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Originally posted by Sparrowhawk UDE decided that Hans broke the rules on purpose.
UDE decided that Karl broke the rules accidentally.
Hans got banned for 3 years.
Karl was let off and won the PC.
I'll assume you meant to right what actually happen and not this over simplified biased gobldygook that's on my screen right now.
Karl had a legal deck that was misregistered. He had written a card on the list that he wasn't using. His deck was still legal without it. He got a warning for the decklist error and went about his buisness thouroughly abashed
Hans cheated. Madness ensued.
See the difference? Its subtle, so you may have to look those things over a couple of times to get it. :cross-eye
Originally posted by EvilBaby I'll assume you meant to right what actually happen and not this over simplified biased gobldygook that's on my screen right now.
Karl had a legal deck that was misregistered. He had written a card on the list that he wasn't using. His deck was still legal without it. He got a warning for the decklist error and went about his buisness thouroughly abashed
Hans cheated. Madness ensued.
See the difference? Its subtle, so you may have to look those things over a couple of times to get it. :cross-eye
I repeat:
People can talk about the circumstances of each case for as long as they want but those are the facts we have.
I don't know whether either cheated nor do I really care. I just get annoyed at people who jump on a bandwagon and don't think for themselves. UDE decided that Hans cheated and that Karl didn't so Hans is the devil and Karl is a saint, and anyone who talks about it and doesn't make it clear that is how they feel get bashed.
I would love to know how everyone would have acted if UDE had decided that Hans didn't cheat or that Karl did but I guess thats one of those what ifs you can never know.
Also I would love to know how what I said was biased. I gave the facts. We can never know for sure whether either cheated. We can only know the common consensus. To assume that one or the other did is biased. I didn't.
Anyway getting briefly back to the topic of the thread, it is a world tour in that there are locations outside the US on the Google map.
However, according to that there are 5 according to my count outside the US.
1 in Australia
4 in Europe - all of which have happened.
If you are going to spend quite a bit of money on a fancy advertising campaign that claims to show all the worldwide VS events coming up make sure it does!
There are several PCQs coming up in the UK that aren't on there or on UDEs tournament locator. People say that UDE's lack of support in Europe is due to lack of sales and attendances, but they are really shooting themselves in the foot if they don't advertise their tournaments. How are you supposed to get good attendance figures when people don't know there is an event going on.
The City Championships are on the UDE tournament locator, but as they have hyped them up as something special you would think they would feature them on their shiny new world tour... unless they regard them as many players do, as poor mans PCQs.
Originally posted by VsNinja03
As far as the game being american, I hate to break it to everyone who hasn't gotten the memo. Comics are a part of american history. now japan might want to call it manga, and europe calls it whatever *do they read over there? j/k*
Well, comics are part of the European history all the way back from the 15th century (when there was no USA), and if you consider egiptian hieroglyphs as a form of expression that's similar to comics, you can say that comics originated in Africa. :rolleyes: So much for comics being part only of american history.
On topic, the "World Tour" marketing scheme just makes people that live outside of the US angry, I really don't see the point in that (unless UDE will reveal next month their two year plan that has PCs all over the globe, with 10K/PCQs in Europe announced at least a month in advance, since it seems that noone knows when are the exact dates of random tournaments here).
Originally posted by Saeba Well, comics are part of the European history all the way back from the 15th century (when there was no USA), and if you consider egyptian hieroglyphs as a form of expression that's similar to comics, you can say that comics originated in Africa.
Someone's been reading Promethea! Bravo, that was brilliant.
Well, how many of those were about superman? None. Comics might not be from america but the comics focused on in this game are a part of american culture. The games isn't comic themed, otherwise we could have comic book guys like Asterix in the game. It is american comic themed. You have to realize that. The roots are meaningless. The only important thing is the culture the characters being used are coming from.
Wow, stubarnes knows that I exist, now I'll be famous in my small european country where time has stopped and we all still live in fear of the evil count that lives on top of the mountain! ;) j/k
Well, the person to whom I responded to wasn't that articulate, and his post could have been interpreted like he was trying to say that Europe, Japan or any other country don't have any comic culture or history whatsoever.
I understand your point, PhilliesMan. Vs is based on american comics, and it's natural that the majority of the players are from the US, since they can be drawn to the game in the easiest way - through the comics, while in Europe it's a different story (for example, here the people get drawn to the game because of the mechanics, and then they start reading the comics).
And I think that every European with a little bit of sense can agree that the majority of the premium tournaments should be held in the US, there is no point in discussing that.
It is just that it pains us to see a game with such GREAT potential, that we all love so much, receive few premium tournaments in other parts of the world, and that they aren't announced well in advance, etc.
what a load of rubbish! jus because super man and all the rest were made in the us doesnt mean that all the people who play vs are from from the us. ever since i was little my dad has all the super hero comics and i read them all and grew up with super heroes as much as ppl in the us, i even played marvel overpower before this! many ppl all over the world love comics and like playing vs and all they ask is that there game gets support where they live, just like other games do.
Originally posted by VsNinja03 As far as the game being american, I hate to break it to everyone who hasn't gotten the memo. Comics are a part of american history. now japan might want to call it manga, and europe calls it whatever *do they read over there? j/k*
Originally posted by VsNinja03 I never said that comics were only from usa. I said, these are based in america.
Comics are universal. Manga is the Japanese word for Comic. Europeans do read and that was a fairly poor joke.
I would hazard a guess that Europe has a good claim on the earliest comics with the cave paintings at Lascaux in France, but I apologise if earlier ones have been found elsewhere.
I can agree with Alex's frustrations but of course can be relieved that it means little need for international travel for me.
In the end you have to keep in mind that VS is still considered a fledgling of a game and since the majority of the player base exist in the United States, that's why you see more catering to the United States. To take away that support from your largest player base would be suicidal to the game at this point in it's life.
I'm sure that as we continue to move along and the player base continues to grow internationally that the game will venture out more and more. But you have to keep in mind the budget that UDE works with on the game, the availability of staffing to make long international trips, and of course the number of players who may attend such said event.
In the end UDE is a business, they're main goal isn't really to provide a game that is convenient to everyone, but to turn a profit with the said game.
marvel and dc comics are known also here.
the thruth is that ude is ignoring europe after they get a failure due to their wrong management.
they think that european market is no good for them but they can't hope to get the same results as in the U.s.a. if they don't change something.
different market = different methods.
Originally posted by Uly As far as i know really Vs is only an AMERICAN game that anchors down in such international hotspots as Indianapolis and Atlanta.
Please, random 10Ks do not count. I dont see that map going anywhere outside the US anyway...
This is just false advertising. For Shame!
While I completely understand your frustration, this game is actually starting to turn a profit for UDE. If they can really entrench themselves in the TCG market now, they will be able to sustain this game for a long time. I think this is the "Golden Hour" which will make or break the game in the long run.
Unfortuately, I think to consolidate that position, they have focused heavily on their strongest market. Good for us, bad for you.
Hopefully, now that the game seems headed for sure footing you will see a PC in the near future. You guys certainly deserve one IMO and I would love an excuse to visit Sydney again.
For those of you who take issue with this "world tour" marketing slogan, wake up. Its just marketing. As with any advertising, if its not technically a lie, its fair game.