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I think most peoples' frustration is not with Metagame's official previews, nor the official previews of other sites such as this one.
The frustration comes from having no 'accidentally' spoiled cards from unofficial sources. By now we usually have heard word from someone in Singapore or Brazil that saw a few loose promo cards or something or a bit of news was leaked in an interview or advertisement (remember how Dave Humphreys confirmed that Beast was MAV-001 two months before MAV was released?). None of that this time around.
All we really know now:
Wonder Woman is a 7-Drop: 16/15
Martian Manhunter is a prize for the Pre-release.
There's a new mechanic called Ally.
And we know a bunch of characters who will be in the set.
That's it.
So, there are two options:
1) The evil conspiracy (as mentioned above) ... leading me to think that UDE is embarassed by the JLA set and that they want to wait as long as possible before disappointing us. (C'mon UDE, prove me wrong :P)
2) UDE has gotten a lot better at keeping secrets.
i'd like to see a sneak peek on wednesday actually, as that would give enough time to have 20-30 cards spoiled and give us time to consider the applications to other game play.
Anyone think it would be cool if they kept a really tight lid on the cards in this set? You would go to the event with no idea at all what the card in the set due until you open them and have to make a deck out of them.
Lots of metagame possiblites thier as I can see many cards being over hyped and over looked until someone tries them out. Some cards may not be seen at all in some areas.
I can't imagine ever playing in a tournament without knowing what there is to play with. Heck we don't even know what the keyword means or even if it's a keyword.
It's like that commercial with the guy running in a track race who gets passed by a guy on a horse who gets passed by a racecar who gets passed by a jet.
I have no idea what the commercial was about. WTF were they thinking :ermm:
actually it would be kinda interesting to see them not spoil any cards. if they did it could be commons, like 1 from each team. it would be something and make the seem really good.
While I'm totally understanding, BigSpooky, we've always had several preivews by this point from others sources. Each set the wait becomes a little more.
I'm fine with it, but the sooner, the better. Its builds interest better.
Anyone think it would be cool if they kept a really tight lid on the cards in this set? You would go to the event with no idea at all what the card in the set due until you open them and have to make a deck out of them.
Personally, I think they should preview TONS of cards... but only rares. So that way, they won't be that big of a deal compared the the commons and uncommons at a sneak peek.
Originally posted by Zyx Whitewind Anyone think it would be cool if they kept a really tight lid on the cards in this set? You would go to the event with no idea at all what the card in the set due until you open them and have to make a deck out of them.
Lots of metagame possiblites thier as I can see many cards being over hyped and over looked until someone tries them out. Some cards may not be seen at all in some areas.
My first reaction was, wow, that would really slow down deck registering and deckbuilding. Then I thought about it. There have been planty of no0bs at the 2 PR's I've gone too, and no amount of deckbuilding time would ever be enough. There were enough that showed up that had never read any of the spoilers or the new mechanics.
And I think that is a pretty good thing. Pre-releases should be a haven for the casual gamers. Anything to give joe 4 box casual/collector/fanboy a leg up on winning a decent PR prize would be good in my book, rather than distributing more mats, tins, etc. to the competetive sharks.
/has 3 different mats and 4 tins and all the T-shirts from Supes up. Felt guilty adding the Avengers mat to my collection at the last PR.
//not too guilty.
Do you guys even realize that the first previews for the Avengers started on July 13th on Metagame? And the only reason that they spoiled cards that early was because they previewed them at Comic-Con? Everyone needs to chill out and just let the spoilers come.