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stun a 4 to destroy a 1 and a 2 in a swarm, after the 4 has attacked?
Nothing like a card that gets neutered by Mob Mentality, which lots of decks will be playing. Remember that Silver Age has heaps of anti-targeting meta:
Mob Mentality
Nice Try!
If everyone expects to see a fair bit of JLA/JLI ally decks, are people going to start packing unmasked into their decks in preparation for those types of decks?
Originally posted by WalterKovacs Coming off a win at the PCQ in Montreal, there are now three people in our 'group' that are qualified ... so, considering there is also a 10K in our area that's running Silver Age ... we decided we are going to 'go for it' and try to playtest our way into some silver age goodness.
We're in the early stages of the process, basically looking over the three Modern Age formats, as well as seeing what decks in the current format translate easily to Silver Age.
We'll likely not start testing 'in earnest' until Infinite Crisis hits.
Not to mention, it's still unknown what the draft will be ... X-Men or IC.
As fun as it was playing Jank in Indy [although admitedly, my jank did include Dr. Light] I'd rather go in with a deck I feel confident can make day 2 ... because I am confident in my limited skills enough that if I can make day 2 I'll probably be able to get a little cash in my pocket.
But so far the only Silver Age deck I've conciously built was a Morlocks/Society mill deck that leads to Emperor Joker ... just so that I can keep track of how 'viable' the deck is at any given time. It's much more solid than previous incarnations ... I'm considering going Golden with the deck though, because the addition of Last Stand would increase it's defensive capabilities by a lot. [Although, it was Golden Age stuff that beat it ... a Child Lock getting all four of their Flame Throwers early and a Titans deck using Garth to double Betrayal because I wasted my extra teams up earlier to mill ... made it to turn 7 both games at least ... even pulled off a trick with Healer, Storm, and Good Samaritan to gain an extra endurance by evading, then recovering a character more than once.]
IC won't have as big an impact on Silver Age as X-men on Modern ... but we're going to see the "day the spoilers come out" as the start of your serious playtesting.
As an added bonus, it's also the end of my exams, and the start of my work schedule, meaning that I have more time to work nights and weekends on playtesting :)
I'll see you there next time. Or hopefully not, actually, as I haven't won the past few tiems with you there =/.
Originally posted by Canadian Bacon If everyone expects to see a fair bit of JLA/JLI ally decks, are people going to start packing unmasked into their decks in preparation for those types of decks?
I don't think that people expect to see a lot of JLA/JLI decks. It hasn't hit the metagame in a huge way at PCQ's or 10K's, so people won't bother teching against it at PCSF.
Players are much more likely to play weenie hate, as the lack of Flame Trap will be felt. Weenie decks, whether they are AGL, GLEE, or Multiple Man Combos will cover about 33% of the field, I'd say. That will allow, of course, the 8% of players who do play JLA/JLI to have a great chance at Day 2. The Ally deck can get to it's own weenie hate with Hero's Welcome... A great way to tutor for the 4 & 5 drop Green Arrows, who can deal weenie decks some hurt on or off-initiative.
Plus, I'd also bet that Ally decks will pack 1 Monitor Womb Station and 2 New Era to go get them, so Unmasked is easily dealt with.
Originally posted by Canadian Bacon If everyone expects to see a fair bit of JLA/JLI ally decks, are people going to start packing unmasked into their decks in preparation for those types of decks?
Is it really even possible to tech cards like Unmasked for Silver Age? There's no Alfred or Boris to go grab it. Hellfire Club seems to be the only team that can run a true PT toolbox. I don't see anybody running 3 and 4 copies of Unmasked for JLA. Besides, pure JLI 4-resource isn't really affected by Unmasked.
The JL-Ally builds each have ways of handling the potential use of Unmasked, which is otherwise not too exciting a card. The JLA Curve builds will probably be working with a good toolbox of locations, anyhow, making New Era and 1x or 2x Monitor Womb Station a perfect plan for UCCM (Unmasked-Counter-Counter-Measures). Builds like my own, the 4-or-less / ally hybrips, can pretty much just run enough other pumps so that replaying Unmasked via its reflip effect isn't very cost-effective. Winning before Unmasked gets played is another potential solution, and one which can actually come into play.
Of course, this assumes people really think it's worth running Unmasked for the JL and occassional Kang or B-Hood matches. The Hellfire Club really has other concerns, blowing Kooey for Unmasked is counter-productive against non-Fire-abusing builds, and likewise, Fire and Barry Allen seem the only really tempting reasons to blow the cards for Marvel's Most Wanted or RP's for Kang Kong.
What I think is most interesting is the potential for the new Squadron / Thunderbolts hybrid in MMA to move back into Silver Age. Genis-Vell is a fun addition to the deck for those games where 5 isn't the last turn, and getting to switch more turn-length pumps back into the deck could further expand the deck's already notable prowess.
While Mental stall is an interesting choice for MMA, I suspect that some form of Brotherhood Energy will prove to be more servicable as a SA choice. We've been testing a deck we've come to refer to as "Common Energy" that uses the hybridization of the Energy trait and the Reservists of the Brotherhood and Hellfire Club affiliations. Any deck that gets to use Insignificant Threat and Magnetic Force (a ridiculous card, BTW) reliably is fun against the swarmier decks of the format. ^_^
AGL / Faust decks really set the bottom end for the probable SA metagame. They can reliably hit on 5, and turn 4 explosions are fully possible (while you rarely actually get the win on 4, it's easy to get into an auto-win position for the following turn). I might get bored and play around with some Neo-Intergang build to see if that's going to be a sufficiently reliable deck to consider. Turn two wins are pretty frickin' crazy.
Oddly enough, Glock is still looking to be really hot in SA. Ghost Rider is a win condition against most of the decks in the format, and the loss of Cover Fire is easy enough to overcome. It doesn't have an easy game against the heaviest aggro decks, but its win conditions trump most other stall decks, and it really does a number on decks that try to play a bit of the control and aggro angles. It's one of Common Energy's worst matchups, for that reason. ^_^
This Monday, expect an article on the current development of the new CE for both the Silver Age and Marvel Modern Age formats. So far, unfortunately, the loss of Insignificant Threat really seems to have messed with the deck's chi, but some 11th hour developments this weekend might rectify that some.
The truth is, no one knows. No one knows. Just play, play more, all this talk is meaningless. None of these decks have seen a format without the origins set except the powerhouse Squadron deck. So it has to start there.
Originally posted by Terias The truth is, no one knows. No one knows. Just play, play more, all this talk is meaningless. None of these decks have seen a format without the origins set except the powerhouse Squadron deck. So it has to start there.
Thats why the thread is called
'what are YOU TESTING for silver age'
'what do you think will be the best silver age deck'