionaires(?)
Guardians of the Timeline(?)
Gunner and Sarge(?)
Hand Gang(?)
Hand of Krona(?)
The Hangmen(?)
Haunted Tank(?)
Hero Hotline(?)
Hitman Family(?)
Human Defense Corps.
Hybrid(Doom Patrol?)
Inferior Five(?)
Infinity Inc.
Injustice Society(Injustice League?)
Justice Society
Kingdom Come(?)
Kingdom Come Villains(?)
Lab Rats(?)
League of Challenger Haters(?)
Legion of Superheroes
Legion of Supervillains
Luthor's Council(Kingdom Come Villains?)
Marvel Family (?)
Marvel Foes(?)
The Maximus(?)
Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.(?)
Metal Men
Monster Society of Evil(?)
New Guardians(?)
New Brave and Bold(Kingdom Come?)
New Justice League(Kingdom Come?)
Nuclear Family(?)
Omega Men
The Onslaught(?)
The People's Heroes(?)
Power Company
Primal Force(?)
Prisoners of the Gulag(Kingdom Come Villains?)
Relative Heroes(?)
Royal Flush Gang(Injustice League?)
Sea Devils(Forgotten Heroes?)
Secret Six(?)
Seven Soldiers
Sovreign Seven(?)
Starman Allies(?)
Starman Enemies(?)
Suicide Sqaud
Supermen of America(Team Superman?)
Titans West(Teen Titans?)
Ultra Marines (Suicide Squad?)
Villainy Inc.
The Wanderers(?)
Western Heroes(?)
White Martians(Injustice League?)
World War II Heroes(?)
Young Heroes in Love(?)
Young Justice(JLA/Teen Titans?)
oh yeah, they will have nothing to do.
and let's not forget that after these first ten years, marvel and DC is always making new teams, new characters, so UDe can use the brand new teams, comics are always growing and changing. if/when Vs dies, it will be not be becuase they ran out of material.
If UDE is going to print this amount of affiliations, I will quit man. Sets are coming out like 4 sets per year and the modern age is switching packs like once every half a year. Its like dumping money all the time. Seriously, this is TOO fast.
Magic is 3 sets a year, and a core set every two years. Plus for some reason the way they do magic makes it seem like it's much longer then VS which is kinda a gripe for me.
I prefer VS because there is no mana-screw, the promo cards are better, and even the crap rares are more playable (You think Reign of Terra sucks? Try One with Nothing!).