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No man is in there, i also play fatality's 2 drop, the one that KOs a resource to either fizzle a plot twist or utility belt. That should make it more difficult for the AGL player to hit their big drop and Chomin. Would dropping maybe two cards and adding Kyle Rayner and chopping block help out with Faust and Xallarap. Also, I don't have Savage Beatdowns, I may be able to borrow some but is there any atk pump that may be good for this deck. I run 4 Wrecking crews and three mega blasts. If I can't get the SBs I may go to 4 No Man, and 4 mega blast. The Speedy tech should work well. Shocker I usually try to recruit for free either by Dr. Light or Hard Sound Construct to maximize his impact. I just think that Faces recovery speed is much faster than AGLs and while their characters aren't as big, they appear more consistently, since not every AGL deck runs Willworld, instead using Emerald Dawn and TRHC which means they need good draws.
Originally posted by stubarnes I guess that is the troll word of the day. Bigol, do you just cut and paste "retarded" into each post or do you have it memorized?
Please, please, please? Can you give us your opinions without the nastiness? Please?
calling a deck retarded isnt nasty :/ it sais the deck is good.
Originally posted by TheDerangedBear And yet, I'm not the one who made mention of him first am I? By the way, how did you go from Faces of Evil vs AGL to Roy St. Clair?
am i gonna have to link to the what happened in roy st claire thread? :/
Have a great time, we are on our way to the hockey game ourselves. I hope it is as sick as last night, Nathan Horton punched a guy down to the ice then beat him with his own helmet.
Have a great time, we are on our way to the hockey game ourselves. I hope it is as sick as last night, Nathan Horton punched a guy down to the ice then beat him with his own helmet.
Go Panthers.
Just what the hell kind of F'd up hippy are you?
Originally posted by tigolbitties4L am i gonna have to link to the what happened in roy st claire thread? :/
The fact that I started a thread about Roy St. Clair about what has happened to him and his brother means that I was curious of a very controversial player.
The fact that you constantly bring up this fact in my prescence leads me to believe that you are trying to force some sort of connection. Since there clearly is no connection, I can only logically assume that you are a) A troll who is looking to instigate b) A homosexual who is interested in some sort of bacchanal or c) A homosexual troll who is looking to instigate a homo erotic bacchanal.
Which is totally cool! Good for you! However, that just happens not to be my cup of tea, so please leave me out of your whatever.
Feel free to add other possibilities.
Back onto relavent discussion - has anyone actually tested this matchup? I am very curious as to which is favored. If the thread starter would like to playtest a little feel free to hit me up. Felix Faust seems to get around Shocker really well...
I've tested this match-up a while back and it's quite in AGL's favour. However, this was my crazy speedster build, and not the Faust build, so it may not be relevant.
Fatality should prove to be useful to counter-act Chomin, but be wary of providing breakthrough avenues to such an offensive deck.
I've tested this matchup quite a bit, along with Masters of Glee and MoE / JLI against non-speedster AGL. It's kinda like whiffleball :)
The ability to remove Chomin from the equation on turn three with Shocker slows AGL down significantly--keeps Xallarap from attacking twice and saves you a ton of damage.
Also, on your init, you get to go straight to the face, which makes the wrecking crew highly lethal.
Speedster AGL is a tougher matchup but still winnable.
man you think tigolbooties would be polite for once and not an ass, dude seriously stop trying to act like a pro and what not. If you are a pro act like it dont be a jerk to people
like i honestly wonder how many ppl test matchups at all on here and not just agl. HOW IS FATALITY GOOD AGAINST AGL? is it impossible for them to just atk her with 1 of their many 4/4s that have flight and range and cant be attacked on your init? all you gotta do is attack her :/. also simply reading the card would tell you using her ability doesnt stop chomins stunning because thats part of the cost of his ability.
also i wasnt aware she stopped payment effects too.. but even if she did it does nothing but save you 1-3 point of damage for a ko of a resource
and deranged.. lets see here it COULD be
A) BUT the fact that i've only brought it up once out of thread doesnt mean i try to talk about it all the time. and its not my fault you are a st claire barn :(
it certainly ISNT
B) even if i was homosexual alot of people would be questioning why a sexy beast such as myself would hit on you :(